I really do believe this. Because in the immortal words of Triple H, Revan is "that...damn...good!".
I prefer to believe that the accurate prediction of behaviours is proportional to the size of the group: the Hari Seldon (from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series fame) law of mass action (part of the study of Psychohistory).
Basically it is simpler to make predictions of large groups; the smaller the group the greater the inaccuracy, down to the individual, where it is just blind guesswork.
Sure, Revan may have had a hot-line to the Force, with visions on tap, but that's an awful lot of power for one person to wield and really doesn't fit in with the precious EU canon.
But if true, it certainly makes the case for the Anti-Force Force, the followers of the Kreia: One True Prophet, who wish to emancipate the galaxy from the tyrrany of the Force! ^_^