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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. Grobnar was annoyingly bad.
  2. I'd imagine it'll be an SAS rescue operation or something like that if military action takes place, and we probably won't know about it till it's over and done with.
  3. Definately a programmer.
  4. I'll drink to that!
  5. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. What, like the kind a good whiskey can give?
  6. Band: Anathema && Ulver, depending upon my mood. Movie: The Lord of The Rings series. TV Series: Battlestar Galactica. Cartoon: Transformers Book: Conan stuff writ by R.Howard. Comic Book: I don't really bother with them. PC Video Game: Arx Fatalis. Console Video Game: R-Type , okay Super Monkey Ball. Games Console: Wii. Drink (Ale): Hobgoblin. Drink(Larger): Stella. Drink(Spirit): Vodka. Drink(Other): Moniak Mead. Motorcycle: Harley-Davidson V-Rod. Powa CREWWSA
  7. Wahoo! Fallout LARP here i come!
  8. When you say "cuppa", do you mean coffee? Because, if you do mean coffee, that is so incredibly untrue, it just boggles the mind. Edit: If you don't then, of course, I'll shut up. He means tea...
  9. LOL perhaps, but then again I can't help but feel that reviewers have way too much influence over people in general. If you want to hate a game, you will find things you hate about it, same goes for if you want to like something.
  10. oh I know this, but exposing them all for the hypocritical parasitic worms they are is slowly become'in a hobby for me. Naturally it's nothing person against Mkreku directly.
  11. I'm questioning your credibility as a journalist.
  12. Yes. What's the problem? I'm not playing this for review purposes. I bought this (Collector's Edition) because I want to support Piranha Bytes no matter what. But I also realize they have a really bad track record when it comes to bugs and unfinished games, so I decided to wait for a few patches before (possibly) ruining the experience for myself by playing a game that's not finished. Time to wait is usually a luxury I don't have. Hey I didn't need to do anything, you've done it all for me in one fell swoop. Double standards.
  13. *shakes head* This threads gone south...
  14. That's just sensible.
  15. Thulsa Doom - Sins of the next man. Any song with lyrics such as: Now satans gunna take my soul, You wanna hang me on the wall, Satan wants me because I'm beautiful. gets my vote :D
  16. That's a shame... I thought you was "in" with all those guys.
  17. http://www.pspfanboy.com/2007/02/26/psp-ge...wn-in-ms-paint/ Watch that lass... LOL In all honesty I just use photoshop, as I have access to it... well i don't have a signature but you get my point I hope. There are some freeware art programs out there... But nothing as good as Photoshop. Try a google.
  18. People talk about games being rushed, and it's true they are rushed sometimes, but that's usually down to the time frame of development that's set at the start of a project. It's always difficult to judge how long development will take, there are always problems which cannot be planned for, but that said, I'm not disappointed with obsidian, so far they hit deadlines and produce the goods. Someday we may all get lucky and see obsidian develop a game and engine without the pressure of publishers deadlines.
  19. You need to try harder! Volo owns your ass when it comes to be irrational, and illogical.
  20. I've had it on preorder for a while...
  21. So because it's gothic you'll wait for patches? RIGHT! I hope everyone is paying attention.
  22. Stiff little fingers - tin soilders
  23. Dune 2! Old skool.
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