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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Anyone that is a subject to influence also needs a personality/attitude adjustment. I voted Handmaiden for the same reasons...and also because she keeps the codes to Atris' lair hidden from you at all times.
  2. I'm just gonna say one thing in a lot of words: Influence = "Picking diaLocks" + no-good. Keep working on it towards changing personalities as well.
  3. Oooh... This is your lucky day, more goodies. I think the SW universe (as well as the gaming world in general) should be rid of all the useless superficial eye candy in favor of a logical context-sensitive bloody embrace. Something that both looks great and has a real purpose is just plain awesome!!! Light saber Colours and the Force Having a prismatic saber, because it looks cool? Blargh. Neither Jedi nor Sith are concerned with coolness which is in itself a totally insecure loser concept imposed by people with flimsical, bordering to the point of non-existing, personalities. Only reptiles, ice and rigor mortis are cool. Having a prismatic saber, because you are yourself a totally chaotic flamboyant character with multiple connections to the force, that's just AWESOME. (w00t) [*] Colours should reflect your connection to the force and your current alignment in combat as well, imo. Maybe your LS saber are hues of blue as long as you fight 'peacefully' but your passion in combat taint it with hues of red towards the DS and your 'passionate' use of Force Powers may also change it. The original idea of K1 Guardians Blue, Sentinel Yello, Consular Green was a pretty nice one, but seeing how the color is separated from the force or class it has really trivial in a meh, moo or boo sort of way. When a sith lord unsheathes his blade and it's bloodred you know you are in trouble, until you show him your pitch black force blade...because you are really the
  4. More goodies: When I see an Alt there is a 50% chance that I also go Gr(rrr). :D
  5. In times before they used to slaughter each other in holy wars and crusades and general plunder...not that that has really changed over time, but today international politics, economics and instant news awareness has crammed a cork down an already heavily crowded pathway. Never cared much for the details, but I think even Europe and the Roman Empire was fighting off the Islamic hordes in ages past. Next step on the way to completely ludicrous speed is to prosecute every religion outside Israel that is using the Jesus/Virgin Mary TM © Jews Incorporated context all the way back to year 0 for copyright infringement and demand royalties. Imagine every bible have a "Licensed by Israel" logo on it and some without that has to be pulled back from the market...and palestinians and every other native people vying for those origins of as well.
  6. Oh, btw I also like to Troll a bit... Now, why did I mention that... Hm, maybe it's because I'm also a generally honest person - except when I lie or troll of course.
  7. One shouts "lists" and all the Geeks come running :D Same as Grunker except Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, VTM: Bloodlines and VTMB is on the first 3 places after PS:T, followed by K1, Fallout and K2.
  8. Nice sentiment, but think BIGGER please: Nuke earth and we can all quit whining and worrying about the future. (w00t)
  9. Go to lucasfiles.com and download a skin mod that brings in new dancer outfits to the game. edit: quotes?...AGAIN...AAAARGH!!!
  10. Boots danes, finn, boot! KICK!! edit: added some liberally butt kicking: evil meet boot.
  11. Glasses too. I think more than half of those people on my list had glasses.
  12. To be contrary. Putting TB into a game such as Might & Magic VI was a total exploit disaster especially outdoors and when flying. Just hit the enemy and fly up out reach or dodge incoming magic b(u)y going up and down. edit: (neither selling nor buying)
  13. The real shame is that this thread seem to suffer from a collective memory wipe each time a page is flipped and old and new readers keep posting the same ideas, suggestion and desired improments over and over...and that I keep repeating myself on this subject. That's a shame, shame on me, shame on you. We're all ashamed.
  14. I thought it was "God hates FAQs", but reading one such as forum guidlines before making such a sig would be a go(o)d idea.
  15. K1: Totally pwnage with the Scoundrel/Jedi Guardian. Getting sneak attack damage modifiers on all jump attacks and with doubleblades; Rancor: *OUCH...RIP*. All that running around is simply not something I like to do. The Jedi Guardian/Weaponmaster was the closest thing to the one from K1, I think.
  16. I am partial to agree with anyone that wants to put a ban on sick psychopathic people (any religion) that promotes superstitution, but not around christmas...unless they start preaching too.
  17. Agreed. As LS I instantly hated the other two council members (Chuck Norris and Kavar) as well as they turned on me. Atris behaved like a Vrook wannabe, but overall I kinda liked her and liked to tease her too. Too bad she was not a romance, would have reminded of Bastila and her initial stuckuppiness. In K1 it's a tie between the Sandpeople, Griff, Calo Nord and Vrook.
  18. I get the.. picture. I once had hair too - in more places. Danny DeVito is obviously flattery and right on target except for the height.
  19. Welcome to the boards. It's a really long thread spanning more than 4657 posts now. Lots of ideas and improvement has been suggested and a lot of those has been reintroduced countless times over. But since it's hell reading thru the 14 previous parts, iteration is really preferrable. That said...please add a little structure, like this. Yep it all has been mentioned before in terms of... Schools and training as this and that, but your notion of powergaming is both new and old. I don't really like the idea of boosting grounds - just start me up as level 7 if that's the point. Some even suggest export/import of your previous uber char from the last game or the current game. Both new basic powers and powers from holocrons and masters and keeping old ones from being replaced by new ones when upgrading. Wasn't this already in K2 in that Sith tomb on Dxun also? You also learn from Masters and Party members and mentioned previously as a new thing from Holocrons. But it's still a good idea as are most except the first and last imo. Starting as jedi/sith/non-jedi with or without cameo tutelage and everything. Special combat moves and styles and finishing enemy moves and etc. Swoops bikes and shuttles for planet-wide transport. Oh, ROBES that's a new one...that is mentioned at least once pr. page. A lot of people are into all that style and customization of Robes, Hoods, Bumpers, Spoilers, Tires, Gloves, Boots, Underware, Upperware, Topperware, Heads, Hair, Facial hair, Nose jobs, Tatoos and so on. I am not one of those people. In the case of (6) I'd actually suggest a Force Teleportation kind of power to quickly change from one area to another and to replace that "return to ship" option as well. edit: #1 damn quotes on edit. #2 missed a list item.
