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The Coordinator

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Everything posted by The Coordinator

  1. Sometimes I can only wonder. I run KotOR at 1024x768x32b with all effects on, high textures and 2AA/4AF (increasing the AA/AF does not make the game look much better imho). 1.3ghz,640mb ram, gf5900, win2k sp4. My fps don
  2. Oh yes! The old school adventures like S&M, DotT, MI etc. and the X-wing series where great. Rebel assault and Dark Forces rocked as well. Ahh....but what can I say...LA best days are long over.
  3. They don't use common sense. After all a majority of them are teenagers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If they cannot even use "common sense", where does that lead to...?
  4. Worst case: When developers don
  5. Ooookay. And I'm sure you'd just be in heaven if the game turned out to be an unplayable mess, because the devs musta put those flaws in just for the Xbox version. I like my PC games as well and hope the PC version is better, but wishing ill on the same game but a different platform is not a good idea, because not that much gets changed between ports. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just so we're clear about one thing, I never said I hoped the Xbox version had bugs. I just wish that an untimely demise happens to xbox owners. I hope we understand each other now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Such stupid attitudes lead to suffering, killing, and more. Instead of finding a benevolent solution, any try to find one is blocked.
  6. yes :D dvd: need to plug in/connect 2 cables. need no drivers. g-card: needs 1-2(new cards use lots of power) and drivers. definetly hard work when compared to push the buttons of your cosole/tv. but hey, you ll learn something about hardware Oh, for the consoleros only: even in your console sleeps a crippled pc! (w00t)
  7. SW:JA and many other fps games run on the quake3 engine. This engine, though updated and enhanced, is several years old by now. So tools to mod new games with that engine are easy to come by, easy to build on (familiarity with the code, files etc. have been developed over the years), and thus a big community supports it.
  8. Well, you could play Kotor1 at 800x600 with low textures and all effects turned off. But it
  9. Not necessarily. Maximum read speed for many dvd drives is48x. For cd drives it
  10. As I stated in some other thread, I
  11. 1. You we re right. You did not recommend to upgrade to PCI-express. But you recommended a x600 g-card -which is not produced for pci-e. So your recomendation would be impossible to achieve. 2. Now that is correct. As for me,I bought a gf5900xt for low money here in europe. In the US, ati cards seem to be cheaper than in europe. So you might buy a R9800Pro. When you can get a full R9800Pro for less money than a gf5900, go buy it! Otherwise I
  12. Only on the outer planes I could do this.
  13. Absolutely, for two years now btw. Even DVD burners reach an affordable price range now. But ordinary dvd drives are sold cheap. And you can use your cd s as well, a fact that some people don
  14. Do I understand you wrong? Right now I read out of your sentence: x600 is faster than 9800. If you mean it, then you are wrong- Otherwise, my apologies. Resume: [bold]Fact:[(bold] 9800 has 8 pp, 256 bit memory-interface(pro/xt cards have higher chip/ram clockspeeds) x600 has only 4 pp, 128 bit m-interface. (pro and xt cards have faster chip/ram clockspeed) x700 has 8 pp. 128 bit m-interface. (xt card will NOT produced, see the new ati press realease) x800/pro has 12 pp, 256 m-interface (xt has 16 pp, 256 m-if) [bold]Fact:[/bold] But... x600 and x700 cards are ONLY produced for PCI Express port ... Only the much faster and more expensive x800 cards come for AGP *and* PCI Express). Fact: Radeon 9800 (no pro xt) is faster than x600, almost same speed as x700, but far slower than x800. The 9800 performs better at AA/AF. Thus if you don
  15. Fine. I just bought me a geforce 5900xt. I play in 1024x768 with 2xAA/4xAF and all effects enabled. Looks very good. Game runs very fast. The 5900xt is just the best bargain right now. Cheap and fast. Of course I know that there are much better cards out there but they are much more expensive...and I won t upgrade until mid of 2006. Since then I ll save tons of money and then I ll buy brandnew 64bit hard+software(non linux) Cheers.
