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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Don't withdraw it: you said you wanted to win/lose fairly. Just take the criticisms and weight them accordingly, then make any improvements. Don't give up.
  2. Hey, I'm just hear to laugh at you guys and talk football. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... Because football fanaticism is not worse than gaming fanaticism ... "
  3. Not that I know ANYTHING about it, but don't you just load the custom one last (overwriting others) by saving it in the override folder?
  4. The one I am making is in my own world, not in D&D at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What colour is the sky in your world, Alan? "
  5. Yeah bring back the cut content. We always have modders out there who could do this also. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't see how a modder could possibly get any of the original content. And I doubt it really makes any difference, tbh. Just add new stuff!
  6. Well, they are just as powerful as Drow, so you should avoid them by that logic, too. )
  7. Let's keep the spam quotient down to non-toxic levels, please.
  8. So I guess you can't just ring up at store-opening time and buy them over the 'phone, either?
  9. Did you use babies as fire-breaks?
  10. Hurry up, LC! Get to Neverwinter!
  11. What's stopping the first guy in line buying a hundred consoles?
  12. Wait ... you bought The Sims 2?
  13. Unlikely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But still possible! He has MADE his own luck ...
  14. Still too good for Clerics. "
  15. I guess it won't be long until the Xmen on Ice Christmas shows ...
  16. I guess I must be a politics/history nerd, because I think of Trotsky ... :
  17. Yeah, those two should be a good mix. :D BTW, has anyone ? I'm thinking that . With someone that has suffered through his past as much as he has, it kind of makes sense. He's unemotional and cold because events in his life made him that way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or maybe he created the events in his past by having the mood predispositions he has. "
  18. The Oxford Concise says it arrived to English from German ... not sure if this supports or contradicts your statement, Maria ... (In other words I'm not sure if the Greeks had much influence over the old Germans).
  19. Thanks, Jimmy!
  20. OIC. I thought you were expressing your own surprise at his singing talents.
  21. You're welcome. As always, read at your own risk: genetic-environmental interaction abnormalities are beyond the scope of the terms and conditions of any warranty, either expressed or implied. "
  22. I getting really annoyed with the memory manager errors that I'm warned by as applications are closed (strangely, only when my laptop is docked): I can't wait to go back to a hardware firewall and ditch this software one.
  23. And it wouldn't be half as annoying if their stuff, you know...didn't suck. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still, it can work: look at, say, their Project Management application (imaginitively called Project): it started as a easy-to-use featureless toy that sold for almost nothing, and then (via six version iterations) eventually overtook the (originally) much better and entrenched market-leader Computer Associates product. That's when they get it right. Otherwise there is MSN Messenger or their Search, as counter-examples ...
  24. Sure, the issue (apples for apples) would be timing an application that compares, say, moving a codestream from one core to the other (from one distinct L2 cache to the other) versus using a shared L2 cache between the two cores. Lots of fun and oppotunities for engineers to draw pretty graphs.
  25. Hee hee. Yes, documentation is the first casualty of programming. (Or was that truth and war? I always get them mixed up ...)
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