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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Been there done that (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Too late, look at the scoreboard ...
  2. "The Exile is Revan" Why not, we've had every other clich
  3. But Visas is Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, man! She's a bunny boiler! Get outa the house, she's upstairs!
  4. Yeah, that's in game. Which is slightlu more canon ( ) than the garbage fiction written on the starwars page for pre-teens to memorize. Of course the whole narrative is so inconsistent that I wouldn't bet on it ...
  5. Marvelous system, isn't it? Have you discovered the magic of searching, yet?
  6. You scored as Darth Vader. You are most like Darth Vader. You sacrificed everything in your life to save the lives of your wife and your unborn children; The Republic, The Jedi Order and your own peace. You fear lack of control above all else. You train your own variant of the lightsaber form Shien/Djem So in which taking advantage of your opponents strengths is trained. Chanelling defense into offense is key. You lived up to your title of The Chosen One when you sacrificed yourself to eradicate the empire and to restore the Republic. You finally achieved preservation of self after death. :D You scored as Mace Windu. You are most like Mace Windu. A celebrated Jedi master known for his unique combination of wisdom, temperance and foresight. You prefer the life of a scholar yet will charge into battle should the need arise. You created and utilize the Vaapad form for lightsaber combat. It combines the usage of The Force for acrobatic speed and precision found in Ataru, the defensive to offensive channel found in Shien/Djem So and a concentration of emotion often seen as a sign for falling to The Dark Side. You eventually are betrayed by Anakin Skywalker and are killed by Darth Sidious. You scored as Darth Maul. You are most like Darth Maul; aggressive, blunt and absolute in your ideaology and let your actions speak for themselves. Trained as a Sith at a young age by Darth Sidious you are a tool for his schemes and have mainly been an assasin to political adversaries. You train a variant lightsaber form and prefer to use a double bladed lightsaber. You take elements from Shien/Djem So to cultivate a continuous state of offense and Ataru to augment your acrobatic prowess and speed. You are concerned with one thing only: Doing your master's bidding. You scored as Anakin Skywalker. Passionate and impulsive, you are most like Anakin Skywalker. You embody many traits not generally found within the Jedi order yet your undeniable will and connection with The Force are awe inspiring. You train the lightsaber form Shien/Djem So which was originally derived from the defensive form Soresu. It maintains that while defense is critical - chanelling it into overwhelming offense is paramount. You are heralded as The Chosen One and while you have mastery over The Force, your inability to control your own emotions makes you your own worst enemy. In every action you are enigmatic and never subtle. " Mace Windu 100% Darth Vader 100% Anakin Skywalker 100% Darth Maul 100% I tied for all of these characters with my initial questionaire, then I choose from the four options, and the choice in the tie-break resulted in the above characters.
  7. Ah, but what if a tyrant is a benevolent dictator, whose munificent bounties provide stablity and self-fulfilment for all the citizens (aside from the most extreme political ones, of course)? What is the price for a societies happiness; so long as the tyrant isn't Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the Terrible or Saddam Hussein; if the tyrant is Baba, Mahatma Ghandi or the Dalai Lama? Are all tyrants bad?
  8. SALIENT ADVICE: Do not engage in combat.
  9. I'm serious! Kids love the frog. Kids are enchanted by bukkake! It can't fail! They all laughed at Galileo ...
  10. I challenge you to play the demo and the first couple of levels: give it half an hour. If you don't end up playing it until you collapse ... .... then you're obviously do not have as addictive a personality disrder as me ..
  11. 1. Because they don't take breaks, they aren't ever not concentrating and they don't fall asleep on the job. They are always vigilant and waiting for an interaction with others; they are constructs. 2. It's okay, you're amongst the fellow afflicted; let go your inhibitions; embrace your freakdom!
  12. Looks like a cool shareware game I played on the PC about six months ago: Dr Lunatic Supreme With Cheese Very addictive game.
  13. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for you to open up a small organic grocer ! If that is true -- and it's always so hard to tell on a partisan site -- than it is appalling; I have no problem with necessary experiments for the benefit of human illnesses, but the experiments themselves are touted as worthless. That's pretty shocking, it true. But why is Procter & Gamble paying for worthless experiments?
  14. 1. No, I would rather not have "collect four missing Jedi/generals/water melons" missions. Why can't there be, say, four goals, but not all the same thing? A general from that planet, a Jedi Master from the next planet, a water melon from the other, etc. 2. Yep, I like that. But I would also like the feature that if you do not engage in non-lethal combat and kill someone, you get DS points. 3. Companies need feedback; it behooves them to read it; I doubt whether LA is going to ever see this stuff, though.
  15. That's it! I'm a genius! I'll market a bukkake polyphonic ring tone and graphic! It'll sell millions!
  16. Talk about a thread that demands Bukkake.
  17. How do you sneak up on a golem? !
  18. Looks pretty weird ... very hentai
  19. I dunno, those golems are pretty heavy.
  20. I never understood why Hagrid was normal size wheilst he was a student, and then became a giant ...
  21. Is that "Cross Change" or "Exchange" ...? "
  22. ... with a chainsaw? ScarFace? I do like the idea of fighting an underground war, like the French / Dutch resistence during WW2, etc, or the last half of Deus Ex.
  23. Um... just how old do you think she is? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She must be really old, like a teenager.
  24. Was NwNII even at E3? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>)
  25. ... because a game of centipede or space invaders or Mario Kart or Sonic the Hedgehog -- or whatever -- isn't tense? Nope, I don't buy that. You've got a powerful computer controlling the game; it can utilize such novel and cutting edge technology as a countdown timer Time-specific goals can be managed, just like geographic ones. Sure the audience is able to alter the flow of events, but that is a two-edged sword, because now they are responsible for them!
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