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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. This is a foolish statement. It is merely a matter of inquiring what fans would like to see fixed, how, why etc... One of the main things about MMO's is that they're constantly being developed, SoE made drastic changes to Star Wars Galaxies, many people felt that those changes broke the game, considering the amount of investment that a company puts into an MMO getting it right for the people playing the game is a high priority. It does seem that AoC is having some teething issues, which is the sort of thing you should expect from an MMO on release, although I have heard that Warhammer Online is exceptionally stable even in its current state. Is AoC finished, clearly not, the fact the guys are still working on the DX 10 renderer should indicate this to most people, AO wasn't finished either on initial release, but it did eventually see some major improvements and became an exceptionally popular game. It is a risky approch that funcom have taken considering that basically WoW is stable, and extremely popular. One could argue that its unethical to release a game in a somewhat unfinished state, and have people pay to extensively test it, but then again it's also the quickest way to flag issues. All's said it does seem that the development team is dedicated to improving the game, so I see no room for complaint. Frankly I'm not a huge MMO fan, I've played pleanty of them, and I would say that AoC is the closet I have come to playing an MMO I would consider to be fun.
  2. I've been working on my DX 9 & 10 rendering engine, I plan on supporting deffered shading and freeform post process addition, things like HDR, Bloom, and Motion blur being added dyanmically. It's merely a practice in anticipation of multi-platform development roles and potential employers... Perhaps it makes me a dull person but its what I do for fun
  3. Looks good, I'm mildly excited...
  4. Python is the kind of language you offer to a designer for scripting, that should clearly demonstrate the complexity from a user perspective as designers ain't porgrammers , it's fairly loose, and free, its easy to embed into C/C++, dynamically typed, has garbage collection and so on... You can also make games with it... Is it worth learning though? Sure. Is it a good first language? NO! Learn something which is type safe and requires strictness in its structure. C/C++ is the main language for games, I regret not having learnt it sooner. It's also important to under objects as soon as possible, the amount of time I spent working in procedural languages did actually effect my ability to understand objects initially.
  5. For a game programming job that actually seems a bit short. I would figure ~6 hours including a break for lunch is about right, but it all depends on the company, position, and how well they have felt you out ahead of time ( phone interviews, informal lunches and such) Of all the people I have met, even those with jobs, I haven't heard of a single person having a 6 hours interview, that's not to say it doesn't happen, I've just never experienced it, and nobody I know who has a job in the industry has told me of such an experience. What I have noticed is that every company is different.
  6. Ahhh, back to your nonsensical self ...
  7. I certainly think it's far superior to WoW, but then again I have a very low opinion of WoW.
  8. Well you guys seem to have alot more experience with this stuff than myself, well scoping out Oslo should be fun...
  9. 1. I was slightly concerned about this, company (B) is paying for flights and hotel for 5 days, alot longer than I expected. 2. I've already done this. 3. The reason for difficulties is that they're making a specific position for me in order to make the offer, that's why it's taking so long, they've already approved the position from a finance point of view. 4. Both are elite disiciplines in their own right, but what I would say is that my skills for company (A) are in excess of my graphics programming skills. 5. Yup, one of the important things for me would be lessons in Norwegian.
  10. Unlikely, you may get a kinda AoC thing where you have online with a sort of single player mode
  11. No doubt, but how long does it estimately take in hours? I'm not gonna fork out 50
  12. I won't confirm which companies, what I will say is that both companies are working on AAA projects. The jobs themselves are actualy very different. Company (A) the position is "Core Engine Programming", something I know alot about. Company (B) the position is for "Graphics Programming", something else I am comfortable with. You make some fair points though so thanks for the input .
  13. Okay, I have a problem, and when I have a problem such as the one I have currently I find that hearing other peoples opinions allows me to gain extra insight into the problem at hand. So here goes... As some of you may be aware, I've been working towards getting in the games development industry as a programmer for some time now, and recently graduated University. Ever since I've been recieving oppertunities for interviews on a weekly basis and spent my time travelling around speaking to some of the top developers in the UK. Now recently I have been made aware that one of the companies is working towards putting togeather a job offer for me, although the offer itself hasn't been fully ratified. The studio itself wants to hire me but to do so they have to clear it with their HQ, and thusly top managers need to approve me for the creation of a position at the company, the company in question is creating a position specifically for me, or atleast they are hoping to as it stands I don't currently have a formal offer. While this has been occuring I have obviously been presented with other opportunities to attend interviews, a particular company has expressed an interest in me and has offered to fly me out to their base in Norway to continue the interview proceedings face to face. I am expecting to hear from company (A) next week, though I have already confirmed that I shall fly out to Norway and speak with company (B). So the problem is related to what I should do if company (A) makes an offer before I actually speak to company (B), would you consider it unethical to to put off company (A), while I speak to company (B)? And would you deem anything unethical in terms of choice's made afterwards?
  14. Not very long, you can certainly do it within a month...
  15. Please... Its average at best. Technology wise it is cool.
  16. Oh please, Unreal Engine 3 doesn't make GoW a fun game.
  17. Didn't help much though did it?
  18. "Oh, Hey..." I reply solemnly, "Yeah, I recieved the link you sent me for 'Swedish Blonde Zombie Harlots XXX', I wasn't impress." *Lets out a yawn* "You can borrow the lawnmower, and Helmet sure... Do you want to come in for a cup of Tea, coffee... A beer?"
  19. *Is sat at his computer* *I let out a yawn, and continue to type, before hearing a knock at the door.* *I stand up quickly and make my way down the stairs, muttering to myself* "Who could this be?"
  20. It was the Puritans that came first. Criminals came later. Just making a point.
  21. Gold. It would if it wasn't for the fact that pleanty of criminals were sent to american colonies as well.
  22. I hate it when you speak sense.... It actually feels offensive, twisted and perverted, like a world gone mad. That doesn't change anything though, you're 100% right I totally agree, the only option is to be "better" and treat him in a manner he doesn't deserve. Don't make a habit of this Volourn, I'd be mortified at the idea of you becoming a normal, sane, and rational human being.
  23. You ever met someone who is absolutely T-Total? It's scary... Very scary. I've met quite a few. They are a bit frightening. Mainly because I was drunk and suffering withdrawal from intravenous drugs, and I thought they were lizards. So you're certainly what I would call a sane, rational human being... My kinda guy.
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