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Everything posted by Gromnir

  1. They can arrest people for putting up posters? that is kinda a naive statement. your ex-girlfriend makes 10,000 posters with a less than flattering picture o' you accompanied by the following statement: "i slept with him once and now i have chlamydia" what if the "poster" had your name, address, phone #, and social security on it? has a "poster" with the vitals o" you and 49 other folks along with, "let's party like it"s 1999!" am hopeful you thinks the above is offensive posters, no? admittedly, in the US we is more tolerant o' speech than is pretty much all o' europe, but even in the US we got limits on free speech.... and, returning to your earlier query, the question o' the extent o' 1st amendment protections regarding online speech is less clear than one might suppose. the internet is a bit o' a problem for SCOTUS... for many reasons. the public forum doctrine were changed from a shield to a pairing knife by the Rehnquist Court. the reason why hari-krishnas cannot pass out their flowers (and solicit donations) in airports is 'cause the framers didn't conceive of airports in 1791... or 1868? (am not gonna even try to explain incorporation via xiv due process and its impact on the original intent arguments.) the internet has been likened to a public utility analogous to tv and radio more than once, so if george carlin's 7 words could be censored on radio to protect kiddies, then what did that suggest for legislation such as the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Child Online Protection Act (COPA)? little cindy lou who, and other cute and largely hypothetical children, is the greatest threat to free speech protections in the US. perhaps thankfully, SCOTUS has had to ignore a goodly amount o' precedent to protect online speech, but that means we gots a rather flimsy foundation o' protections for online speech. btw, type "Bong Hits Jesus" into your favorite search engine. might be enlightening to see just how stoopid is the restrictions on what you may print on a poster, even here in the good old US o' A. as we said, beware o' cindy lou who. regardless, am betting that oro can come up with innumerable poster examples that could/should be criminalized. our first reaction, particularly in the US, is to cry "free speech" whenever we sees any kind o' censorship. nevertheless, is some kinda censorship that makes good sense, even to a staunch defender o' individual rights. HA! Good Fun!
  2. How is the US moving forward if Nike fires all its US based workers in favor of Cambodian 2 cents an hour labor? well, for one thing, dependence on cheap-goods manufacture and natural resource exports is an economic dead-end... is almost impossible to self bootstrap up an economy to capital production and info/tech from such beginnings. hell, you not think that China is terrified 'bout their future? their current level o' prosperity is dependent 'pon wealthy western nations continued ability to buy their cheap goods. is just one reason why they works so hard to keep down the value o' the yuan relative to dollar, euro and yen. nike fires us workers in favor o' cambodian .02 labor IS a good thing... is the smart and economic thing to do. nobody worth noting is genuine concerned that cheap goods manufacturing is disappearing from the US. what is bad is that US is becoming increasingly dependent on foreign tech.... but that is a whole different issue. HA! Good Fun!
  3. lord knows we don't wanna be the voice o' reason, but am always concerned 'bout the near inevitable backlash. citizen Z throws a brick through the window o' an electronics store (no shop keep present) and steals a toaster oven. such an act is deserving o' punishment, but it seems that the demands for retribution is far greater today than they was in July o' 2011. perhaps level o' criminalization does need to be reexamined, but am not certain is folks is thinking clear 'bout the issues at this time. am not suggesting that doing nothing is appropriate. however, am observing that impassioned lawmaking is fraught with peril. no matter how well-intentioned is the law meant to chastise the evil-doers, some miscarriages o' justice is bound to occur in those inevitable grey areas o' your fancy new law. the Patriot Act had very little opposition in 2001. 98 to 1 in senate and something like 360 yeas in the house. HA! Good Fun!
