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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Ah... another poll, good! Dark and murky and full of creepy fluffy cuteness *brrr* in the Shadowlands. Keeping sinister secrets. Kashyyk is my choice.
  2. That's how I do it too mostly, Wikipedia just happens to be among the results quite often.
  3. Oh like that. Got a lot of things disabled in IE. Just fired up Netscape. The actual count is at least 49, since I am omnipresent (nowhere and everywhere).
  4. I only see 23 photos of people out of 36 entries in the Obsidian Entertainment Forums Photos, which are the other 12?
  5. Besides 24 hours is still longer than France or Poland, and there were only two custom guards at the danish border at the time vs. 10.000.000 Nazis armed to the teeth. Besides we were never conquered, we just pretended to go along with the thought of it to strike once we had gottten accustomed to walk and fight on land. You have to remember that we are or were a seafaring people and the cowardly evil Nazis travelled over land. It was a big shock...but we WON. The allied forces weren't too happy about how the invincible Viking forces had decimated the Fuhrer bunker and turned the skull of hitler into a beer mug, so they tried to hush them down, which was actually pretty easy since they had been drinking heavily...Okay, okay so the vikings missed the decapitation of Hitler a lot, big deal and...and that's why they never found the body in one piece, but don't tell anyone. But how about a name change of this thread. I had no idea what this was about initially, based on the title Frappr?? (Add yourself??). 29 people..and they are not all people(?)...out of 13032 members doesn't strike me as a very successful uh, title.
  6. I use it sometimes, mostly as part of posting, whenever I need to refresh some unused parts of my brain about something I normally couldn't care less about...or get some dates right about the few historical things I almost remember.
  7. I don't quite remember but I used to sell every mine and grenade I found in K1 and those thermal ones were pretty good cash. In K2 I actually kept most of it. That's how Mira killed Hanhar and I dealt with Vrook early on. Think I made most cash out of K1.
  8. Fart limit, that's a good one. Probably best understood by Scandinavians. Sild vous plait? Danish-french relationship around the christmas table...
  9. Have you been reading up on Viking history? I think what you just outlined somewhat sums up how Denmark became Christianized. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Looking over the Military thread an evil nazi conspiracy dawned upon me... How come the Nazi dared to invade the most powerful nation in the known universe i.e. Denmark? Because we were temporarily disabled by an evil scheme of...christianity...add the german spy Luther to that end and...AAAARGH!!
  10. It's kinda interesting if you could pick a Twilek or Rodian or other such creature as the race for your Jedi then the Developers could simply recycle that racial gibberish each time you had something to say... I think my head would start to hurt tho. :D
  11. No, he wasn't. He was who you made him out to be. K2 only tried to give every one of his actions some hidden, strategic motive in some crazy effort to turn him into a hero know matter what you did. But regardless, he could be good or evil. I don't care for what reason, slaughtering countless innocents in a war against the Republic is evil, and I think the whole "falling to the darkside because he had too" thing was complete bullcrap. They tried to turn Revan into a god and it only made his character worse and less realistic, IMO. Also, him fighting the Republic to "prepare it" is really unrealistic if you think about it. Anyone who knows war knows that war always weakens the nations involved. By doing what he did, he didn't prepare the Galaxy for the True Sith, he only weakened it. Maybe he's not as brilliant a strategist as Kreia thought. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes he was. He was kind and good and also a little bit evil, freed slaves, fought against the Mandalorians to protect the people (it's all known from K1), so what if his followers killed a few worthless jedi - they deserved it, but that never stopped anyone from being neutral. Jedi are not GOOD either, lawful maybe, when it suits them or they need to polish the halo to the public, they follow their own schemes and willing condone the slaughter of millions because they don't think the time is right? I think Jedi are just as gray and manipulative as the rest. The true conflict between Jedi and Sith is probably related to the actualy power structure than a conflict of interests. Jedi would rule in the hidden, pulling the strings of the Republic leaders, while Sith would rule openly as the leaders. I think Revan wanted to rule as well as a just King or Emperor. If you believe that "the means justify the target" then "Slaugthering millions" as you put can be evil, but the end can also be good. Few people believe that the "means justify the target" when lives of innocent people are at stake (fortunately), but I am not really sure, if the people Revan are "slaughtering" as you put it, are all that good, who are they? I don't buy that go LS or DS to do this and that. Revan was a student of the force. Not LS or DS, but all of it = neutral. Revan was not a god, but the scale of his actions are those of gods and they are beyond good and evil. If creating a new strong republic means demolishing the weak foundation it's build on then that's what you gotta do. The Jedi Council is like the Nobility of the Republic and just as arrogant as the medieval nobles. All the Jedi are like Generals in the Republic army and they are both intertwined. Getting rid of those layers means fighting the republic. Assuming that Revan is preparing the galaxy and republic by weaking it for the True Sith for a swift takeover then...well I can see reason in this pattern: A weakened Republic is ripe for the picking. What's your point? Maybe baby, you'll be true... who knows? Maybe this was all bs. The mention of that KOTOR comic in progress and all that, kinda makes me wonder if speculation is really needed.
  12. Now that we've seen the tension, strife and conflicts brewing in Iraq I guess it kinda makes a diabolical sense, that Saddam was being hostile. For instance, what happened when Tito died? The former Jugoslavia was split into factions after the most bloody war in recent European history. I think that the people of Iraq are glad to be rid of Saddam, but despite his cruelty he did keep the country together...somewhat.
