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Everything posted by Matt516

  1. I've heard both the final fight in the story and the final fight in Od Nua are both quite epic. Haven't gotten there yet, myself - but I've heard good things.
  2. You're not alone. Ongoing discussion at: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77341-hard-mode-is-too-easy-part-2/ EDIT: Start of that discussion (it's over 500 posts long) is here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72554-hard-mode-is-too-easy/
  3. I dislike major cities in these games, personally... so I'm not bothered. I always quit BG when I actually got to BG. But I may be in the minority...
  4. That would favor DW fast weapons above all else. Re: the danger of multiplicative modifiers - absolutely. That's why I'd only want to see Quality affect Base Damage and Might be multiplicative. In that order. Weapon quality is most important as it allows Might to scale into lategame in some way, isn't ludicrously impactful, and is just in general the most intuitive way to handle things. Might being multiplicative I'd like to see, but I can understand why it may not be a great idea. I almost wonder if the quality not affecting base damage for calculating modifier damage thing is a bug. The base damage on the weapon does change in the info screen, after all. Bug or no bug, the current implementation is confusing as hell.
  5. That's what I thought as well, but I have yet to see actual confirmation from a dev that this is the case. Hence why I made this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77348-bug-one-stands-alone-20-damage-intended-or-supposed-to-be-20/?hl=%2Bone+%2Bstands+%2Balone
  6. Well Ciphers don't count in balance discussions. That's like, the first rule of PoE balance discussions.
  7. There's a multiplier in the "XP for x level" function that you can modify with a hex editor if you should so desire to get this effect. There's a thread floating around somewhere on how to do this, but I couldn't find it. Maybe someone else knows where it is? After that, just work out how you need to change the multiplier for the desired effect - multiply it by 1.333 to get 25% less effective XP, multiply it by 1.5 to get 33% less effective XP, multiply it by 2 to get 50% less effective XP, etc...
  8. Which is also an option, though a more difficult one to balance and apply than just making Might and weapon quality improvements work as players would (and should IMO) intuitively expect them to work. (i.e. both multiplicative with other damage modifiers) Again, there are lots of possible solutions, and I'm sure Obsidian will implement some of them. But I'm gonna advocate for the ones I think make the most sense and are easiest to implement, all the same.
  9. Personally, I've got no doubts - damage modifiers can only continue to go up as the series progresses, which only helps Dex over Might. It's a certainty to me that at some point - whether it be in the PoE 1 expansion(s) or in PoE 2 - Might will be completely and totally overshadowed by Dex for all auto-attacker builds. Casters obviously still benefit from Might to get more out of each spell. Looks like you've done some good work though - though I haven't checked your formulas over in detail. Looking forward to seeing what you can come up with. If you can produce some good graphs for communicating how the current system makes Might less and less relevant as the levels get higher, maybe we can convince Obsidian to change it - hopefully by just making Might multiplicative (the most obvious solution) or making weapon enchants actually change the base damage (the least intrusive and most intuitive solution).
  10. She also pronounces "que?" as "quay?". Which isn't a problem or anything... it's just funny. I call her "Captain Quay".
  11. Bump. Would really like to know if this is intentional or a bug. There are no other abilities in the game (to my knowledge) that grant a flat integer damage bonus other than the Monk's fists, and +20 damage is ludicrously overpowered (not to mention heavily favors DW vs 2H)... the current implementation of this ability just doesn't make sense.
  12. Yeah, that's the whole point. Obviously when taken completely alone, Might is better than Dex for DPS (even if Dex works best-case i.e. on all parts of the attack/recovery) because they both increase DPS by the same raw amount, but Might does it in a way that helps punch through DR while Dex does it in a way that causes more DPS loss from DR. That's not in dispute. But the moment you start adding on any other damage modifiers, Dex starts to look better and better - because for a (for example) 20 base damage weapon, 20 Might will only ever add 6 damage to that weapon, no matter what enchantments you've got on it or what quality it is or what modals/damage boni you're running - Might is strictly additive with any other damage modifiers. Whereas Dex increases attack speed, which acts exactly like a multiplicative bonus to all other damage modifiers. And the point I've tried to make is that while this probably isn't a big deal in PoE 1, it'll be a huge deal in PoE 2. When everyone's running around with Superb++ weapons (+75% damage if we follow the current trend) and 20 levels' worth of abilities and talents that grant bonus damage - 15% here, 20% there, 50% somewhere else, etc... that static +30% you get from maxing out Might will become less and less important while the attack speed increase from Dex will get more and more important. That's the biggest worry at the moment. In PoE 2, Might will become piddly and nearly worthless, while Dex will continue to scale with levels. That just ain't right. Same thing happens with accuracy, btw - since graze/crit is just a static +50% or -50% of base weapon damage (not a multiplier), accuracy becomes much less important when you can just stack a crapton of damage modifiers on. I guess what I'm saying is - iszathi, you're right as far as it goes, but I think you kind of missed the main point, which is that although Might is better than Dex for DPS when you look at the very base case, in any real case Dex will probably be better even despite the DR problem because it acts as a multiplicative modifier to all the other attack modifiers, whereas Might is and will always be additive. ------------------------- If you ask me? Might should be multiplicative with all damage, as should grazes and crits. And weapon enchantment damage boni - especially those since you're changing the "base" damage on the weapon info sheet anyway and it's extremely unintuitive that my (for example) +15% damage from the 2H weapon talent doesn't actually give any more damage as I upgrade the weapon - you're showing one base damage on the sheet (base X quality) and calculating from another (base), which is very confusing. Leave all the other modifiers additive, of course. The reason they became additive in the first place was to mitigate issues with characters like rogues stacking up ludicrous damage from just a few multiplicative modifiers. Nerfing that was a good change. Nerfing Might to the point of irrelevance was not - keep it multiplicative. As for grazes and crits and weapon enchantments - the current implementation isn't inherently broken necessarily, but it is highly unintuitive.
