The ol' Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, eh? Sneaky Bethesda! Still, I think I want one ... curses! Childish-five-year-old-instict-for-the-shiny-object gets me every time!
All reports are that it is an inferior game that tries to buy credibility off the back of Marlon Brando's image, which EA bought the rights to on his deathbed.
What means it to "burn decoders"?
Also, just in case you aren't aware, may I draw your attention to the forum guidelines, just in case someone (not you!) accidentally suggests something that might be construed to contravene them.
I wouldn't be surprised, that's the central pillar of the sect. Even a mental giant of Cruise's intellectual standing must have gathered that by level eight, or whatever he's reached. "
I find myself just clicking on him again and again to hear that sweet voice of his. My character is so going to marry him. They will all have scruffy-looking but still neatly trimmed beards.
Sims 2: Oblivion ... don't laugh ..!