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The Coordinator

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Everything posted by The Coordinator

  1. HoM&M III is the best. The graphics of part IV are not that much better. But the music in III is more epic than IV.
  2. Exactly. Maybe some parents shouldn
  3. Hey crack poodoo, I guess ya need to buy an Xbox! Then ur game will run smoothly. (w00t) -->
  4. Who would ever favor a rodian? (w00t) Btw, why are there no female tusken, jawa, ithorian, rodian etc. character models or voices??? All we have are female twi
  5. Indeed it was! Glad someone noticed that as well. :D First time I was playing through the game I was shocked that I had reached the level cap in chapter 5 after entering Baldur
  6. Does it really matter if you reach level 30 or 50?
  7. Not only the backgrounds were better. The overall atmosphere in BG was better. The characters were more fun to play with. And the dialogue, gui, music, party control set BG before NWN (for me that is). If you like NWN more than BG that
  8. 1) Ask god. :D Sorry, I just couldn
  9. Hahah, sounds lilke an advertisement club meeting. :D
  10. He found a job. =)
  11. What does that poll make in this forum? Why am I spamming in here? OK, I tell you: 1) I don
  12. Benchmark only programs are known to be abused due to "optimized drivers" from the chip designers (ati, nvidi). Not in all versions, but leaves a bitter taste nevertheless.
  13. Again: What sense does it make if your pc achieves thousands of 3d marks if it cannot run certain games properly?
  14. Good to let us know, oh insulting one.
  15. NWN is best for multiplayer. When you play with friends online that
  16. So, there s a new Mandalore? Bah... I guess that one gets killed too!
  17. Bit late for that....and I doubt it becasue it
  18. Bit late for that....and I doubt it because it
  19. You always make jokes huh? So you
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