  4. one thing to keep in mind when considering osama conspiracies is that he were a terrorist leader. is not the same as capturing an enemy general in some hollywood ww2 scenario. terrorists typical use variations o' the cell system... is a model o' organization that is specific designed so that capture o' any one particular individual or cell will not lead to collapse o' the whole organization. furthermore... "Current patterns display an increasing use of loosely affiliated networks that plan and act on generalized guidance on waging terror. Individuals with minimal or no direct connection to al-Qaida may take their inspiration for terrorism from ideological statements of senior al-Qaida leaders." --usaf guide to terrorism in the 21st century (15 Aug 07) osama has been a very important figurehead... particularly post 9/11. even so, his actual personal involvement in day-to-day activities o' al-Qaida woulda' been intentionally minimized. sadly for al-Qaida, osama were far more important as a symbolic leader. from a skills and information pov, there is no indispensable individual in a cell organization. that being said, osama were the face o' al-Qaida, if not its soul. 'course this also ignores fact that as soon as osama were killed/captured, al-Qaida woulda' moved quickly to render any info gleaned during/after his capture relative useless. again, the whole point o' cell systems is to make it impossible to cut the head from the snake. hey, we got an even better conspiracy theory. US purpose dispose o' body in a way that will result in some hopeful elements o' al-Qaida believing osama is alive. osama-is-alive nonsense leads to wasted resources by some al-Qaida elements as they search for their leader. also may makes osama replacement more difficult if there is internal strife related to the question o' osama demise. nonsense? sure it is... but is no less plausible than the osama-is-alive stuff. HA! Good Fun!
  5. "the adjustment bureau" is loosely based on the pkd short story with a similar name. honestly, we saw the movie with no idea at the time it were based on the pkd story. then we read some online source telling us that adjustment bureau were a pkd vehicle. perhaps we focused too much on the dog, and the Old Man in the short story. sure, once we were told o' the connection we could see, but is only some big concept stuff that is similar. am thinking that some folks likes to use pkd name to create nerd cred. *shrug* btw, we thought the pkd story were kinda lame... not one o' his best. another reason we failed to make the connection 'tween the movie and the short story. HA! Good Fun!
  6. Gromnir


    other than some surfing spots we recollect from a trip to western australia, the thing we likes most from down under is crappy garage rock. sometimes bad can be so terrible it is good. the vines -- outtathaway the datsuns -- mf from hell we would linky, but the language is a bit strong, so google yourself if you want some angry garage rock. and yeah, we know that the datsuns is new zealand... get over it. HA! Good Fun!
  7. apparently there is something worse than fanfiction: fanmusick. HA! Good Fun!
  8. depends what you is actual asking. the spark that led to initial riots involves the shooting death o' a black suspect under somewhat mysterious circumstances-- possible police misconduct. however, riots is not some kinda simple group-think monster with identifiable motivations. 'ccording to most bbc reports we has seen, the current typical rioter is not angry so much as opportunistic... is all 'bout grabbing ph47 10075 while the constabulary is overwhelmed and largely unresponsive. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14436499 helpful timeline for those who value bbc. if you thinks bbc is evil and untrustworthy... HA! Good Fun!
  9. thanks. vol has not yet learned that his contradiction makes any statement more likely rather than less. hypothetical: some loon predicts that the world will end in fire and blood on december 12, 2012. we would dismiss such prophecy as nonsense, right up until the point vol called the loon a liar. sure, is still astronomic unlikely that the world will end on 12/12/12, but vol certainty would have resulted in a small germ o' doubt gaining roots in our mind. is always a bit shocking when vol is right. the world makes a bit less sense when vol is on the correct side o' an issue. HA! Good Fun!
  10. profanity is most frequent a convenient conversational shorthand for the uneducated and the unimaginative. some urban-dwelling baboon with an internet connection and a driver's license finds himself unable to hurl fecal matter at fellow apes due to entrenched social mores or the threat o' criminal prosecution... so instead resorts to throwing the verbal equivalent. certain stressful situations may reduce the more advanced primate to krez-like status, which is why profanity is so common 'mongst cops and soldiers. similarly, alcohol and drugs numb the brain so that profanity leaks forth like verbal diarrhea. if one gets the opportunity, listen to a group o' sloshed irish litigators in a bar... is amusing. regardless, even when profanity is appropriate given the circumstances, (e.g bob gets pushed off a 30-story building and yells, "Oh, f***!") it is still little more than a crutch. that being said, am recalling a lady o' ill repute we had the misfortune o' interviewing once. although her hygiene were more than a little suspect, her profanity filled verbal acrobatics were as overwhelming as were her breath and body odor. some o' her more colorful curses has left permanent stains on our memory... were genuine awe-inspiring. uneducated she may have been, but there were no doubting her creativity. felt a near uncontrollable urge to applaud once she ran out o' steam. HA! Good Fun! ps keep in mind that we ain't saying that there is something wrong with using profanity. while we feel little urge to indulge, is not as if profanity use makes a person bad. sure, it does show lack o' creativity, and it ain't near as commonplace or as acceptable as krez suggests, but is nothing immoral 'bout profanity... 'least not as far as Gromnir is concerned.
