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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. If a game can upset you that much, you probably should unclench a little. The game doesn't upset me half as much as the endless stream of tards that wander along worshipping it like some minature god of gaming goodness, and folk tend to react when you insult it and explain why it's such a cackfest of mentally unstimulating dhoom, with the same anger that you'd expect them to react with if you'd just told them that their loveable old granny is a stinking hag and should be put down. Usually I wouldn't mind so much but it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain (perhaps even less I'm still unsure as to the exact number of neurons required for the calculation) that the entire FF series should be THE contender for biggest steaming pile of crap ever to hit the shelves, a none interactive story with the dullest gameplay mechanics on the planet, wandering around, mixing things up with awful minigame implementations, and people make it out like it's THE best thing since porn became freely available thanks to the internet. It's like all the FF fans have got togeather for some mass bukkake party just because the game is japanese! The series is the MAIN reason I absolutely and without a doubt REFUSE to play any JRPG's, it is responsible for the half cut androgenous emo-tard look, infact I may as well go so far as to say that basically FF is responsible for 90% of social ills! But everyone is too busy bitching about how manhunt 2 is too violent to realise what the real guilty parties in gaming are. BAN FINAL FANTASY! DO IT FOR YOUR CHILDRENS SAKE! ITS PURE DEGENERATE FILTH!
  2. I never said anything was a fact, only that I prefer the 2nd edition rules as well as the games (PC,PnP). I also stated that strictly adhering to the rules are not very important. In regards to game creation, sticking to the rules may infact be part of the contract, everything is usually vetted by WotC, whom certainly have a considerable say over what happends with their own IP. Personal preferance, does not indicate that any said rule system is better for implementation in a computer game. I have and I always shall say the same thing about rules, it's far too subjective a thing to be able to state a particular ruleset is more enjoyable than another, but you can state which has more logical mechanics, as frankly logic tends to be rather boolean, 3e mechanics are certainly more suited to implementation in a computer game environment, that's mostly down to logical complexity.
  3. Can you present your evidence to this fact? Scientific backing, statistics? Or is it really just your opinion? Oh we're playing that game are we, well... How about you start by presenting your evidence, and I'll just chuck every D&D game at you since 3e based games began production, better still... IWD2's rule implmentation when compared with IWD's rule implementation. I don't think it really comes any clearer than that, well except perhaps those with zero intuition who need to be told a spade is infact a spade.
  4. There isn't much I can really say about it, the implementation was on par with NWN's, so I feel there really is no need to complain. What I will do is say that, the rule system alone made the game accessable to me missus, whom refuses to play BG 1 & 2, IWD and Planescape : Torment, purely based upon her dislike of 2e rules. It's simple and matter of fact really... 3e rules translate alot better than 2e rules when it comes to implementation in a computer game, that's not to say that one ruleset is better than some other in P&P terms, that's far too a subjective question imho, and a whole other debate. The core mechanic of 3e do seem alot more logical, for example AC, and BAB... THAC0 always seemed rather stupid, and somewhat backwards... It's the whole, lower AC is better, and aiming to hit AC0 that baffles me from a logical perspective... It doesn't make as much sense as higher AC being better, and higher BAB increasing ones chances.
  5. I've never had a good thing to say about FF7... Kaftan would probably be kinder than me towards the game. Out of some kind of personal interest (I don't wanna get banned) I will simply say... I thought it was ****.
  6. Let me guess, Monty is chief monkey coordinator and general tea/coffee guru?
  7. Anything by Chris Morris always tickles my ribs...
  8. Yeah I'm sure Kaften is just drooling, snarling and generally chomping for this game.
  9. At it's basic level it's a matter of offsetting a vertices position from it's original mesh vertex position, hardly a huge feat, but not entirely easy either, depends upon the constraints. A prototype system shouldn't take more than a week, but an integrated system that doesn't screw up any of external effects placed upon said vertices is a whole other ball game, it does have some really horrible potential knock on impacts, frankly its the kind of thing you'd start working on in conjunction with any said animation engine, and if the animation engine was already built then it is questionable about any ease of compatibility, at that stage it depends upon already integrated capibilities. The system alone is fairly basic.