  13. Bump. Still happening. For me it's a fight in the lighthouse. Blinded icon shows up, and as far as I can tell my characters aren't actually affected - but the icon will not go away.
  14. Bump. Happening to me as well. For me it's a fight in the lighthouse. The "Blinded" icon shows up, and as far as I can tell my characters aren't actually affected - but the icon will not go away. I did use Suppress Affliction during that fight.
  15. Bump. Still happening. For me it's a fight in the lighthouse. Blinded icon shows up, and as far as I can tell my characters aren't actually affected - but the icon will not go away.
  16. I totally agree. 3 DRB should be enough for estoc, 2 for stiletto. I also think slashing weapons should be buffed a bit. Slash/Pierce (Best) is an almost non-existent benefit over plain Pierce, as there are very few enemies that are more vulnerable to slashing than piercing. some of those enemies are actually pretty significant though... Adra Dragon comes to mind. but yeah, it's a short list including, completely: spore monsters, revenants. yeah, that's it. is it worth focusing on a weapon that has both slash and pierce? nope. but at least your great sword becomes useful to chop mushrooms and dragons made of soft rock. oh, and the reason the estoc has dr bypass (armor piercing), is, as someone mentioned, that Sawyer likes the history of weapons, and the Estoc was specifically designed to be a superior weapon against armor. I very much doubt that he will want to change that. you *might* be able to get him to agree to add range to a poleaxe, or increase the base damage on a greatsword slightly though. I don't want either of those things - I just want the DR bypass reduced. I'm fine with the Estoc bypassing DR in principle, it's just completely unbalanced as currently implemented. Adding range to a poleaxe makes the issue even worse because then A) the poleaxe is the best reach weapon period due to double damage type and B) the Adventurer weapon focus becomes even MORE dominant, shafting the Greatsword even more. And the Greatsword doesn't need more base damage, all the 2H weapons have the same base damage and there's no reason to change that. Just reduce the DR bypass on the Estoc by 1 or 2 and think about shifting the Poleaxe and the Estoc out of the same weapon focus. Either/or would fix the issue.
  17. To reiterate, IE mod. Console commands are enabled without disabling achievements. All of you should be using it. There's no guarantee that we'll have an IE mod for the next version, since the main modder has stopped working on it. It's better if people get used to using the "iroll20s" command included in the base game. There's nothing to "get used to"... until such a time as the IE mod no longer works, we can use console commands without losing achievements (as well as do a few other useful things). If it stops working, we either stop using console commands (hopefully unnecessary once they stop doing stuff like changing the NPC stats on us) or use "iroll20s". It's.. really that simple.
  18. As per usual, I understand about half of what you said and think it's all great.
  19. Same here. Most encounters are simply right click-able, then every once in a while there's a really fun boss fight.
  20. True, except it's closer to 2.25% in practice due to the animation transition delays. Really? That would at least bring it a bit back in line with Might... though probably unintentionally. I hope Obsidian does a once-over on the attribute system before PoE 2. Design decisions are one thing (stop complaining about Might being both physical and magical, FFS), but when one attribute is almost strictly better than another in every way, that's just a broken system that needs to be mended.
  21. Monks are great. Griping about mechanics is fine, but it doesn't belong in this forum - wounds are not bugged.
  22. Don't think it's only due to Guls - I just got some serious health increases from fighting Dank Spores. Do they have a sicken effect? And does dismissing/recruiting fix this? That would at least make it a bit more manageable to play the game "as intended" - just fix it for all but the PC, then watch PC's health and rest before it goes below the extra health and you've at least somewhat brought the game's balance a little more back into line.
  23. There's been some discussion of this talent on the gen discussion forum, but I don't believe I've ever seen any official dev word on if this talent is working as intended. Is OSA really supposed to provide an integer +20 damage bonus? Or is it supposed to be (like the recently fixed Ranger mark ability) +20% of base weapon damage, in a similar manner to literally every other damage modifier in the game save the monk fists? It seems really strange for this ability to break the mold. Would love some dev feedback on this, even just a "It's intended" or "It's a bug".
  24. Do whatcha want. The discrepancy isn't massive in this game and it's not hard enough to force you to minmax anyway. I'm mostly concerned with future-proofing the mechanics - Might will become nearly useless in PoE 2 and beyond unless something is changed.
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