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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Well, they expect to be able to clone a gamete of either sex from a male or female host soon, so even though both the Exile and Revan were female, they can still have a child. Why did you want this?
  2. It was a boring thread anyway; yet more whining about KotOR1 and 2 ... best thing for it, really, crucifixion -- first offence.
  3. Breaking the illusion is dangerous; that's tantamount to interupting the regularity of the dosage ...
  4. You're obviously interested enough to argue the point; that's a good start. Now, determine who the audience of the paper is, and if they might be interested in the article. (If it's a small town newspaper, forget it; if it's a psychological research peer review paper, then you might get some starters ...
  5. It might be interesting, depending on your focus, to digest the different posting behaviours on the fora. For example, this site has quite a wide variety of fora, and I think there exists a variation in posting behaviours between them. Way Off-Topic, for eample has completely a different atmosphere to the Technical (Self-Help) ... As with all writing, it depends on your audience. First principles for all writing is to determine for whom you write, what their needs and interests are, etcetra, then write to suit.
  6. Sssshhh! Blasphemer!
  7. ah, your just a sore loser, old man :D :D wasn't star wars first released around your time anyways, i thought adults grew outta that stuff and became bitter like and old fart not getting a discount on everything <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But this person has neither expressed any anger, nor lost anything, so I fail to see how they are a "sore loser". (See, there's that self-admitted ignorance again; I tell it like it is, and if I don't understand, I say it!) And your ageist comment reveals that you are really na
  8. If we're judging posts on humour content, then there is a lot of locking and deleting that needs to be done. ...
  9. Too bad, the gizka idea was pure genius. :D
  10. Here here. That is one scary avatar.
  11. Hah, that Bruce Davis sounds like a real pill!
  12. Wasn't that the exact plot of K1 ?
  13. ... The Ball of Thrall ...
  14. Who said that? I think there is too much violence in video games. And not enough violence in video game development. With producers. And townsfolk with burning torches.
  15. Yes, yes. Well done. "
  16. I know, I thought it was odd because your spelling is better than a lot of the people on this forum ...
  17. Bah, I remember that the Apple ][ (which had a speaker that made a beep and a click, only) had a music synthesiser; there was even a rendition of Rimsky-Korsakov's Flight of the Bumble Bee that was so good I would replay the demo to hear it. Dun-nun-nun dee-oo-eee-ooo Dun-nun-nun dee-oo-eee-ooo Dun-nun-nun dee-oo-eee-ooo Dun-nun-nun dee-oo-eee-ooo bzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzybzzy ...
  18. That's not a Death Star .... ...That's a Death Star.
  19. Depends what you mean by prequel. If the prequel involves any characters that appear directly in either KotOR game, then NO. If the game is a completely different set of characters and just happens to be set in the same universe, but earlier, then that is not such a big deal.
  20. Seconded and carried.
  21. Did you get to observe the Mayor in flagrante delicto ? I agree though, Garriot was a master craftsman. (Doesn't he own a bone fide castle in England somewhere, and every year on his birthday loads of geeks camp out in the grounds and role play?)
  22. Feeling a little insecure, are we? My, my; obviously very sensitive about that big doll you bought; has no-one offered you the $10000 you expected? Never mind, as you said before, you've got a great piece of ... er ... art? ... to keep you company until someone buys it off of you. I mean someone will, won't they ... you did, after all ... " I have two SW games, K1 and K2. You can have them now, if you want, I've played them. I don't hate dolls, I yet don't have any use for them. And spending $3000 on a doll seems pretty strange to me; I would much rather buy a HD Plasma screen or even a dedicated gaming PC ... but you spend your money in a way that best suits you! Learning your geography off Sesame Street, are we? Actually I've been to over twenty different countries on every continent except Antartica and Greenland, so I am well aware of the Earth's geography ... a little better aquainted that you are, by the sounds of it, with your "east and west coasts" reference ... I am happy to admit my ignorance when I do not know something. For example, I have no idea to what you are referring in this last paragraph. I must have really hit a nerve for you to attack me in such a vehement (and yet endearingly, harmlessly futile) way ... all I did was ask why you would want to spend $3000 on a Boba Fett doll. Maybe some of your pent up frustration could be released if you had bought some other type of doll.
  23. Ah, don't worry about it! your parents and school peer group probably screwed you up more than a computer game ever could hope to. And I want an apology for your spelling. "
  24. Yes, but not just NwN; all D&D games.
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