  10. I've always meant to ask you Adam, what's your area of programming that you specialise in, or are you more of a jack of all trades?
  11. Ninja's == BAD IDEA! They're the antipathy of ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM SPLAT!
  12. Well, when you can narrow it down to your top three, feel free to share. Narrowing it down is easy enough, the poll is a joke. Wii PC Amiga(Any version).
  13. You know, I'll be shocked if the difference in load speed is ever felt in any sort of dramatic fashion. TGA is widely used. DDS's only benefit is that it stores data in the same way as its stored in memory in DX, or if you want to use a 3D texture or Cube Map. There's not very many reasons not to use DDS texture maps. It sounds like they are having issues with different DXT compressions and standardizing on how texture maps are generated. Artists not being able to get the desired response is good enough a reason as any! Going from TGA back to DDS isn't really that big of a deal. Kaftan had mentioned they were having problems, is it not more sensible that progress is gained via a change in texture format? (even if its only temp), than to spend days upon days fiddling around trying to get a desired result and halting a projects progress? Such a problem can be resolved at a later date if so required, where time cannot be won back, an entire team on their first serious outing(which I assume this is), will suffer most likely enough set backs without adding another one to the list. If it is a major problem, and for some reason DDS is a requirement, then a single solitary fellow can undergo the learning process and pass the knowledge along, the worst thing that will happen is someone will spend time converting textures, a dull job indeed, but much better than no textures working correctly.
  14. There are a million problems with this thread...
  15. I know exactly how it is... I'm sure I'll get to see something in engine at some point naturally, and when I do... I'll happily do an exchange .
  16. I want screenshots DAMNIT! I'll show you mine, if you show me yours
  17. Using a wiimote with a PC has been around for a while... SHOCK HORROR you can also do this with a 360 controller ZOMG!
  18. And here I was thinking it was simply, Mr Chris Avellone.
  19. Sony clearly bought you off mkreku, IGNORE THE JOURNALIST EVERYONE JUST MOVE ALONG!
  20. It's driven by the fear of the suites that if they actually ask a programmer to explain why X is required, they actually will explain why, it it'll take several weeks, be totally incomprehansible to the suite and eventually result is suicide... It's easier to just nod and agree with programmers, that way they may actually get home LOL. Actually in all honesty I value an artist to do what he does regardless of my opinion, he should understand his colour pallette and the overall result they wish to attain over everything else, and frankly while the code can be crap if it looks good nobody will know that it's held togeather in a shabby manner... It's almost a matter of vision vs logic, the resulting game is a comprimise between the pragmatism of the programmers to provide the designers and artists with said abilities in the world, and the initiative, and imagination of the artists and designers to actually trick the user into believe something is when it may not be at all...
  21. *sigh* Artists, talk about being wired different... sometimes I fail to be able to sleep because of... Artists and Designers! WEIRDOS! THE LOT OF YOU!
  22. @\NightandtheShape/@ it's Gromnir, not grobnar. If you're going to call someone a tard for not getting your username right, at least get theirs right as well. That way, *you* won't make an ass of yourself. Too bad you did. Sarcasam, it's wasted on forums... I don't get what you were being sarcastic about. Does this really warrent discussion? Can't we just leave it at I purposely refered to Gromnir as Grobnar... It's not an easy concept to convey in text and I admit I did a damn poor job, I should have perhaps written it thus: Grobnar it's Nightshape, tard!
  23. eek, nope don't like the box frog, it doesn't make sense to my head at all... surely you can give a box alot more personality! Instead of obviouslly alluding to the thought of "Oh look a box that jumps like a frog!"
  24. Those additions are recent additions to the engine.
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