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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I forgot to give our very own Kaftan Barlast the due credit for creating the artistic marvel that is my sig.
  2. Only if you bring some female geeks with you.
  3. Just gave Jade Empire a quick test and me likey. Also played a little bit of NwN2 the other day.
  4. There are concepts and nuanced subtleties that cannot be adequately explored, much less even described, in PG game systems. You can't explain why a person would become a sex worker, much less have a story about the redemption of one, when cruelty is restricted to physical violence, rather than include the more prevalent and realistic mental violence of our Hobbesian reality. Rape is a crime of sadistic power of one evil person forcing another to their will and against their own; the payoff for the evil person is the bending of that person to their will and breaking their opponents; the physical consequences are almost incidental. Almost. But that sort of concept is beyond any that can be delineated in a game world.
  5. Yeah, I've been holding off replaying Half-Life until this comes out ... even though I would like to do some Anomalous Materialing ..!
  6. Avatar The sig is a self-explanatory link.
  7. Because that's when my friends are having their winter break! We're getting a car and we're supposed to be driving around all of Australia in five or so weeks. Actually, for a Nordic person, Winter is a much better time to go ... high Summer would be very uncomfortable. Good luck driving around the country in five weeks. You'd have trouble driving around Queensland in five weeks. (You do realise that Australia is about the same size as the USA, right? And most of it is desert? I plan to one day drive around Highway Number One, but it will take about six months ...)
  8. I was wondering what they were, as they certainly are arbitrary. (What does italicized font add to the number: a half point, or just a personal note that you were on a higher dose at the time? )
  9. I really didn't like Catch-22 that much. And I disagree that it has become "the dominant myth about Americans in the war against fascism," too. It was okay, and well worth reading, but I got really, really bored before the end. And I don't think that it speaks to every citizen of the USA, and I don't think it is regarded that highly by them, either. Just finished The Art of War (Sun-Tzu and translated by John Minford).
  10. What did you enjoy about it? I.e. where did you "escape" to? Weren't you pretending that you might be able to solve problems in an immediate and simple manner, like Riggs does, rather than have to compromise or appeal to authority? Surely you are enjoying imagining having the powers of a character like Riggs ... in other words enjoying being a "loner out to save the world".
  11. Let's hope there isn't a delay.
  12. :Moved: I didn't see anyone being electrocuted.
  13. Pretty cool graphics.
  14. I think we should form a Customers For Polite Customers Vigilante Taskforce! The CfPC!
  15. Does too. About the fifth one. Some little boy burnt to death. You might want to check the wiki, too.
  16. Actually, customers don't have to respect other customers ... I've seen what people (and I use the word advisedly) are like on the first day of the sales ...
  17. Hey, you didn't say you were in frame: that's gonna cost LC a lens! "
  18. google is your friend
  19. I will have to go out and get it. I was just thinking in the shower, yesterday (I do that a lot), how D&D would be a great tool for teachiung mathematics.
  20. Let's not throw around such emotionally-charged words, please.
  21. Only a modded XBox would be able to play the Restoration mod; best bet is to play it on the PC.
  22. I thought they were Japanese?
  23. ... Or "Where's the other half of my flipping drink!?"
  24. Hee hee, if we use Australia as a model, then exiling people is a great idea!
  25. I remember reading Lies, Inc. all the way through before finding out that someone else had written the completely jarring page (sixty-two or -three, from memory) instead of PKD.
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