  16. All the time, even during the weekend?
  17. Sure... whatever you say. I mean the X-BOX verison runs smoothly, no drops in frame rate or bugs or whatever. Hmm... yep that seems right or does it? PC versions are 99% of the time less buggy than the console counterparts and if you have evidence to the contrary post it otherwise, shut up. If you need any proof of the X-BOX's buginess, click here. On a sidenote: DesertHawk, I dont see why you are having problems. I find the earlier builds are much more stable. I tried using the patches and it generally made things worse. However, if you have the money, I suggest you get a new video card. Go for an ATI Radeon X600 but make sure its an AGP card and not a PCI-Express because the interface is different. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you serious about suggesting him to buy a Radeonx600 graphics card...? That would be a waste of money... Fact: Officially no Radeons with the new refresh (all X600, all X700) are not produced for the AGP port...the graphic vendors still produce Radeon 9600 and some 9800 cards! Fact: Industry sells PCI-express cards much at lower prices than AGP cards, they want to lure/force you to upgrade. Don
  18. As I posted earlier it may be a cooling issue. Especially the northbridge is not often considered for this. A hardware component may move a bit over the years. So you should open your tower from time to time and look in there and clean the dust up. Another thing are the drivers. I installed the lates whql drivers for my geforce under win2k---and I got lots of texture bugs in several games-or those game did not start at all OR when using the DirectX diag tool it would freeze on direct draw and/ direct3d.. Even with the latest service pack installed. The I downloaded and installed the Omega drivers...and voila: everything works just as it should be! No texture bugs, lighting and framerates perfect. Go figure...
  19. It worked perfectly on a downclocked athlon @1Ghz + 640MB RAM + GF4MX (fair retailer replacement because my old GF2Pro "died"). then I could play fluent with medium resolution+2AA in 800x600 and 32bit, with all other effects turned off. On a 1.3Ghz + 640MB RAm+GF5900XT you can play in 1024x768 and 32bit with all effects enabled and AA,AF everything on maximum (though you don
  20. well pc kotor1 was a bit smoother but just as buggy and didn't look as pretty as the xbox version. with the lightsaber most noticably the beutiful glare and bloom of it. in the pc version they looked like X's <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds almost (from your description) as if you made the same mistake as I did on my first run throug the game. Once I discovered that little toggle button under advanced video settings it became a very different visual experience. It made the x-box version look somewhat outdated by comparison. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly! Once you turn on the whole "effect mumbo jumbo" (high quality textures,shader, AA, AF, soft shadows) you
  21. Good point Alan. I didn't really considered this possibility because: 1) Most PCs that haven't been modified since they were bought and that are performant enough to play KOTOR with a decent frame rate are very likely to have been sold at a time at which DVD-roms were almost as cheap as CD-roms and therfore were very likely to come quipped with a DVD-rom. 2) The PCs that were sold before the "DVD era" are not likely to be performant enough to play KOTOR with decent graphics and framerate and were probably modified from their original state by their owners to add a diretx 8.0 graphic card (or better) and therefore those owners already had the case opened and either already know how to replace hardware by themselves or know someone who could take 10 minutes to plug-in a DVD-rom or could go to a shop where they could get a DVD-rom installed. I don't really understand where your computer falls in but my guess is that you are probably running on a Directx 7.0 or below videocard and that you will be missing the nice visual effects in Kotor:TSL that, from what I have seen on the Xbox console, are much more visible and present all through the game than in the first one. If you don't own a Laptop or a computer that is hardly evolutive, you might someday consider getting a new videocard at at the same time have DVD-rom installed. But again I am not against a CD-rom release. I am FOR a DVD release. I would like that if we could get a package with the two games on one DVd as some already said. I already own the first game but would like to have it aswell on DVD-rom. It is a game worth having twice . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> @ ALan: Omg...you can upgrade your pc quite good if you
  22. Doooh. I suggest you should install it at once...surely you are smart enough to install a dvd-driveand plug in the proper cables....it works the same with a cd drive. And while you
  23. For the KotOR II pc version I expect at least as many improvements that have been done to the original KotOR pc version-if not more. New textures, shader effects....A new character to join the party...more dialogue...new items...you know what I mean.
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