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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
Far as I am concerned my impression is that if I don't believe what walkerguy believes I must be an idiot... Which is fine, it's retarded, it's evil, but it's fine. -
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
Nightshade pretty much sums up the facts from what I can see... -
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
The problem with what you're saying isn't that I may agree or disagree, the problem is that you're projecting your own moral standing onto the situation... I may even agree with some of your sentiments, I may not. You believe as many Christians believe, in regards to goodness being acceptance, love and caring. Lots of altruistic overtones. Stating that Genoside = period, for example is very much you saying what you feel on the topic, it is both understood and noted by myself. There cannot be ABSOLUTE moral facts, there is only a wide acceptance of the belief, which is subjectively fact to those believers. Naturally conviction itself of any belief in any moral standpoint indicates that such things should be spread amoung people, because in the event that everyone believed that genoside = then it could never be advocated and thusly never happen. Though even in that event it doesn't make it good, everyone would just believe it is, which certainly makes it easier to define good and evil, but that doesn't make it true. If everyone believed in god, would that mean that god existed, as in undeniable fact? Or would it just mean that all people believed the same thing? I am inclined to the latter as belief in something doesn't make it fact. Or here is a particular favourite, what if there was a god and said god was actually totally evil then wouldn't you be advocating something evil where you thought it good? So as I was saying, you're projecting that belief, but I can say that IT IS A FACT, that people in this world hold other beliefs, and genoside has been advocated, and because of that what you present as good, and true cannot be true for all, and thus not good for all. For example you appear to believe that violence is wrong... I may not, I may even believe that violence is good, I may even go so far as to say that war is a damn fine thing, it kills off the weak, keeps populations down etc... etc... All benefits from my hypothetical standpoint. Now ask yourself this question... What do you do about all the people whom don't hold the same morality that you do? -
Oh yeah.... BRASS EYE! Anyone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7jVnrfoZD8 Monkey Dust?
That really is weird. I don't LIKE The Office, but I know it is very very funny. It's just too painful to watch. I can only manage three minutes at a stretch. I never liked the office, I never found it funny either... The whole thing was wasted on me... What I will say is Extra's is funny .
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
The problem is that you're projecting your own morality onto the arguement, instead of rationally thinking about it without any emotional attachment. It is obvious to me that you're unable to think about certain things without being offended, rape offends me, child abuse offends me, setting kittens on fire offends me, genocide offends me. I believe these things are WRONG, but that doesn't make the universally wrong. Good and Evil exist for you in whatever manner you wish them to, some things are more universally agree'd upon, but that doesn't make said arguement correct, if that was infact the case then genoside would never happen, but it will, and it shall again, and for it to happen people must agree that it is a good thing, and enough people must agree. -
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
The same side of a coin viewed for two seperae angles... There is no good or evil, only perspective. Oh of course. Mass genocide isn't evil, is it? Killing people is fun, right? And rape isn't evil, is it? From one perspective, the victim had it coming, right? Setting a kitten on fire isn't evil either, is it? 'Cause flames are kewl, right? When it comes to what is good/right and what is evil/wrong, generally it's more black and white than people may think. Sure, it's not always like that: things like capital punishment and abortion are significantly morally debated topics, but to say there is no good or evil is ridiculous. Ooooh, That one got under your skin didn't it. You have a right to a personal and moral standpoint, naturally you can believe that something is evil, or that it is good... And naturally I would myself. I hope you don't suppose I think such things are good? Everything that I say next is not a representation of my own morality. It is simpley a demonstration of what I said, and thus why I believe it is a correct statement that there is no good or evil only perspective. You suppose that mass genoside is "evil", but those whom are commiting said genoside must obviously see some good in it? If there was a percieved benefit to killing, at that point the perspective becomes good for the benefit of those whom are committing said genoside. As killing people for "fun" makes no sense. If my moral standpoint is that the wholesale slaughter of individuals for the gain of other individuals is wrong, then maybe I would say it is evil. Though if I had a different set of morals, say, a morality of whatever benefits me positively is good, and I would gain from genoside, then perhaps I would say it was the right thing to do, perhaps even a good thing. I'm not going to expand upon the others, because I don't want to upset people, and people certainly get upset whenever kittens are involved . Point being quite simple really, good and evil do not exist in the manner of universal truth, the idea that there is but one good that is true for all, you can have your own personal perspective of what is good, I may even agree with you, lots of people may agree, thousands or millions may, but it doesn't make it good, it makes it agree'd. Edit: The Architect, are you Christian? You have that... Tone about you. -
Kaftan's development thread of doom
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Developers' Corner
Damn right slug...! -
Zero Punctuation - Yahtzee reviews
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Pop's topic in Computer and Console
He isn't alone, and pretty much everything he's said this week is true, well when you strip out all the obvious entertainment elements. -
Aliens RPG vs. Alpha Protocol
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to mkreku's topic in Computer and Console
They both seem like they're going to be awesome, I'm totally impartial, I can't decide. -
I don't see anywhere that they fixed the lovely transition bug, but that could just be because, I am tired. Anyways, that one was a pretty annoying and consistant bug for me, though... I came up with a work around.
