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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. It's okay, though, because my assassin was wounded and outside, and is hence wandering around ready to backstab anyone for a cause (LE) ... he didn't really like all those goodie-two-shoes in the party, anyway ...
  2. Well Japanese are very very weird, so maybe there is some very very weird reason for the man-love for FMV that we occidentals don't get ...
  3. Glad I gave it a fat swerve, then. :D
  4. I'm so glad someone got that. :D One of the best films EVAR!
  5. That is the PC gamer talking in you.. And I agree. How can anyone in their right mind prefer those linear, one-path,one-ending button mashers over something with branching stories, multiple endings, true character creation/customization and good strategic based combat ? There may be cultural issues.. Not to mention the issue of what one grew up and is familiar with. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bloody PC Gamer! Quiet, I tell you! :"> I can't believe the PC Gamer blurted out an opinion ... normally I have such tight control ... :D Maybe the costs of making FMV is cheaper than alternate branches? I guess it must be, considering all the associated costs, and that would have an effect on management decisions ... <_<
  6. Is that any good? I saw it in the bargain bin area and passed on it ...
  7. Chocolate Mousse?
  8. But ... there aren't any weirdo-homosexuals in fantasy land! The only fairies are the little ones with wands that cast spells. Maybe they should rename WoW to World of Rednecks?
  9. Trailer (64MB .wmv) Looks very well done: destructive landscapes and tanks, authentic weapons, realistic wounds, etc. But is there a market for defending Mother Russia from the Nazis? (Oh, them again!)
  10. Today I shall be playing: Tombraider III Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich
  11. You lose! (w00t)
  12. AAaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg!!!! failed saving throw! logging off!
  13. The Africans were violently removed from their families and countries and indentured for their lives. That's why they are different to other races.
  14. Do not invoke the anger of the Sith Bunny! :ph34r:
  15. The Peanuts one is great.
  16. I know, that is just the headlines. I'll post them up soon.
  17. Same to you!
  18. Some sharks give birth, some have eggs. Maybe some dragons give birth to live young? It is entirely possible that a shape-changed creature is infirtile in altered state. Don't mention the Dragonlance. Lost my mid level mage there. (Chaotic Neutral). Coruscate was his name. Loved fire. Fireballs always ready ... pity about that mated pair of dragons that the party thought was only one dragon ...
  19. I thought he meant 'bladdered'. PS Isn't that Pixies's alt?
  20. Apparently there's a 200MB patch.
  21. Blasphemy! Burn the witch!
  22. They aren't Christians, either. They just think they are. At least bin Laden knows he's just using Islam as a smokescreen ... come to think of it, Falwell can't be as stupid as he makes out, so he's probably cynically using all those poor bible-thumping lemmings in the mid-Western states ...
  23. I disagree. Islam means peace. The people you are calling "Islamic Extremists" are as Muslim as a ham and claret sandwich.
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