  11. bioware statements is less dependable than they once was. is possibly a function of being tied to ea, or might simply be a matter o' their size, but whatever the reasons, board statements is not worth a whole lot. no doubt somebody at ea and/or bio is considering the future. lord knows that Gromnir gots 0 interest in mp, but every publisher seems to want to create the next wow... in spite o' the seeming insurmountable odds 'gainst replicating blizzard's success. bio is working on the old republic, but lucas is owning that property. ssssoooooo... if ea is wanting to squeeze more juice outta the me franchise following me3, they is no doubt considering ways to do so... and testing me multiplayer seems like a reasonable next step. from a business pov, it probable makes sense to test me mp with the release o' me3, regardless o' how that might affect the quality o' me3. *snort* HA! Good Fun!
  12. also, while not a major art hotspot, we got a particular soft-spot for gdansk. we like to cook. was a habit o' ours when we were younger to pester cooks/chefs for their recipes. eat something good at a restaurant or diner and we would come back during slow hours and ask to be educated on preparations. got told "no" lots. got told "yes" lots in gdansk. spent an extra week there just 'cause the cooks and chefs were so friendly and helpful... although polish cuisine often requires DAYS o' preparation, so we frequent gots kinda footnotes versions o' recipes. learned many pro cooking tricks too. gdansk has much o' the typical eastern european touristy stuff; lots o' churches. too bad for pope. although the architecture in gdansk almost makes you think you were in the neatherlands. sorry, is not the sex and drugs that would be so readily available in neatherlands. 'course there is also the annual shakespeare festival, which is pretty darn kewl... is held late july and early august if memory serves. much o' the performances were done in english. HA! Good Fun!
  13. best Original themes from games gots two clear bests. not even close for the stuff we rates behind the following two: kuldahar from iwd targos from iwd 2 some other stuff that is exceptional were not game original, so we do not include. HA! Good Fun!
  14. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/05/10/obsidian...y-launch-worki/ even fergie admitted that fo:nv were glitchy... hurlshot's personal experience aside. HA! Good Fun! The character that you are roleplaying clearly has trouble picking up on mirthful sarcasm. has nothing to do with the character; we just thought you were being... stoopid. how many times has some pc player come on these boards and noted that game X ran fine on his rig? nevertheless, is reassuring that your comment were meant humorous rather than ignorant. HA! Good Fun!
  15. you realize that the disconnect may not be with the boards and modern society, right? HA! Good Fun! F*** that! My friend's favourite word is c***. I almost agree with her, but it's harder to say that around your boss without getting a reprimand. am thinking you just proved our point. today, profanity is more acceptable in popular entertainment, but even in australia we suspect that profanity-filled discourse is frowned 'pon in business context. some clown calls up asking if you wanna change your f***ing cellphone provider? you want f***ing fries with that? these boards IS advertising space. oh, and we can just imagine using profanity in meetings with some o' our asian, arab, and those devoutly christian african clients. *snort* people often sees their little corner o' the world as representing modern society. am thinking it is a mistake to do so. HA! Good Fun!
  16. you realize that the disconnect may not be with the boards and modern society, right? HA! Good Fun!
  17. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/05/10/obsidian...y-launch-worki/ even fergie admitted that fo:nv were glitchy... hurlshot's personal experience aside. HA! Good Fun!
  18. am assuming you is talking europe, no? you is a museum freak but you wanna avoid the catholic? what a shame, regardless o' religious concerns, rome & vatican city is must-see destinations for any lover o' art... along with london and paris. personally, Gromnir enjoyed valencia mostest. if we had to live in europe again, we would probable choose valencia. the city of arts and sciences is kewl, but we enjoyed valencia even before the art complex were built in the mid 90's. former roman city that surrendered to the moors w/o a fight, so much of old roman architecture remains. similar, you gots influences from arab, baroque and gothic architecture throughout the city. is probable 1/2 size of barcelona and is equidistant from both barcelona and madrid... makes it am ideal starting point from which to visit either location. good seafood, and the peoples is a bit more laid-back and friendly than in the more populous locales... although we enjoyed virtual all o' spain... in spite o' an endemic and pronounced academic provincialism. even so, you does yourself a disservice to avoid rome if you is a museum freak. HA! Good Fun!
