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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I think you have to be significantly Dark Side or you will get the Light Side options (companions and ending).
  2. They all do have an effect. For example, Ataru adds +2 to attack, but also subtracts 2 from defence for many enemies; Soresu adds attack against blasters, and blaster bolt deflection for defence, etc. (See here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>] and here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>].) They would be even more use if the BAB wasn't so munchkin (see the link here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>] for BAB and here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>] for further discussions on feats, and Darth Frog's excellent musings and metrics on combat wherever he does them, especially here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>], here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>]; also the Developer Kone's explanation here [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>] ).
  3. 1. SW is written by US citizens, so they use American English (sic). This does not make the term "Gray" acceptable, it merely underscores their illiteracy. 2. I think you are over-simplifying the alignment system, which is easy to do, because GL has never mentioned anything more than Light and Dark, yet RPGs generally use a minimum of two-dimensional co-ordinates for alignment: Good-Evil and Choatic-Lawful axes. Thus it is perfectly feasible to have a Lawful Good Jedi and a Chaotic Good Grey Jedi, for example. (I think Qui-Gon Jin was CG.)
  4. I really do believe this. Because in the immortal words of Triple H, Revan is "that...damn...good!". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I prefer to believe that the accurate prediction of behaviours is proportional to the size of the group: the Hari Seldon (from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series fame) law of mass action (part of the study of Psychohistory). Basically it is simpler to make predictions of large groups; the smaller the group the greater the inaccuracy, down to the individual, where it is just blind guesswork. Sure, Revan may have had a hot-line to the Force, with visions on tap, but that's an awful lot of power for one person to wield and really doesn't fit in with the precious EU canon. But if true, it certainly makes the case for the Anti-Force Force, the followers of the Kreia: One True Prophet, who wish to emancipate the galaxy from the tyrrany of the Force! ^_^
  5. The Search function is your friend. There is also a thread on this forum about another hypothesied link between Kae and Kreia and the Last of the Handmaidens ...
  6. Just have to play games instead of talk about them.
  7. Good catch! I'm not crazy, really, I just would get a kick out of it of Obsidian decided to include one of gaming's more famous "running gags" into the game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still remember being totally dumbfounded when I found it from the secret areas on "Satan's Dark Delight" in Quake. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't get it.
  8. Going gold is not the same as being released, or at least that's my understanding of it. They've produced the completed 'gold' version which will be copied, packaged, shipped and sold. We'll be able to buy it in November. They now have two months to work on the first patch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the second patch, too. (Otherwise the second patch won't have any regression bugs that were fixed in the first patch ...)
  9. But now we have a whodunit! :ph34r:
  10. Anything well written is always good to play.
  11. Even better would be to put the junk into some random creature you killed. Kill a random Cliffracer, load the junk into him and after a few days the Racer and everything on him is gone...forever! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... Eaten by another monster. ^_^
  12. How can you hesitate? Deus Ex for teh R0x0rz0rz w!n Last time I played it from a completely moral standpoint: my character didn't kill anyone who didn't ought to be killed (hint: drug them with tranquilizers). I only killed the genuine "we know what we're doing and we're out to kill everybody" bad guys. Also, :Darque: mentioned that the flamethrower was a good weapon, and I didn't use it last time, so on my next playthrough ... *starts to plan next playthrough*
  13. You do NOT have to kill Navarre.
  14. Sort of Fallout meets Rome: Total War meetsSplinter Cell: Chaos Theory meets Hidden & Dangerous 2 meets System Shock 2 meets Neverwinter Nights meets Warcraft III ... ... all you need to add is co-op and PvP ...
  15. You don't like high-magic worlds?
  16. Just another day in international diplomacy; good intentions and positive moves for peace (by the US) are interpreted as hostile actions ... "
  17. Oi! Enough from the peanut gallery! does that mean I get to play the Dominion?
  18. Two points: If you add more supply centres, you need to adjust the winning total; The map isn't as clear as I would like; some of the abbreviations are illegible (is that DOD off the coasts of Gascony and northern Spain?)
  19. I don't want to do this, but I must intervene on Reveilled's behalf. He was not the one who voted AGAINST the restart. Period. I will say no more.
  20. Only if you eat pizza and then go to bed.
  21. Look at the puddle of water ...
  22. It doesn't make sense. Unless you believe that Revan could predict whether the Exile would become a Sith or a Jedi. AND you believe that Revan could predict, accurately, that the Exile would defeat Kreia in her home base (assuming Revan even knew that Trayus was still in existence).
  23. I always wanted a pokadot one.
  24. Yep. KotOR is dead. Long live the SF RPG.
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