  20. My cover has been blown...AAAARGH!! Paul Simon 68% Knut Hamsun 65% Milan Vidmar 61% Michel Platini 61% Jack Kerouac 57% Danny DeVito 55% Kevin Smith 53% Art Garfunkel 53% Kevin Mitnick 52% Jean Reno 52% I should go to madison square garden with my twins and sing and perform and play soccer.
  21. Yello - One Second. One of those great records that noone should be without. Great tracks like La Habanera, Moon on Ice, Call it love, The Rhythm Divine, Santiago... Si se
  22. Still repeating and iterating every idea that has been mentioned over and over again and each time as it was a new idea of your own? Thanks a lot, my favorite quote is also "I have repeated the same nonsense so many times and I am ready to do again". And: Yeah, I had a feeling you like that too and it's all good because (being done reading the first 11 parts I can guarantee you 100% that) there is no way in Hell, Heaven, Earth or on OE that anyone else are gonna give a damn what's in that 4.657 posts long backcatalogue (unless nitpicking this argument)...not intertwined with all the pointless spam, off-topics and proof reading of some shady mentally philian people. Please bear in mind, that this thread(s) is NOT about: S(im)W(ears): Knights of the Old Republic III: Lords of Style (neither fluffy cuteness nor anime crap) In part 4 Echo_Drive mentioned use of Holocrons that (of course), since has been repeated by other people as well with less and less grace and style for each iteration...until now that is. And since this also will be lost as soon as *that* page flips onto a new page (forever gone) I'm gonna do it short too...so I can repeat it later again. HORRORCRONS!! Could be either or more than... Each holocron can only be used once and you have to decide which ONE among several powers that it offers (stun droid, lightning, scream) or (Heal, Drain) (Resistance, Energy shield) that you wanna learn. Each holocron (like in PS:T Dakkon's Circle of Zerthimon) is opening up to a new layer of knowledge for each level of understanding. Each holocron requires a sacrifice or action to part with its knowledge. Each holocron is tainted and you will be tainted too. Each holocron can be like a sensory stone (PS:T/K1 Rakata Box) with a quest or assignment and it can be trapped too. With this is mind...I've been thinking a bit about a beginning. Pick-up line (Prologue) A lot of whining about starting from scratch. Personally I find all the low-lvl combat and surviving to be the most challenging part of the game and I also like the 'Jedi-school' kind of approach to separate the game from just being an Adventure game by adding an element of roleplay-defining training. I really miss the non-jedi classes too. Anyway...I prefer to leave the content creation to those that master it, but I just think I'll mention this: " 1 - 2000 years has passed. The Jedi/Sith is a myth, reduced to a story about a bogeyman that lives under the beds of naughty children. People even question if they ever existed. Just superstitution. You are some sort of a wannabe "Indiana Jones" kind of being (scavenger/ historian/ archaeologist/ adventurer/ peasant). As the floating SW story goes (or would go), everything sucks and you do too partially. But you, you try to make a difference in some ways in that village or fortress where you live. Doing some odd jobs and 'stuff'. Maybe you got a sister named Imoen and a foster father named Gorion and an evil unknown twin brother somewhere named Sarevok, but who knows... One day while exploring the outskirts of the 'unholy' lands, you are suddenly caught by surprise by a snow storm, in the ice hell of Taris. While searching for a shelter from the storm, you coincidentally stumble into a half buried entrance to a dark and strange underground structure, on top of a snowy peak. (Former home of Atris, but noone knows that) The 'tomb' is inhabited by some ugly and hideous beasts and infected with all kinds of bugs and traps. After making some room and getting warm again you find some old relics, odd gadgets and some ancient holocrons that speaks to you. Some of them makes sense as they can sense the power within you and they teach you things. Things of the Force... ". Whether you actually transform into a jedi or stay with whatever profession you currently have I haven't really considered. The lack of any kind of master or tutor, except the holocrons, initiates a strange and unfocused beginning. You learn as you go. Could be that you start evolving as a force sensitive Scoundrel/Soldier/Scout, with a connection to the force. Which of course is noted by some peoples, that desire or shun the same kind of power for different ends. Other scavengers or people that can sense power comes to mind. (Ok, I lied about short, but I was very bored reading 11 parts.) Comments?
  23. Nothing. I'm trying in between the nothingness to play K1, K2, Bloodlines, DX2..., but apathy, boredom and flashbacks REALLY kills interest. *BIG SIGH*
  24. For a long time I was thinking W..T..F?! (as I read "Most impressive WORD") :"> I agree on the Rakata Prime(SF) world. The landscape as well as the constructs and the notion of a magnetic world (ship graveyard) and a people that have lost the ability to fully exist in their own world and the fall from super to inferior, etc...impressive.
  25. Just read between the lines and you get all the shifty dirty details...which mostly consist of space(s) the final frontier. These are the voyages of ... Maybe I was a bit hasty proclaming stamina before I clicked on '>>' of part 12 just to see how much more I needed to read...1077 p.o.s.t.s.s.. AAARGH!!
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