  19. what makes it even more complex is the disparity 'tween states. yeah, in every state you gots kids going to college and relying on fed financial aid, so all states would be seeing some wailing from college students, no? but ca gets something approaching $80 BILLION per year for health care benefits related to the poor (again, recall that nearly half those poor is children.) fully 1/2 of all monies spent by the state o' kansas is fed dollars. new mexico, maryland, virginia, tennessee, and souh carolina is all in similar situations... if not worse. conversely, new jersey didn't appear to be all that immediate worried 'bout a fed default as it does not rely heavily on money from washington. most states would suffer some hurt related to med, school and road spending, but not all, and not equal. but yeah, there is an enormous debt/spending problem and perhaps a small collapse now might be preferable to the one looming in the future a decade or so away. the present crisis were mostly smoke and mirrors, and the bond market is showing that the near-future o' the US economy ain't near as fragile as some suggest, but there is big problems on the horizon and it is very difficult to see any simple solutions. oh, and just to be clear, all things being equal, Gromnir is much in favor o' reducing fed spending and involvement in the daily lives o' ordinary citizens. the problem is how to manage such reductions w/o wrecking an economy that appeared to be recovering. make cuts right now also means cutting services that some folks (probably the most needy) rely 'pon, and jobs that is already in short supply. HA! Good Fun!
  20. indeed. might be worth looking into just how much the fed has contributed to things like roads (huge) and state prisons and law enforcement (substantial) ... though am gonna admit that we believe that dog-catchers is likely 100% local. oh, and as much as we has problems with the method in which "social welfare" programs is administered, an insurmountable problem regarding any major overhaul o' such programs is the fact that near 50% of all such disbursements is going to aid children. is not practical or politic to be taking every "welfare" kid away from their parent's custody, but then how else does one gets monies to needy children? is not so simple as you might believe to sever fed from state where it relates it basic infrastructure spending. am not always a huge fan regarding the manner in which the fed handles many programs, but typically there ain't no easy solutions... "just stop spending for _______ ," is hardly a viable alternative in virtual all cases, and rarely is the mistakes being made the result o' corruption and evil. HA! Good Fun! ps am guessing that gd ain't a fan o' fed health care spending. well neither is Gromnir. however, at this point you gots serious problems extricating the fed, especially in a time when the economy is working towards recovery. the fed is not like other business, but one thing that is common is that for big and small, private and fed, the easiest way to cut spending is to cut employees. so, reduce services and employment.
  21. am gonna admit that there has been a handful o' times we were not particular cheerful while f***ing. wrong person. wrong situation. just plain wrong.am hardly proud or happy to recollect, but not every ****ing encounter has been devoid o' immediate or future regret. perhaps if Gromnir drank alcohol it would reduce the immediate regret factor we has suffered infrequent. such situations has been few, but they has been noteworthy. also, am to think that the real challenge is to be genuine cheerful when you personal f***ed up. am conversely jealous of, and angered by, peoples who can makes a mess o' things and move forward blissful and w/o any o' that maudlin self-recrimination we typical indulge in for some indeterminate period o' time. 'pon reflection, the Gromnir f***ed up events and the cheerless f***ing moments frequently occur sequential for us. yet another reason to take up drinking... or not. HA! Good Fun!
  22. gotta know your audience. enoch may be aware that the folks who end up implementing policy is, by-and-large, competent and dedicated... but your knowledge is sadly exceptional. sure, the decision making process is ugly and even self-defeating, but that is partial intended. yeah, there is some incompetence and corruption present in any large organization, and the US government is Extreme large, but it is amusing to observe how frequent the US is imagined as clowns piling outta a tiny car, or as a legion o' pitchfork wielding demons stinking 'o brimstone and blood. what is particular curious is that peoples is able to imagine the US as both clownish and demonic at the same time. in this country we got a Constitution that were original authored by revolutionaries, many of whom did not trust Government the further it got removed from The People. a system that makes tyranny extreme unlikely is not gonna be a model o' efficient decision making. the process is understandably fugly, but that doesn't meant that government is incompetent... and it surely not mean that government is inherent corrupt. nevertheless, this board is populated by many folks who start with the given that US is evil. is no longer a surprise to us. heck, we grew up in a place where hating the US were the unofficial religion, so am familiar with the condition. no misfortune has befallen a member o' the OST in the past 100+ years that could not be blamed on the US. unemployment, disease, alcoholism, and infant mortality is the curses left behind by the US to wipe out oglala culture... and am only half-joking when we liken