Feeling a little insecure, are we?
My, my; obviously very sensitive about that big doll you bought; has no-one offered you the $10000 you expected? Never mind, as you said before, you've got a great piece of ... er ... art? ... to keep you company until someone buys it off of you. I mean someone will, won't they ... you did, after all ... "
I have two SW games, K1 and K2. You can have them now, if you want, I've played them. I don't hate dolls, I yet don't have any use for them.
And spending $3000 on a doll seems pretty strange to me; I would much rather buy a HD Plasma screen or even a dedicated gaming PC ... but you spend your money in a way that best suits you!
Learning your geography off Sesame Street, are we? Actually I've been to over twenty different countries on every continent except Antartica and Greenland, so I am well aware of the Earth's geography ... a little better aquainted that you are, by the sounds of it, with your "east and west coasts" reference ...
I am happy to admit my ignorance when I do not know something. For example, I have no idea to what you are referring in this last paragraph.
I must have really hit a nerve for you to attack me in such a vehement (and yet endearingly, harmlessly futile) way ... all I did was ask why you would want to spend $3000 on a Boba Fett doll. Maybe some of your pent up frustration could be released if you had bought some other type of doll.