Ideally, like Puck from Alpha Flight, but I'd probaly be lucky to get one who could juggle.
I was forced into watching Gangs of New York this weekend and this movie was so bad I actually went blind in my left eye for about ten minutes. I'd usually take this time to rant about how Leo should just give up the whole "I can do accents" bit, but the real tragedy in this movie is Cameron Diaz. I'd go into a schpiel about it, but then I'd have to try and remember the movie again, if you've seen the movie then you would know my conundrum. Although I would be interest to hear Volo tell me why this movie is actually pretty good.
See when I don't like a movie I quickly discontinue any memory of it. I've seen Gangs of New York probably about 3 - 4 times, why, because I either had no choice or my other choices sucked more...I barely remember anything from the movie except for the butcher dude and that dude getting clubbed to death, that was pretty cool but the movie failed when it came to actual story/themes/characters and all that jazz. Not to mention it was long as all hell, im tired of crap like that. Freakin bs lotr, no offense but sucked too. And no it's not attention span it's just not good film making unless you are really into lore and nerd stuff like that.
The problem with the film is that it just had no point. It was just boring. Or was that because I just didn't feel any empathy towards the characters? Whatever the reason, I was expecting it to finish about forty minutes before it did, and hoping it would about an hour and a half before it did. And when it finally did finish, I couldn't understand why Scorsese choose to finish where he did.