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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Does this say anything about the declining morals of the female guinea pig?
  2. I dunno, EdD'Oh, it might beat a certain person in Hot or Not ... "
  3. OTOH I like the fantasy element of just shooting a jerk who happens to be the problem. In a game, of course.
  4. metadigital


    Excellent: fundamentalism in law! Of course judges can't be trusted to exercise their own personal judgment, that would be like a soldier deciding who to aim at, or the electorate whom they should vote for ...
  5. Linus has swapped sides recently, too, hasn't he? (Isolating him from the community he created.)
  6. I don't know whether to be pleased that Sarge changes his outfit or distressed that you though he wouldn't. "
  7. Wow. I guess that makes me a fanboi, then, because I finished it in under 20 hours after it was released. :D The original Half-Life is indeed a classic; the atmosphere and the story still hold up today ... which is why I can't wait until Black Mesa: Source is finished. I expect I'll replay λ many, many times.
  8. Nothing at all. Do I win a prize?
  9. Yes (well, technically the answer is "it depends"). No.
  10. I expect it is to compete in the market place with the likes of Civilization IV.
  11. The problem is, Sand, that you parade your opinion around like it is some authority on the/any subject. Which it clearly is not. ^_^
  12. I'd prefer to have surgery in hospital, personally. "
  13. You can keep trying to use semantics to reclassify "MMORPG" as "A Multiplayer Online Game that I Don't Like" for all I care, but the original comment I made was: Because there will never be any game that is massively multiplayer that is any good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In other words, you are making a swingeing generalisation based on your own opinion, and trying to assert that it is reality. And you fail.
  14. Name one that has been commercially released. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope. It is a MMORPG. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The left hand doesn't know what the right hand types. If it is pointless, Muso, why did you even bother to reply? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because otherwise you (and possibly some newer members) will think that your "final word" is the correct one.
  15. I like this one:
  16. It's an addiction nightmare. The Codeine tablets I took as part of the post-operative pain management for my wisdom teethectomy (over a couple of days) were distressingly difficult to wean off: phantom pain, psychological addiction, etc. My father was allergic to it, yet the hospitals continually administered it, even after being informed. He used to get very, very ill (nausea and vomiting). I think a lot of people are allergic to it, and I thought it wasn't prescribed much anymore ... though it seems to be enjoying a resurgence.
  17. Colour blind (men, it's an X-chromosome-thing) cannot tell the difference between green and red, so blue should be the "on" colour for electronic status, anyway. Plus blue is teH c00l.
  18. " caveat lector
  19. So each time takes less than half an hour? Because it usually takes significantly longer for me ... "
  20. Well, that can be said of any information. You are right to be skeptical, as we all should of new information. Just because this is more organised, doesn't mean that it can't be better managed (in fact it should be possible to successfully manage the disinformation better): Again, it's not going to happen all by itself; that's not the scope of the project. This is just a safe, third-party medium to get information our, then grade it for credibility and veracity, then promulgate the consequent "truths" to the public domain.
  21. Just look at the nice soothing dancing image, below it.
  22. Martin Luther King, Jr. (American Baptist Minister and Civil-Rights Leader. 1929-1968)
  23. Oh No3z, Wals is a bot!
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