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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. F**k horses, I want GRIFFINS!
  2. I personally do not understand universal fascination with Spanish language. Asian languages recently became more "natural" sounding to my ears. Polish is damn annoying. It sounds exactly like Russian and when I hear it, some familiar patterns are instantly triggerred in my brain, but I can't comprehend a word of what is said. Australian accent was horrifying for the first 3 months of my exposure to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep nasal Australian is vile. Kiwis sound like they should be in sheltered accommodation. I used to think the Scottish burr was a really nice anguage, but as soon as I heard it more often, it became revolting. Don't mind Irish, though. Brummie sounds worse than Kiwi, if that is possible.
  3. Me too. But remember, it's the thought of the guy spending money that counts So no matter where you get the flowers, make sure she thinks you paid a heavy price for them. Like a kidney or something. Only then, will she know you love her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If this is true for your putative marriage, and you don't like it (I wouldn't), then get out now. Yes. It needs to be good, unless you are going for the sympathy vote ...
  4. Abstract. :/
  5. Congrats!!! (w00t) ...Will you have a plastic cake? :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Muahahaha very funny. No really, very funny. And thank you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, you're getting married and you don't understand the basic concept of flowers? Are you sure this is a good idea?
  6. What is romantic about giving a loved one a fading gift? Giving flowers is like giving death. And why are artificial flowers a big no no. They last forever, like our love. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, that's a good message: artificial flowers for artificial love! The point is that the flowers, like love, need to be re-sent, reinforced, re-expressed. Love is an inherently insecure state of mind: if you've been in love you'll know that, if you haven't then take it from me.
  7. It's not what I'd like. The Jews control the media (films and tv, not sure about the others off-hand) and have made sure that everyone knows about their suffering. Also, there are laws to enforce their protection in all the countries where the National Socialists might re-appear. Also, it wasn't the US who thought up and executed the Final Solution. Still, if it's required for the society to heal itself, then I don't have any issues.
  8. Mac OS X IS a Linux distro. Really, it's core is Unix. (At least it's more stable than Windoze.)
  9. I think it might be a mechanism for the two nations of the US to establish a rapport. Seems there is a large disconnect between the African Americans and the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant overclass.
  10. Not to downplay the horror of the slave trade over the centuries, but frankly the above could be said about a heck of a lot of folks throughout history, including the ancestors of most white Australians. What their decendants then did to the native Aboriginals after their unwilling arrival at the "new world" is yet another exercise in racism. Racism and bigotry is hardly an American institution, please. It's a human institution. Edit: Now that I've finished reading the thread I must give a massive to those who imply that Americans were not taught their own history in school. I certainly was. My children certainly were. Which is more than the children in many parts of the world, including such enlightened places as Japan and places in Europe can say ( I won't specify which countries in Europe, since folks around here are indignantly huffy about the slightest criticism of their own sacred country even as they hurl their daily "ain't America awful" invectives.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, my comment was pertaining the whiners who were unhappy / unsure why there was a Black History Month. I never said that the US was the most profligate nor the most heinous, the British have a lot of blood on their hands (including colonising lots of countries, like the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, not to mention the prequel to the World Wars with Germany as Europeans tried to carve up Africa, the Anglo-Zulu War, the Boer Wars and yes, the attrocities of Australia including the (accidental) putative genocide of the Tasmanian Aborigines). Japan and Germany were, after all, just trying to catch up to France, Spain, Britain, etc, when they took on the world. I didn't do history when I was schooling in the US, so I can't really comment (although I wasn't overly impressed with the standard, generally).
  11. But ... there is already a pirate version available ... as soon as the developer release of OS X for Intel was out, it was cracked (within 24hrs iirc). Still, I applaud poetry instead of Redmond's illiterate "General Protection Fault" for every error ...
  12. Yep, but I have to make the point, for posterity ...
  13. Cool, Charm, Credibility, ...
  14. So why do message boards employ the same process? If all the ill-users of English were banned form their favourite game, or even had their levels docked (or even retarded by extra XP requirements), that might help ...
  15. If a person is after a "Star Wars" game, regardless of quality of the game, then it doesn't matter if the game has no quality. Those who want a good game won't be fooled by the Jedi Mind Trick that LA keeps trying ...
  16. Yep there are plenty of words for idioicy ...
  17. Sexual discrimination! BAN HIM! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, I trust you realise I was adocating banning the troglodytes from using "gay" as a derogatory comment, and not for genuine uses ... after all, homosexual wouldn't be banned. Then again, the Mods could just track all uses, and give warnings for inappropriate uses. It could be the best social ameliorator ever created ...! :cool:
  18. Virgil had some good lines, but I keep feeling that I ought to have liked the game better than I did ... I wanted it to be good (and I didn't even realise it was a Troika game, either).
  19. Why? Where are the rules for publicising developer journals? For a start OE haven't ruled them out completely: it is possible that they are being kept for an expansion. But even if they aren't, so what? If the feature wasn't included because it wasn't possible to do it right, then I find it the height of hypocrisy that in one thread people (not mentioning any names) are criticising Troika for not producing a good game from good ideas, and in this thread people are complaining that a game won't have badly implemented good ideas. Let's applaud greatness, including not compromising just to tick the box on the back of a game's package. "Oh, look! Horses!"
  20. Because they will.
  21. I keep trying to get through it, but the beginning keeps stopping me. Maybe it gets better later ...
  22. I thought Arcarnum was boring.
  23. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. Winston Churchill
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