This isn't the first time this has been published. (I believe the last time was due to Spain's communist party floating it.)
There is less than 0.1% difference between humans of all types. But humans have about 97% junk DNA (almost half of the human genome) that "exists for the pure and simple reason that they are good at getting themselves duplicated".*
If fact, over 60% of the genes are fundamentally those found in fruit flies. At least 90% correlate at some level to those found in mice. (We even have the same genes for making a tail, if we switch it on.)**
We have 46 chromosomes. Some ferns have more than 600.**
Actually, the real reason that humans are unique in this world is not because they are conscious; many (maybe even most) animals are conscious. Humans are the only beings that use symbolic representation, which allows us to conceptualize beyond the immediate, present tense of the world. There are three different levels of cognition, according to Terrence Deacon in his seminal work The Symbolic Brain: iconic, indexical and symbolic.
Chimpanzees, and all the great apes, do not have symbolic brains.
* Woolfson, Adrian Life Without Genes
** Bryson, Bill A Short History of Nearly Everything