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Everything posted by Zinnwaldite

  1. Tried it for a bit. Was fun in the early game at least, but i have no idea how it would feel later on.
  2. Would be cool if someone could watercolour this one for me. I am quite inept when it comes to that sort of thing. =/
  3. Would be nice to see the Soul Whip weapon particle effect bug be fixed too. Would like to to a playthrough as a cipher. =/
  4. If i recall correctly, he can't use lv3 spells untill he is lv 5.. Maybe 4.
  5. Man, i would really like to find a fix for this. Started my Cipher playthrough and it is really grinding my gears.
  6. Nice, thanks bro. I'll continue on my other save for awhile then =)
  7. Hmm,, okay, so a Pale Elf from the white that wends where most pale elves are said to live.. Let's say from the capital city there,, if they have cities, do they have cities? Or do they simply live off the land? I can't make a Pale elf leaving his ancestral home without knowing anything about that home.
  8. Nothing that really tells about their culture and way of living. Just that they have lived where they have for a long time, and are rare in northern lands..
  9. Thinking i'm gonna make me a Pale Elf. I like to know a bit of lore when i make a char because it helps me roleplay the character better, but i have no real idea what Pale Elf culture is like at all. Are they rural? Technologically simple? Tribal? How is their architecture? How do they govern themselves? Is there a place i can read up on them? I tried the wiki but it had no info at all.
  10. Gameplay feels better overall, good patch, keep it up!! <3
  11. The model should be tweaked a bit,, made to be a bit narrower while still feeling like a fairly long large sword..
  12. I read about zweihander dueling in a fairly old book on dueling with various swords so it was probably a thing back in the day.. I have a zweihander at home and it's only about 3 kg's,, really not that hard to wield, only a bit technical because of how long it is.. It's important to note that they aren't really very wide at all. The technique is very different from other two handed swords like the claymore and such though. Two handed blades in games should be no larger than a claymore, if they are they should be put in a sepparate category.
  13. but,,,, i have school tomorrow.... **** it.. gonna play for 5 minutes... only 5... i promise..
  14. Fingers crossed!!!
  15. HYPE!!!! Gonna be AWESOME!! No doubt!!
  16. There's definitely something wrong with this screenshot. It's NOT how things looked in the gameplay demos. Look at the door in that picture. Look at where the door knob is. It's above the people's heads. That can't be right. That seems to be an illusion.. Try measuring it..
  17. I keep making these short squealing sounds, like a little girl would. I'll be sitting there eating dinner not thinking about anything in particular and then this sound will suddenly come out. I guess i'm really looking forward to getting my hands on this. It's like i'm twelve again..
  18. Wait, super-serious with cringeworthy romances DA:O had humour? Tell me more... cause I seriously don't remember it, at all. They might have tried with Shale, but it didn't quite hit the note... Humor is hit or miss for many people. If the writers put in stuff they find funny then i'll simply appreciate the effort, whether i find it funny or not. I certanly won't expect laughs, but i won't mind a bit of effort if the setting calls for it.
  19. I think i remember playing a boxing game where you could do that..
  20. Awesome, had totally forgotten about the Almanac.Hopefully we'll have access to it before the game comes out, or i'll have to download the game through a 54k modem while i do some reading.
  21. Larian had their own in-house engine to work with, not sure how much easier this makes things though. I do wonder if a company has to pay to use a certain engine, does anyone know how this works? I've never really cared to find out about these things.. That being said, graphically i don't think Divinity looks all that good compared to POE. It does look clean and the spell effects and such are also quite nice. Combat animations are no better than POE seems to be.. Divinity was awesome though, just like POE will be, looks to be a good year for me.
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