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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I don't hold with your latest tactical semantic redefinition of "freedom". Freedom is a universal ideal. I'm sure you'd understand if you weren't living in a free country.
  2. If it lacks a fundamental component (whatever it is that's worthy of being implanted by means of force), doesn't that mean they are less advanced for not having developed and instituted it themselves? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe they fundamental component is being withheld by a cadre of ne'er-do-well's with their own self-interests, rather than by a cultural omission.
  3. No, I just object to you defining freedom as an optional extra to civilization.
  4. Just because you post a reply does not mean you have answered the comment. You are fallaciously advocating that a tyrannical government can exist side-by-side with free societies, because the other culture is "different". THAT IS EXACTLY how Apartheid was rationalised by the racist government of SA. First you advocate isolationalism, then endorse tyrannical Stalinist states (Saddam's Iraq) as an equal government model for peoples. All you need to say now is The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949) between those semites and good, Amer'kan people from Iowa, with a The Population Registration Act (1950) to register those "different" people from the Middle East, too. Don't forget to keep them away from the USA with The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953). See a pattern yet? No, of course not.
  5. It makes me look foolish to argue with a fool, you mean. Because not all of mankind shares those values. That is your fallacy. Just as my ancestors fought and died for their beliefs so has theirs. If my country is attacked I will defend it if called upon. If my way of life is threatened I will face that threat without fear and with determination. However I will not force my country's culture, mores, and form of government on others. I do not have that right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did not say they aren't cultured enough. Nowhere did I make such judgment. That is your judgment of them, not mine. They have a different culture than ours. The have a different set of social norms on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Their culture is no more advance nor any more backwards than our own. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Congratulations, you just defined Apartheid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  6. You seem to think you have the right to live in a country whose safety was earned with the blood of your ancestors, without fighting for the values that they died for for ALL mankind.
  7. Sounded like a bad driver (application).
  8. It's actually been bothering me for a while ... televisions have had 50Hz and 100Hz models for years, which have their own shortcomings. I think the faster ones cause eyestrain for a different reason, but it is not as bad as the lower frequency.
  9. I did not say they aren't cultured enough. Nowhere did I make such judgment. That is your judgment of them, not mine. They have a different culture than ours. The have a different set of social norms on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Their culture is no more advance nor any more backwards than our own. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Congratulations, you just defined Apartheid.
  10. Obviously RP is respecting our more sensitive grammatical sensibilities at Obz.
  11. Sounds like a description I'd apply to a certain very vocal individual, and his opinions, from these very boards ... " That's right, those dirty little semites aren't cultured enough to participate in a democracy. Adding racism to your isolationist diatribe, now? Excellent, I'm so pleased I re-opened the topic.
  12. Right. Let's keep the discussion relevant, and not just bleat opinions ad nauseam, as this is not conducive to the fair and equal exchange of information.
  13. *does not make a comment about the coincidental similarity between a tongue and a slug*
  14. Eyes can be replaced with the tongue.
  15. No the other topic was closed because it was being misused as a soapbox for a certain member to spam his opinion, without adding significantly to the discussion. But, as you seem to not want Way Off-Topic to have more leniency and a broader remit than the topics in other fora, then I am pleased to asist you.
  16. I am rarely surprised.
  17. Not quite: survival of the fittest (implicit: of non-aware intelligences) is regarded as amoral.
  18. Well, as you demonstrated, it is immediately recognisable as a dance, so it is pretty useful as an archetype.
  19. What you describe is not a bug that I am familiar with (and I have completed the game a few times); I would be hesitant to blame the game when there might be numerous other causes, such as your PC specs, for example.
  20. It's good to collect useful information together, for people who search first, rather than just post new topics whenever they want to ask a question. Which is much neater. Unfortunately, people tend to use any excuse for spamming, such as name-calling "necropost" or "n00b" depending on whether the poster exhumes an old thread or starts a new one. A true win-win situation for the spammer, then.
  21. Cool! I knew resolutions were standardizing on 1080p, but I wasn't so au fait with the concomitant gains in technology. Brand name, quality, etc: just like cars, you can get a good standard brand or a entry-level premium brand for a lower price point.
  22. I'd recommend widescreen LCD ... prices are rock-bottom (and probably can't get much lower, proportionally), and there are 19" LCDs for about what you are looking for (1680x1050), e.g. some local ones here in ol' Blighty: iiyama 22", NEC 20".
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