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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. University of Huddersfield.
  2. Metallica - "Where ever I may roam"
  3. It's not. I can confirm atleast that much, I won't be working at Obsidian Entertainment anytime soon, if at all. Edit: From what I have been able to deduce it is due to the fact that Feargus is actually an animatronic puppet, controlled by the real Obsidian owners (I'm speculating EA, but that's my theory). The money they'd usually use for Visa sponsership is actually directed into Feargus's animatronics.
  4. heh... Probably a result of initial code design screw ups, most likely linked to how objects are moved, thanks to multiplayer considerations. Thats' my guess anyways.
  5. Just wanted to share my general illation having finally recieved my grade for the degree which I have been studying for the past four years. I was awarded a 2:1 for my (Bsc)(Hons)Computer Games Programming, which I am happy with . Next stop, get a job!
  6. LOL... Okay, well try this on for size... "Ulver - Wolf & Man", I really like the song BTW, but I can percieve it as being torment to the average ear... tee hee SUFFER.
  7. So I can nominate any song? And you'll listen to it?
  8. Considering the number of applicants companies must get, I'd say it's a good way of weeding out the weak applicants who are clearly unable. I don't underestimate a CS degree. I basically did a CS + Games degree, doing a lone CS degree would have been easier, but I would have also been alot more ignorant. That was my point, all said mind, a CS degree is always better than nothing. Lots of stuff gives me nightmares .
  9. Indeed people should be aware, and naturally it isn't easy to retain everything all of the time, but you sure can do ya best to brush up on the principles, use them and remember them, and expect to be able to cover it during a job interview. I know that on my particular course, we covered such topics in the 1st year, and 2nd year. Some topics involved with some elements of C++ were never touched upon, and naturally I've learnt them myself. Also you have to bare in mind that a computer science degree will teach you how to program in object orientated languages, but its not likely to cover anything in regards to practical pragmatic games programming principles, which if you're genuinely interested in working in the games industry, understanding how API's such as DirectX and OpenGL function along with the relevent mathematics is very useful. I certainly feel like I have an advantage over any computer science students, afterall I know what they know, but I also understand techniques that are useful for games programming, be it graphics, physics, audio, AI, user input, gameplay, scripting languages, spatial partition etc... That said academic approches to programming won't always yeild the best results in regards to performance, which is an essencial part of games programming, so by taking a course in computer science you will learn alot of stuff, most of it will be relevent at some level, but you've still got a bunch of moutains to climb. My old lecturer refered to the games programming degree as being the toughest course available from that school of the university, clearly it is due to the fact that not only are you expected to cover computer science, you're climbing the second mountain at the same time, this coupled with the amount of extra time required to create anything akin to a game certainly makes such a course more challenging.
  10. Funny you mention the mini-game... I almost forgot it was even in there. What are the controls on the PC for that? It's so intuitive on the XBOX 360, that I never actually had a single problem even once throughout the game, it wasn't even annoying, it felt very natural.
  11. You Have a 77% Chance of Survival! W00t i'm so in for survival :D
  12. One of the things which hasn't been mentioned, or atleast I haven't picked up on it being mentioned as of yet, is that programmers are often required to take "Technical" C++ tests, aswell as answer OOP based questions, its important to be prepared and have enough knowledge to be able to demonstrate complex understanding of the language. Const Correctness, Pure Virtual Functions and Virtual Destructors appear to be favourites, along with lovely questions related to polymorphic principles, I've even been asked what occurs when the compiler compiles, as in make files and .obj files etc... Needless to say, you have to have a fair bit of knowledge just to get to the point of sitting down with folks to be considered.
  13. Lies, I r has seen him on Gamespot TV. That was animatronics... very expensive, that. Oh right so that's why Obsidian don't sponser foriegn nationals for visa's, all the money has gone on "animatronic" Feargus dolls for promotional purposes. It all makes sense now! I still believe it's all a lie, a hoax, Feargus is real and as alive as Elvis! Join the Cult of Feargus, and aid in his second coming! I'm just going to shut up now. Where's my pills....
  14. You bizzare twisted individual. I know... But you love the idea of doing it. Volourn, a would be game developer, if only he could be bothered.
  15. Erm.... You? You graphics harlot...
  16. Well done Kaftan! Glad you guys got your build working. I thought you guys already had a publisher...? I'm a mite bit confused, regardless, good luck.
  17. You said this like years ago. Come now, you can do it. Yeah right! Volo is full of gas, he always has been.
  18. Supreme Commander... Without a doubt. If you like Racing games... rare thing for here but still, if you do, Check out "Race Driver : GRiD".
  19. Lies, I r has seen him on Gamespot TV.
  21. I've been playing a bunch of stuff, but mostly I've been installing stuff and checking it works, short fifteen minute bursts. That said I have found time to play stuff. Mostly Race Driver : Grid, Colin Mcrae : Dirt, and Supreme Commander. Not my typical choice of games.
  22. I had an AS-ROCK mo-bo once, terrible experience, I'd never buy another, the system was never stable and I had some of my worst blue screen of dhoom experiences. That said, you may have a better experience.
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