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Everything posted by Darth_Radnor

  1. How does it determine what you recieve? Because I first recieved +3 STR, then lost my mastery, then regained it, only I got +3 CON instead of STR.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It depends on your class...let me guess, were you a Guardian/Watchman?
  2. Just become a DS Sentinel or Sith Assassin to have the +3 DEX. But even if you don't want to go DS there are a ton of items in the game that make your DEX go through the roof.
  3. You have to kill him and loot his remains if you want the charges. The only other place where they can be found are in Korriban, but those are needed to blow up the door in Master Uthar's room.
  4. I agree, especially with this part:
  5. If you can control your power over the DS, then your face won't show it. But if you're overpowered in the DS (like Sidious, Revan, Exile) you can't control it and begin to show it in mediums other than your mind (ie your face).
  6. Yup. Crush is way too overpowered (worse than Storm in K1).
  7. Just use the Renewable Droid Shield...infinite protection for T3 + dead HKs with Shock Arm.
  8. Frankly I don't think it's worth it. Do you have a lot of xbox live games?
  9. That's the NJO...and I don't think it would be a good idea to put an RPG in its surroundings because of the LOTR syndrome when you begin to compare the differences between the books and the game and continuity issues rise. And why did I just compare NJO to LOTR?
  10. That was the funniest part of the movie.
  11. If you go to Kodin, he can sell you a chassis.
  12. Not an RPG based on the NJO, but perhaps an RPG set 1000 years after KOTOR. As far as I know there have been no books/comics about that time period, and Obsidian would have a free hand in doing what they wanted to do and not having to worry about continuity.
  13. Also I thought she would have been more like Palpatine if she didn't reveal to the Exile that she was a Sith Lord in a cutscene you can unlock quite easily at the beginning of the game.
  14. I do have the xbox version, and probably was fixed for the PC version.
  15. To quote Ben Franklin: "We must hang together or rest assured, we will all hang separately"
  16. You do realize that power is broken right? It doesn't give you any bonuses
  17. Its an area that was cut from the game, This is indicated by the fact that the Map still shows the layout of the room behind the door even though you can't open them. ummm NO! not unless I really missed something on my DS playthrough. Wow have you got your fact wrong! from everything I can understand the HK factory was to either be on telos in the sublevel of the base or on a planet called M4-78 that was too be added at a later Xbox Live DL (one of six that was scheduled but canceled at the end ) Wrong door the door they are talking about is outside on the catwalk in between the flop house and Vogas place (the two doors that show up on the map but you are unable to open). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stargate is correct. It's just another cut out area.
  18. Preference wins. And Revan is my 3rd favorite Jedi/Sith (after Vader/Anakin and Luke). I just hate Exar Kun.
  19. Ditto. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> double ditto. and thus also the reason for me hating kevin j. anderson for his stupid tendency to have to make things/characters ridiculously powerful. matter of fact, a lot of the comics series have come up with the worst ideas in star wars history. reborn emperor my ass. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Triple ditto.
  20. It's not working. She only becomes self-important after she falls to the Dark Side. I have generally noticed that the Dark Side tends to inflate one's personal opinions of themselves (Bastila, Vader, Palpatine, Malak, Exar Kun, etc). And memories don't come flooding back to Revan, all K2 reveals to us was that Revan . He probably wouldn't have survived. That's just your assumption. I don't think you can prove that Revan is greater than Anakin after the lava bath. No question. He is the son of the Force like you mention later on. Maybe. Or he could have meant it literally, when he knew he was going to die and there was no stopping it. A good theory, but what if Revan isn't the son of the Force? Can Revan's presence be that of the Force? What if he's just another powerful Jedi/Sith like Qel-Droma, not the son of the Force like Anakin? What if Bastila's presence was just coincidence? As of right now K3 is canned, so I know nothing of Revan's actions. Like I asked before, could Revan be the son of the Force? Kreia, who is known to exaggerate, is merely describing a powerful Jedi, not the son of the Force? For me, Revan is a powerful Jedi like Qel-Droma or Kun or Kenobi; I doubt it, however that his actions echo that of the Force. I don't know the distance between the throne room and the hanger in the Death Star, but remember it wasn't completed and probably was less distance than it was meant to be. But I know the long distance between the bridge and the exit of an Indictor ship, and that is a fair distance to carry a heavily armored body. I could pose the same question in a different context: Why was Revan stupid enough to think "loyalty" from Malak when Revan, as his master, taught him the Sith policy of power and humiliated him by programming HK to call him "meatbag" all the time and not let him "use" the Star Forge? Revan wasn't expecting Malak to turn on him when he got boarded. Yet Malak claimed the Title of Sith Lord, which means that no matter how you get rid of your master, you are the next Sith Lord. The thing that foiled Malak's plan was that Revan was alive. No. Like you said, a definiton has been added to Force Sensitivity, and adding new definitions loses the meaning of "abstract". Something at first at was intangible is now defined by "Force decibels" where you, at your root self, have bacteria that channel it for you. But like I said, to each his own, and you can respect them if you like, and I'll continue ignoring them. This rides on the assumption that you think RoTJ Luke is weak. But you need to remember Luke is the grandson of the Force, and he probably is as powerful as Anakin Skywalker was. If a pianist gets his fingers cut, then he couldn't feel them. Vader feels the Force (quite powerfully I might add, being able to transmit Chokes from one Stardestroyer to another). Like I said before, a mediocre analogy. What did I make up? Anakin probably reaches the zenith of his strength in Ep 3. Fair enough. No question. Revan is more intelligent than Anakin/Vader. Can't argue with that. Vader killed Obi Wan and the other Jedi Masters during the Jedi Purge after Ep 3, whom I presume are more powerful than the Mandalore or Yusanis. No one ever said Vader/Malak was subtle. Did Revan obliderate the whole Jedi Order? Did Revan command the fleet that conquered the Republic? No, Vader did. And based on all the facts I presented it's clear if it came to fight, then Vader should win. Um, you don't know that. I think preference is the final victor here. You're going to keep thinking Revan is stronger, and I'm going to keep thinking Vader is stronger. Like I said before, to each his own. Why do you think RoTJ Luke is weak? Emperor Palpatine fears him for a reason. I think everyone does. Naga Sadow is extremely weak. Tulak Hord was invented by Bioware, although supposed to be a powerful lightsaber duelist. Ajunta has a weak will, and Ragnos is powerful but in spirit a weakling. And don't get me started on Exar Kun. I agree. We may never know whether he gave it or not.
  21. And that's about all the reasons I need. Well, he is the lead designer after all. If LFL approved his work, he has the right to change whatever he sees fit. But please tell me who's pointing a gun at your head to buy and play this game. If the continuity 'issues' are so abhorrent to you, you can always get back to reading your vaunted TotJ and forget all about K2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Numberman speaks for me.
  22. that would have been interesting. although i wonder how bioware would have worked her story in, considering (as far as i know) the backstory they used for bastila isnt even close to what vimas backstory is like. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not to mention she would be in her 40's "
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