  13. Yeah, well... The name or noun "Mandalore" is a title for the head of the Mandalorians, like King or "My Lord" the supreme of the Mandalorians - it's the highest honor. But the rest suffers from being Unique characters... like HK-47 which is - it seems - just a model number now that HK-50's exist.
  14. It was messed up before the USA forces invaded the place, pull out and let's see. Maybe the USA will simply become a target in America instead of in Iraq. I think it's likely that the US adds more to the problem than it keeps the peace, besides there are other countries in the coalition that doesn't have the same emnity towards them, that might help keep the peace.
  15. I need to get that framed. (w00t) Thanks... Don't be afraid, you are powerful moderator. I guess I could have said "are you being obstinate about this on purpose?" instead. fixed. Civil? Are you psychic? - I'm just wearing a robe here... Ok, I'll get dressed.
  16. What's the point of being a warrior if you can't rape, plunder, enslave and poke your enemies with hot pokers? Anyone that do that today is subjected to court-martials and prosecution for war crimes... That's no fun. There is no honor in death, there is only tragedy and the people of the world concurs. USA thought the invasion of Iraq would be a piece of cake, but at the first US casualty it was like OMG, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!? Security, peace and stability isn't a matter of military, but economics, trade, wealth and sharing that with your neighbour countries. Happy people don't make wars, unless they are Vikings, that just like to rape and plunder...
  17. That's when strategy games (FO:T, Silent Storm, JA2) with character skill trees are reborn as cRPG's.
  18. I think BL's combat could easily have been better with some combat moves and actual combat skills (a la critical strike, flurry, power attack, uppercut, dropkick...guess it kinda sucks, hah!), but it's still quite fun as it is and thanks to the separation from exp it's even optional (until a certain point of course). I do NOT hold BL up as a poster child for combat games and playing more games has nothing to do with it, but taste, style and openness does, imo. There's a dark side to experience that you'll have to repress if you value your freedom, but that in itself doesn't have anything to do with the fun factor or immersiveness of the game, I think. I think bad and mindless, but also good and mindless, games exist and I have even played some of them, but BL is not one of them, far from it.
  19. I guess I should repeat myself. I wasn't fond of BL in the beginning, not at all, but between the bitching I still gave it a chance and actually played it - and it was worth it - all though I kinda miss the hair... You should try to. Blame yourself. It's a matter of style and my style is fun. I pity you. I like tactical combat and strategic conquest as well. Fast thinking and combat smarts in a game like BL is better suited. It would have been nice to have some actual combat skills and moves you could work on. If you spend a split second or a half day thinking about your next move is up to you. Combat smarts and witty dialogue is a perfect blend. Be as mindless about it as you (dis)like, but it's your loss.
  20. If you are serious about educating new users to the rules of conduct, then you really should teach them from the very beginning (all though I think it would probably traumatize them for life as soon as they realize the 'free' state of the regulars) (Log the IP address of the applicant) Make them read Forum Guidelines i.e. Newbie guide. Ask them 5-10 randomly picked questions from a pool of +50 questions based on or from the Guidelines. Accept their answers and let them in or IP ban them for a day after which they can try again. Keep asking random questions "the question of the month" or something to keep the rules fresh in mind (for everybody).
  21. I'm not quite sure how to respond to all this 'mindless' bs you seem to be so fond of. I think all the 'mindlessness' of your post is getting pretty mindless. If you had been more mindful of your comments and said it was a pretty sucky game, then I would have to agree, as I sucked my way thru BL. :D That's your opinion. I think it's fun, challenging and highly varied thanks to different clans with different abilities, different combat options, combat moves and disciplines. Of course it requires you to actually try out of different clans, styles of character development and tactics, to avoid the routine. But that goes for ANY game, including IWD and NWN. If you know what you are doing you can easily create a character that's gonna ruin gameplay totally - does that make a play or the player mindless? I think it's the latter. " There are some places (with respawning monsters) where you can get caught in repetititve mindless combat if you don't move on...and in some places you don't even have to do the mindless thing to move on. It's up to you to decide. Separating exp from kills eliminates that concern, doesn't have to keep doing the mindless thing that those other games you mention as not being mindless requires you to do to get exp... Watching a game play itself, that's mindless and that's what all the isometric click and kill games do...and what BL doesn't do...and neither do ToEE, actually. So... I wasn't impressed with NWN, for a number of reasons, but I wouldn't call it mindless (except in some cases where damage resistance is totally ruining any challenge in the game), simply because of the style of the player. :cool: As I've said before, if you read the lines and between them: any game can be mindless if you play it mindlessly...and apparently you do that a lot, maybe you have a handicap or something? I was really bored with IWD and I've never completed IWD2 for the same reason as well. Dragging a faceless party around, getting them lost and killing stuff with a single click of a button... Especially the mindle... 'faceless' (no personalities) part was boring. <_<
  22. Unlike some we don't live in the stone age, mostly due to the fact that we drank all our rocks in cocktails before setting sail and puke at sea...throwing up rocks. Where do you think the moon came from?
  23. You just keep repeating your mistakes. (Caesar si viveret, ad remum dereris.) BL combat is ALSO fun. Combat is the ONLY fun in ToEE.
  24. *stares at a sandbox* Did it move a little closer, just now? I am sure a newbie will find this derailment very useful to get in line with the trends of this forum. Which kinda makes me think that maybe a newbie guide should include something about reading the first post in any thread at least once to avoid being led astray by view last...
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