Hello all.
I love the reputation system. It's fantastic. Obsidian's decision to have dialogue options in most conversations that have different ways of saying (essentially) the same thing isn't new. The IE games had that kind of thing all the time for flavor. What I absolutely love is Obsidian's decision to attach role-playing mechanics to these previously-just-for-flavor dialogue choices. Now if you go around acting like an aggressive ass all the time, people will remember you as one. It's great.
What I don't love is the fact that the dialogue options not only tell you which type of reputation each option will increase (a must-have for player clarity in my opinion), but how severe the reputation increase is. So you'll see something like [Aggressive - Minor] next to a dialogue choice. This is a bit too much information, in my opinion. It changes what was previously a brilliant marriage of role-playing choices and mechanics into a mechanically-driven decision.
Now obviously the presence of this severity indicator doesn't ACTUALLY keep someone from role-playing with their choices - but in my opinion it breaks the immersion. Instead of being like "oh, I can be aggressive here, or I could try to be clever" the player goes "hmm, do I want a minor aggression reputation increase, or a minor cleverness reputation increase?". I'd love it if this severity indicator was removed or (even better) a toggleable option in the options menu. That way people could choose if they wanted to see it or not.
That's my $0.02. Thanks for reading!