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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Saint Thomas Cruise Mapatha IV?
  2. BAN PLZ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, you're banned! (w00t)
  3. So you aren't Japanese then? Let's make sure ... does the thought of soiled underwear from a twelve year old girl make you aroused?
  4. A pill for every ill!
  5. What was this thread again? *waves big stick* Back on topic, under pain of closure. :angry:
  6. Indeed, the "hard science" of brain anatomy, for example, is indistinguishable from any other anatomical or biological science. The problem has always been that humans are very difficult to study, and the brain is EASILY the most complex thing in our known universe, so making quick assumptions
  7. I was wondering what the heck you were doing there till I saw you bump the skull. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Necro-feely-a :D
  8. Maybe Bioware can help, as Juhani was in the first KotOR game.
  9. Serves you right, Rosbjerg, for skiing when you are old enough to know better. Skiing is best suited to youngsters who are completely without fear and have super-hero reflexes to avoid certain death as they careen out-of-control down the slope whilst in a blur of hangover. What?
  10. And now some fool will say that EdD'Oh isn't part of the simulation. I know it's hard to believe that Artificial Idiocy has reached such an advanced state, but the alternative is that there is someone on a computer typing that drivel ... unthinkable.
  11. L Ron Hubbard hated psychiatry, and he has a point: most of the mental defectives that specialise in it are only there to because they wanted to understand why they were so screwed up in the first place. Problem is, Scientology now uses psychometric tests to tell people what they need to hear to get them to join the group. Cynical? Yes. Effective? Also yes. Did they get me (even with a pretty girl) off the street? No. (I did get a chuckle out of the test, though.)
  12. Doesn't look like it's going to be SOON at all ... :D
  13. Strangely uncompelling attempt to wheedle information out of the wrong developers.
  14. Or you are underestimating how big an impact it might have.
  15. I think it is a coincidence, not Judge.
  16. -100 points for Mothman for being lazy.
  17. Thinking more about this feature, I think this was the main reason I didn't finish Morrowind (together with the voluminous descriptions of the quests; the necessity to make an on-sthe-spot decision to take them or not; and the ease with which the journal became unreadable because of this). I think this makes Oblivion a buy ..!
  18. So we see the XBox bias of the reviewer ... <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is he wrong though ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why? To get the same level of graphics on a PC as the X-box 360 you'd need to buy a card that costs a little less than an X-box 360 itself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horsefeathers. You could use a year-old graphics card (eg. the nVIDIA 6800GS) to achieve the same results at the TV resolution. The expensive card is necessary to have the same effects at HUGE resolutions (HDTV 720p; 1280
  19. Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
  20. Yeah ... Nothing much going on here.
  21. So we see the XBox bias of the reviewer ... <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is he wrong though ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes.
  22. Don't the software companies have a gimped version of their applications that only work on a single project / piece / whatever you call it?
  23. One small step for SPORE, one giant leap for animation!
  24. ++Humour Quotient
  25. Scientology became a religion after L.Ron Hubbard's Dianetics failed to make money ... tax-free status of religion was very appealing ... "
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