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The Coordinator

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Everything posted by The Coordinator

  1. Happy new year!
  2. I knew you were going to write this... still it was a baaaaaaad joke. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Notice how I said "twice being below" in my prevoius post. That just further proves my point... Ok thats your opinion. Ooooohhhh.... Look at me, I'm so offended Im going to cry :D. Damn it Coordinator, why did you make me cry? :D (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cos you need to be happy.
  3. I knew you were going to write this... still it was a baaaaaaad joke.
  4. No...KotOR for PC runs on OpenGL, just like Neverwinter Nights does. Bioware's engines have used OpenGL for 3D acceleration for as long as I can remember. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure? Then why do you need to install directx when installing these games? Maybe you are right, but maybe you can run the game under openGL and directx. Like Hexen2, FarCry etc. Update: I have found this. http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html...91&topic=338178 So it does use openGL for graphics, and directX for sound.
  5. That's not true actually. I bought a Dell system w/ this card after they had "locked" their units. With the latest NVStrap Driver (v 1.7) included with RivaTuner 15.3 (released a few days ago), you can unmask the extra pipelines. Also, I've managed to OC to 400/1100 which are Ultra clock levels. Thats quite a lot of perfomance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You always say that I cannot "read". But if you could "read", then you would have understood what I wrote... My quote proves this. I wrote "ALL cards can be unlocked" like the gf6800 series, like the Radeon 9500@9700 etc. But "NOT" IN ALL CASES YOU GET A WORKING CARD! I wrote that you can be HAPPY if your card works correctly with all pipelines unlocked AND WITHOUT GRAPHICS ISSUES! You can ALWAYS unlock these cards at the time being, BUT there is NO guarantee that it will work without problem! I have seen, and done this myself. Then you could not even play KotOR and many other games. And those types of hd are not produced anyway.
  6. a) I bought a system with 128mb ram in 2000... If somebody sells a system with 128 ram only...then this is cheating! b) If the game allows you to use low res textures you can play with a 32mb vram card...otherwise, 64mb is the minimum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, 128MB is still the minimum; I never said it is was the norm The Norma is around 256 to 512 MB nowadays. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, here in europe I haven
  7. Of course, but overall performance still lies within a CPU upgrade; I'm not just saying just for gaming. If you think about it, a system with a faster cpu that has a slower video card will usually outperform a system with a slower cpu that has has a faster video card, because the first one isn't bottlenecked. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what about special effects? With a mediocre cpu and a powerful graphic card you re better off. ANd you need ram... Take HL2 for example. Cpu is not a big issue there. Ram (best with 1gb) and a powerful gcard(for shader/aa/af) work wonders there.
  8. Then you have had luck. While all those cards can be unlocked with rivatuner and similar programs, not all cards modified in that way run properly. Ati is rumored to be working on sli solutions. According to asian/taiwanese card and mainboard manufacturers. But when that happens htese cards may probably not be compatible with nvidia mainboards(nforce4/5) and vice versa. @EndarWiggin: Sure, most games profit from a gpu more than a cpu, and graphic cards are easier to upgrade. Those benchmark only programs show only one side however. Many chip vendors have been cheating there with their "optimizations" in their drivers. And what if my card performs well in 3dmark, but sux at a specific game I wanna play?
  9. Now THAT was cruel. Anyway, my voice changed quite a while ago and I still suck at doing Vader. I can't seem to do the breathing noises while I speak. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can
  10. a) I bought a system with 128mb ram in 2000... If somebody sells a system with 128 ram only...then this is cheating! b) If the game allows you to use low res textures you can play with a 32mb vram card...otherwise, 64mb is the minimum.
  11. At first Bungie developed Halo for pc, then Microsoft bought Bungie, then they port it to Xbox....then it comes for pc 2 years later. Just because Microsoft needed a good game for their xbox start...yoink.
  12. Yeah, but the X-Box is basically a PC inside, so the core of the engine is exactly the same for borh versions, and the KotOR engine is derived from the aurora engine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, and the pc/xbox version of KotOR run under directX and use a similiar windows version. But the craphics chip of the Xbox is a special version of the gf4ti with 64mb shared memory. *shudder* @Darth Ni: He must mean 128mb Vram. Or elsewhise I had to slap him.
  13. Well, many games are released on the console "EXCLUSIVE" platforms first (to make the customers buy those games first). Then they are realeased for another platform to increase sales. Heheh. Example: When Morrowind and KotOR1 were under early development the developers said: Xbox exclusive! blah blah blah. But later they realeased the games for pc as well. Bringing games to various platforms increase sales and make consoleros as well as pc fanatics happy. So JE has a good chance to be released for the pc LATER.
  14. True. Also NWN was developed for the pc only. KotOR1+2 were developed for the Xbox first. Like Splinter Cell. Like Jade Empire. Like ...
  15. Indeed, but sometimes ...if you wait too long for something...it is too late.
  16. That GF5600Ultra card is fine enough for KotOR1 and should be good enough for KotOR2. Play the game with your current card first, then decide for yourself. No way to waste your money too early. :D
  17. Oh, I find it easier to draw with conventional means than to learn all secrets of photoshop. But photoshop is perfect to change, enhance, polish and create content for many digital presented products.
  18. I wish you two eternal joy in daily life and luck and patience on your journey together.
  19. I bought VtM:B. But that did not work with my dvd drive. Only in the cd burner. 3cds pressed into a slim dvd box-just as KotOR1! While the cds in my KotOR1 box are very loose, in the VtM:B box they are pressed in there so hard that they almost broke while trying to get them out. Man, I want *1* dvd!
  20. Theoretically you could expect to get 100%increased rendereing power from SLI. But as with the Voodoo2 and 2 cpus: you don
  21. Lots of spam but no spoilers.
  22. Ah, so europe is good for something! :D
  23. Well, if your cpu and ram limit the fps, then even the fastest graphics card cannot do much. Man, I miss the days of 3dFXVoodoo1+2.
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