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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. God. It's a saying that calls upon "higher forces" to help in times of stress, like when something shocking has surprised the utterer. Heaven. Because he asked.
  2. Let me introduce you to a new term: realism. Now, I know you might be familiar with this term in a gaming environment, but I would like to appraise you of the RL meaning: I am what is known as a realist. To answer your implied question / threat / wager, No, actually: money is a means to an end and certainly not the be-all and end-all of my existence. Just because I understand the system doesn't mean I like it, just that I understand it. Don't shoot the messenger.
  3. Trask Un-Lives! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fixed.
  4. I don't know why I bother posting links for people to read. Did you follow the link? Did you?
  5. Yeah, wouldn't there be a lot of confusion, like: "Hey, Kae! Get over here. No, not you, the other Kae. Yeah, you!"
  6. Just replay good old games. Heck I'm even thinking of re-installing an old Duke Nukem ...
  7. Sure you will. And your hatred will be a superb motivator for you to create your own mod!
  8. Aroid, I'd like you to meet economics. If a game is a critical success, but isn't popular, then it won't inspire ANYONE to make more of them. Why would a business want to invest in something that doesn't yield a decent return? Philanthropy? What colour is the sky in your world ...?
  9. On average, children of poeple with extreme heights tend to the median (so midgets have children taller than themselves). Having said that, I remember a show that interviewed one of the tallest women in the world, and she had married a man over 6'5", and her child was about the size of a two-year old when it was born, prematurely!
  10. "God in heaven"
  11. Is it me, or does Darth Vader look like a small-headed shrimp in that image?
  12. I think we are beginning to see evidence of the Stockholm Syndrome ...
  13. That's an indication of poor design, not an intentional disconnect. And you're reading a KotOR1 thread in the KotOR2 fora ? That is pretty short-sighted of you.
  14. Do not trouble yourself; the world is cracked asunder when a critical character's life is taken: you will know if this happens. (Go on, try it and see. " MAke sure you have a recent save to reload afterwards, though.)
  15. For some reason, when I delivered that message before [<{POST_SNAPBACK}>], respondents were more interested in explaining the differences than observing the overwelming similarities.
  16. Yep, I expect that LA want this game to become their Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (follow the link and press the gamebox image to go to the support site).
  17. If you read the dialogues, you will see that the reason Brianna is "the last of the handmaidens" is because she was born from their mutual father's second partner, a Jedi named Kae. The thread was about twenty pages long, and it was quite evident that the evidence was there, and in fact it was more likely as not that this was the case, but that it was never fully scripted into the game (whether for lack of time or plot re-negotiation was obviously up for debate). Forna K. Shan's thread (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>) on 10 March. The Search function is your friend. I have included the first post of the thread, below. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  18. The search function is your friend. looking up stuff
  19. Half-Life 2 was held up by VU, though, as part of their feud with Valve over Steam ... P.S. Volo, Spellmar would like to take this opportunity to remind you that it's P.P.S., not P.S.S.
  20. So, the Elder is really Ender as the Edar Spire pretending to be Eldar ?
  21. I don't suppose there is any method to place a fleet in the Caspian Sea (I just had a weird image of convoying a fleet over an army :D ), so that becomes a Sevastopol from Siberia, accessible via Moscow or Persia, only.
  22. ROFLMAO I nearly always kill her with a sneak attack (and of course she explodes, stupid biatch), but I hadn't thought of that ... :D ... Now, should I finish my DX:IW game first ...?
  23. No accounting for taste. Wait until you meet a goddess, then you won't know what hit you: you won't be able to freeze the video or anything, whilst your brain reacts similarly to a mild concussion, with your tongue lolling around uselessly in your suddenly-dry mouth (like you have been drinking sea water and then gone to the dentist for a filling and were injected with novacaine), whilst you try to make some sounds and end up gibbering like a loon ...
  24. You are correct: Quake 3 will / should be open source. reference ... Carmack is aware of the difficulties for new programmers who want to get into the business: it's a long way from staring at a blank page in a compiler to having Doom 3. What can be done? Over the past several years Carmack has done his part by releasing the source codes to his previous game engines. Which led up to a big announcement: Sometime over the next week or so, the Quake 3 source engine will be released under the GPL license. Since Q3 is still a viable development platform, the community should learn a lot from tearing into it. Carmack notes that the Punkbuster code has been removed so he hopes that cheating won't be a huge problem. ... Quakecon 2005
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