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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I thought the Neo-Smith scene was the best of the trilogy due to the major build-up -- Whereas the other fights didn't really have much at stake this one had A LOT-- the end of Zion, the end of the world, the end of the Matrix as we know it, revenge over the death of Trinity..etc. Ever since the end of the original movie, it represented the first time Smith was powerful enough to be able to stand toe-to-toe with Neo in battle. ... I think throwing buildings at each other and tearing cities to shreds would have been completely over-the-top. Where would NEO have gotten these powers all of a sudden? The Chosen One is powerful, yes, but I never got the slightest hint in any of the prequels that he would be able to throw skyscrapers around and destroy cities with but the slighest gesture. It would have made sense with Smith since the movie does explain that he was getting more and more powerful (he can clone himself endlessly!) but it would have required some extra justification for NEO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As I quoted before:
  2. ... Our ideal candidate has been the lead producer for an entire production cycle for at least one AAA game and is familiar with all aspects of the game creation. ... Requirements: Five or more years experience, including at least one shipped, internally developed, AAA title, as the "Senior" Producer on the title. Thorough experience in managing (20-60) person development teams from concept and pitch to post-release support. ... They could have saved themselves the bother of advertising this role on their website, methinks, and just direct mailed all the possible candidates.
  3. Or, you could turn the volume up really, really loud and play some Led Zepplin or Pink Floyd or even some Industro-Punk-Trance-Metal-Grunge. That should blow the cobwebs out.
  4. Nope, the new expansion Aftermath is Gordon (and Alyx, too) getting the fcuk out of Dodge: Half-Life 2: Aftermath is the expansion pack for HL2, last year's popular and acclaimed shooter. The expansion takes place right after the events in HL2, and you and Alyx will flee from City 17, fighting against creatures who were previous blocked from enetering the city. The Citadel you assaulted in HL2 is tumbling into chaos, and this event will have catastrophic effects on the surrounding area, prompting your escape. Secondary characters Alyx and Dog will have a much more significant role in this follow-up. Half Life 2: Aftermath, the first expansion pack for HL2 takes place after the happenings in Half Life 2. The game starts where HL2 left off, you got to escape from the city before it blows up. Get ready for another dose of Half Life 2 this summer, no tan for you. Oh, and the creatures aren't dead. GamePro gossip: ... Pushing the physics envelope a bit further, Aftermath also promises to add new abilities to the Gravity gun and a wider variety of puzzles. Details surrounding the game remain sketchy: Valve remains tight-lipped as to what new weapons or vehicles to expect from the game, if any. Abstract revelations aside, expect the game to nevertheless be a hit when its released. ... Look for it after the split with Vivendi is official: August 31, 2005. Three preview screenshots Incidentally, whilst perusing the Valve site, I found a bit of concept art: She's called a Female Assassin. She was probably was meant to be the Half-Life 2 equivalent to the flipping-out ninja-esque black ops of Counter-Strike, or does that mean Counter-Strke 2 is on it's way ...? (w00t) PS: It must be good; ServerSpy have already got a rating of 81% (based on 0 reviews)!
  5. Oi! Careful, Or I'll sick Baley on you! Did you not witness Colin Baker's outfit and hairstyle? How much more 80s can you get? And the series degerated into a shallow reflection of its artistic roots ... zeitgeist.
  6. A pair of shades that have a 480x320 3d (two images can be co-ordinated like those awful glasses) rendered image to super-impose on (or replace) the RL view, wireless earphones and some sort of input device (verbal, somatic, telepathic, etc, ... whatever). It's coming, you know it is ...
  7. It's a comic-eat-comic world out there in diazopam-land.
  8. I liked the films, and the long series to get to Earth, but the actual bit where they got to Earth really sucked. ...
  9. Your right, it was a dumb question. :Darque: A PBEM game can last several months, as each game year takes about two and a half weeks to play (a week for each of Spring and Fall, and 3-4 days for Winter), and there are several game years (a game could potentially last forever, though that has never happened before). But on the bright side, a postal game usually takes over a year to complete, so it's not so bad. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We're looking to have simulatenous games going. (With coded orders, for those competing in both.)
  10. If you read Arthur C. Clarke's 2010: Oddyssey 2, he has a gigantic diamond at the core of Jupiter; he freely reveals his sources in the bibliography of the novel for some of the more interesting ideas (like this one), although it has been more than a decade since I read it and, alas, the chap in question is forgotten to me.
  11. Did somebody say Tim Shafer? Psychonauts!
  12. Then I'm all for it! (Why, have you two been kissing / does Nur want to kiss you?)
  13. PoA looks pretty decent, too. (I was waiting for Hooha to notice the Insurgency one; looks like there is another for him to get excited about.) :D I'm not a big fan of MMORPGs, or online PvP Fragfestooneries, but I'm always interested in a good single player campaign. Having said that, the Badge of Blood and Hostile Planet ones look pretty well done.
  14. It depends on the interface. You're all stuck in the "handhelds must have a tiny screen" paradigm. Why can't there be some other sort of interface, like Voice-activation, and Speech? Or some sort of HUD? With the rate of convergence as it is, it won't be long before the last remaining hurdle to everything-on-a-PDA will be the interface; it will then be obvious that the solution will be the next, and biggest, "killer-app". That will be interesting. But it'll take five-to-ten, i think.
  15. I think every Lawful Good hero has teamed up with their nemeses at some point. If they are Lawful Evil, then there is an agreed end to the cooperation. If the nemesis is Chaotic, they can turn anytime it suits them. This conceit is quite common: many, many films use it. The interesting application seems to centre on how the hero/es deal with the last act of treachery: do they remain Lawful Good and refuse to act in an equally grubby way as payback (and the baddie dies by their own treachery back-firing on them, or accidentally), or do they use the same tactic in retaliation (because they didn't introduce the underhanded tactic, but because it has been introduced it is part of the fair means to conclude the fight)?
  16. You didn't like the first one, either? I guess it was a bit of a androcentric fantasy; not too many strong female characters (just the token love interest and wise woman / witch clich
  17. I think Tony Blair has charisma. No, wait, hear me out. Even though people are dead-set against whatever topic we use as an example *cough* *cough*, he is still able to mount one of the most impressive PR sleights-of-hand and make it seem
  18. That's not a game, that's a vocation! He he! More ways to subtly misconstrue orders, whilst ostensibly pretending to make ... er ... that sounds terrific! How long does a game last on average: 20
  19. These were just posted on Steam as noteworthy modifications and new content: MMORPG: Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat Hostile Planet Badge of Blood HullBreach Single Player: Minerva :cool:
  20. And no daughters? Surely you can't be pleased... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But Britany is apparently only expecting twins ...
  21. No-one remembers Benson. :'( Benson DuBois? The Govenor's Chief of Staff, with Pete (the Press Secretary, later to play that boring alien mess sergeant in ST: Voyager), and Clayton Endicott III (who ended up as the shapeshifter in ST: DS9).
  22. They get great coverage on the internet.
  23. How long is the apprenticeship; like how long do I have to wear eyeliner and nail polish before I can draw blood and scars on my face, over the lead-powder foundation?
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