to religion, 'cause just as the primitive man looked to explain unknown/unknowable phenomenon on powerful and frequently malign intelligences (gods,) so too does the so-called evolved and educated men o' today look to place blame with some malefic force o' no-goodery. these educated folks who is too smarty to believe in a childish bogey-man like The Devil, find comfort in a more tangible evil slouching towards washington d.c.. such identifiable and omni-present infernal forces similarly makes it easy to shrug off personal responsibility. for our next trick we will try and explain that george w. bush, while perhaps not the most dignified US president in recent memory, were not the rampaging evil menace most folks believe him to be... maybe try to explain actual Presidential powers compared to those imagined, and illustrate that many hot-button issues were existing before bush got elected. HA! Good Fun! 'cept this time, this is essentially an all-American discussion. Unless the Republic of Texas has seceded while I was looking the other way. not true. krez and morgoth has participated. also, am not understanding why you believe that americans cannot be the ones who sees US as evil. is actual something we referenced in our post. many o' the original framers had a distrust o' a powerful fed government, and many present day americans is similarly fearful... but w/o the understanding and education o' the founders. is very American to distrust and fear America, as odd as that sounds. HA! Good Fun! ps most Americans will recognize the old adage, "people hate Congress, but love their congressman." is illustrative o' the somewhat curious and conflicted opinion Americans got regarding their govt. pps am actual dubious 'bout the accuracy o' old adage. post health-care legislation, it seemed as if most Americans hated Congress And their congressman, but we don't have numbers to prove.
  23. oddly enough, carlin is actual relevant in US policy making... if only as a footnote. fcc v. pacifica taught us that school-aged kids gets the "cute-case" exception to ordinary con law jurisprudence. the retarded, amish, and school kids is among the select categories o' peoples that all needs extra protection. carlin's "filthy words" resulted in the creation o' quasi-protected status for indecent speech... to protect kiddies. HA! Good Fun!
  24. gotta know your audience. enoch may be aware that the folks who end up implementing policy is, by-and-large, competent and dedicated... but your knowledge is sadly exceptional. sure, the decision making process is ugly and even self-defeating, but that is partial intended. yeah, there is some incompetence and corruption present in any large organization, and the US government is Extreme large, but it is amusing to observe how frequent the US is imagined as clowns piling outta a tiny car, or as a legion o' pitchfork wielding demons stinking 'o brimstone and blood. what is particular curious is that peoples is able to imagine the US as both clownish and demonic at the same time. in this country we got a Constitution that were original authored by revolutionaries, many of whom did not trust Government the further it got removed from The People. a system that makes tyranny extreme unlikely is not gonna be a model o' efficient decision making. the process is understandably fugly, but that doesn't meant that government is incompetent... and it surely not mean that government is inherent corrupt. nevertheless, this board is populated by many folks who start with the given that US is evil. is no longer a surprise to us. heck, we grew up in a place where hating the US were the unofficial religion, so am familiar with the condition. no misfortune has befallen a member o' the OST in the past 100+ years that could not be blamed on the US. unemployment, disease, alcoholism, and infant mortality is the curses left behind by the US to wipe out oglala culture... and am only half-joking when we liken to religion, 'cause just as the primitive man looked to explain unknown/unknowable phenomenon on powerful and frequently malign intelligences (gods,) so too does the so-called evolved and educated men o' today look to place blame with some malefic force o' no-goodery. these educated folks who is too smarty to believe in a childish bogey-man like The Devil, find comfort in a more tangible evil slouching towards washington d.c.. such identifiable and omni-present infernal forces similarly makes it easy to shrug off personal responsibility. for our next trick we will try and explain that george w. bush, while perhaps not the most dignified US president in recent memory, were not the rampaging evil menace most folks believe him to be... maybe try to explain actual Presidential powers compared to those imagined, and illustrate that many hot-button issues were existing before bush got elected. HA! Good Fun!
  25. *scratches noggin* uh... glitchy and bugged game killed your "immersion." that about it? *shrug* leaving aside our contempt o' the term "immersion," we found the initial release o' fo:nv to be almost unplayable on the xbox, but that were quite some time ago. subsequent patches has reduced the crashes and peculiarities (infinite falling, getting stuck in geography, freezing in slow-mo, etc.,) without making such annoyances anywhere near negligible. indeed, even after multiple patches and several dlc, fo:nv is still a relative buggy game. can be a pain in the arse to play. ok. that it? kinda a bizarre way to express yourself if your genuine problem were displeasure with bugs... and yeah, we get the irony. HA! Good Fun!
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