An example of why it isn't always God
@\NightandtheShape/@ replied to Humodour's topic in Way Off-Topic
The same side of a coin viewed for two seperae angles... There is no good or evil, only perspective. -
I know ... But its still teh awesome!
It was more a comment on mkreku's fabid gothic fanboyism... He has a point though Gothic is good. LOL! I was teasing you, hon. I know mkreku is a Gothic fanboy, but I actually enjoyed the game and its first sequel. Haven't gotten Gothic 3 yet, since the rumors are that it is an incredible resource hog and buggy beyond belief. Darn, if you don't let me hastle you, where's the fun? BTW, how is your game coming along? Don't hassle me! I'm waaay waaay too autistic to understand humour. Last year I was part of a team that came 2nd in a competition called Dream Build Play, which was run by Microsoft(for good or ill), which secured a contract... The game is called "Yo Ho Kablammo" and will at some point when the folks whom are still working on it, and finish it, be released on XBox 360 and I believe PC, I'm no longer working on it mind, I'm currently working on a whole other game which Team 17 are coming to check out on the 8th I believe. It's utter chaos for me at the moment, as I'm finishing my degree... All that is left for me is to find a Job. Gothic 3 while a resource hog, is worth a purchase if you have the hardware, latest patches have supposed to improve the performance, and stability...
I'm playing microsoft visual studio 2005, it's pretty cool, and mostly text based, if you're uber skilled at it though when you press F5 awesomeness happends, and you unlock this great kickass minigame! Right now I'm at the part where you have to make all these little buttons so you can navigate to the point where you unlock the game properly... I think the best thing about Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is how dynamic and expandable it is to the user, and also it's never ENDING. I must have clocked up somewhere in the region of 1000 hours+ It's awesome, I'm totally addicted. I'll warn you though, even with all the hint books out on the market this game is perhaps the hardest on the market, but it comes in many flavours some are easier than others. Oh did I mention how Microsoft keep releasing these expansion packs, like direct X and XNA! If you have no life, and you don't know what (or are afraid of) girls then Microsoft Visual Studio is so for you, but be warned people its only for truly hardcore gamers! MVS FTW! 10/10
It was more a comment on mkreku's fabid gothic fanboyism... He has a point though Gothic is good.
RiP... To say A.C. Clarke was a visionary is an understatement.
Wow... Di... That's a shock. Sadly I have no advice... Oh and mkreku recommends Gothic to anything with a pulse. On the matter of A and B... A, Geralt is actually a very cool character, and B is optional.
Heh, I've owned a couple of external 24bit live cards for a while, fairly cheap, and easy to switch from system to system... Though I do wanna get myself one of these: http://uk.europe.creative.com/products/pro...p;product=16642
How bizzare Austria is one of those countries that since WW2 seems to have remained absolutely silent...
I must admit, I certainly enjoied Hellgate! Funnier still I didn't think all that much of Diablo...
Ah, in terms of from inception to result I can only agree. My first reaction as to you being mad, was more my gut instinct as GW's doesn't really look very western infact it goes whole hog in factions and displays its asain roots. I'm certainly no artist, I just prefer gritty and real, opposed to colourful. I'm a big fan of desaturation . Heck sod it all games should be in Black and white with Reds for blood
To clarify my previous post which has drawn some attention from fellow board members, I was mostly trying to exaggerate my supposed anally retentive attitude which tale implied... The entire post was supposed to be somewhat illegitimate, and I thought it implied no direct seriousness on my part and would have been read thus... But these things happen. My actual thoughts on FF as a series is that it is infact a relitively poor bunch of games, which are inadvertantly extremely popular. I have actually played a fair few JRPG's, enough to have formed the opinion that I really don't want to spend anymore time playing them. I find them artistically unappealing, but this is not some ignoramious. I would certainly say I have enjoied anime in the past, so it isn't that which I generally dislike. The FF games have been responsible for helping fuel an entire genre, of which I actually think is a good thing, more people playing games the better I say. I will though always stand by a certain bunch of statements particularly about FFVII, the story and its delivery is what I would consider to be downright awful, it's both unentertaining (to me), and totally uninteractive. It can only be called at best a poorly written book. Secondly, random encounters... The way they're done in FF serves no real purpose, they're neither challenging, or of any particular point, and they become annoying extremely quickly, or atleast I found them to be. Third, the combat mechanics, it really is pure drivel, even the summon's don't make up for the fact that each battle is a repetative cycle, its annoying and personally I found it to be extremely unrewarding, and unenlightening. Menu navigation on this level coupled with an unentertaining result certainly doesn't get me jumping around screaming for more. Of all the game mechanics in any game, this ranks up there for me as the worst way to deal with combat, it was less enjoyable than PoR:ROMD. Fourthly, mini-games, one or two is fine here and there its fine, but FFVII is jam packed full of them, at times it felt more like one was playing a bunch of crap games all tied togeather opposed to a bunch of great games. I certainly don't have a problem with mini-games, but when advancement is based upon such games it can become a sticking point. So as I hope everyone can see, FFVII offered me nothing, I have a poor opinion of it as a game, but alot of respect for it as a product. I do also find the way that people jump to the defense of JRPG's funny, I feel there is nothing to defend, perhaps its because I didn't grow up with pokemon. What I will say is that, while I don't like JRPG's, I do like pleanty of other games from Japan.