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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Well, a country that has both System Bolaget and official snooping on your emails and mobile calls to see if you are up to no good, why shouldn't that aspect of their lives be regulated too?
  2. People sometimes use strange words at work, like "Balance Sheet" and "P&L". I never quite figured out what they are, but the people who run those companies seems to be very excited about them
  3. The Tuxedo. I wonder what all the negative fuzz on imdb was about, I found it funny.
  4. I really should be ashamed of myself, decided to buy the cheapest of the cheap, el cheapo gfx card (the less than 50$ kind, but with passive cooling) and borrowed a core 2 duo plus 2gb of ram from a buddy. just so I could get the thing up and running (and so I could see if what I had bought so far actually worked). An old, rickety LG DVD drive that can only read DVD-R is pretending to be the optical drive. Ordered the QX9650, the Corsair TW3X4G1333C9DHX (two of them), and the Sony BWU200S blu-ray writer. The cooling solution I had in mind is out of stock. Call for details Nevermind, that is a problem for another day. I am not going to bother much with cooling until I get the gfx card(s) that I want. The Sapphire 4870 looks very nice at the moment, if not available quite yet. Now, do I get a Vista Ultimate 64bit OEM or Full Retail?...
  5. Normal game time : Germany [0] - Spain [0] Extended time: Germany [1] - Spain [1] Penalties: Germany [3] - Spain [4] For a total of: Germany [4] - Spain [5]
  6. Thanks I think I am going to play this demo quite a bit more over the next couple of nights... I've never heard about these games before
  7. It does look slightly larger than the allowed 125 pixels... about twice the size
  8. I tried the downloadable demo (about 135mb) of X2... very nice Didn't figure out how to re-enter a ship though. I still need to work a bit with the tutorials.
  9. I think I am going to need two of those cards
  10. You mean, there was actually a point in time when I had a better gfx card than YOU?!? (FX5900Ultra) Mind you, I am still using that card at the moment... My very first thread http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=419&hl= Never was a prolific thread creator.
  11. Hey, my highschool celebrated it's 800th anniversary while I went there. It involved a lot of beer
  12. And he was never president of Germany... which was sort of my point
  13. I'll disagree here. BG got low level adventuring down great I thought. Introduced your character, their back story, you were able to discover some of Candlekeep, explore wilderness area's, meet NPC's, adventure to another area either (Beregost, Friendly Arm Inn) random encounters... it took you awhile to advance to 2nd level, I did not mind waiting. I distinctly remember throwing a single magic missile at a bear, and then running in circles with the bugger chasing me while Imoen pelted the stupid bear with arrows. Low level brilliance! That's what you get for attacking bears you fool! Maybe he sold the skin before catching the bear?
  14. I am sure that Germanys president, Vladimir Putin is quivering in his boots at the thought of McCain in The Oval Office
  15. Meh, who am I kidding. The restaurant is closed. Eat Fish, it's good for you...
  16. I think the original thread just "evolved", mutating from fast/junk food being a lifestyle choice over lifestyle choices in other areas (and whether they are choices or not). Keeping a close eye on this thread and a big hammer ready to smash the fingers of the first offender to trespass into the area of discrimination... As long as the discussion is civil and productive, it might run a for a few more posts. Probably best not to leave it unattended though
  17. Tiny (frustrating) stumbling block... who has ever heard about monthly transaction limits on internet banking before?!? I've received and assembled the stuff I got so far. Apart from the power supply and casing being a *very* tight fit, it looks nice. Motherboard fit in easily, Harddrive resting on little rubber thingies, cabling organised on the backside of the "backplate" on which the board is fastened. All neat and tidy and no loose cables all over the place. Had to make up my mind which of the modular cables to attach to the power supply too. Waiting for another 4 days in shopping carts around the internet is an Intel QX9650, 2 sets of Corsair TW3X4G1333C9DHX, a Sony BWU200S optical drive and a Thermaltake Orchestra CIW0097. Since I can't squeeze that in, in a single months transactions without upgrading my account to a small business account (since there has to be room for other expenses), I'll need to split even that in two shopping sessions. Looking at the bright side, it gives me the chance to wait for the second batch of the new 4870 ATI cards (I am always reluctant to buy first production runs). oh, and maybe I should look for a new bank too...
  18. I've been drooling over the Sapphire 4870 with GDDR5 Ram for a few days now
  19. Yeah, he'll probably find a way to rig 2 or more Intel chips together
  20. Kreia and Visas are already Jedi. The droids, wookies and Mandalore are not jedi material. The rest is.
  21. Option 1) Ex-Dane, Ex-Kiwi, Currently Australian.
  22. Canderous was a character/npc from Baldurs Gate 1 (one of the "Tutorial Characters"). He was a Lawful Good human cleric. The name was reused in Kotor1 for a mandalorian mercenary and towards the end of Kotor2, the name pops up again.
  23. Ok guys, I am sure we can discuss Haute Cuisine without resorting to personal jabs I don't necessarily agree with Volourn, thinking that he wants to have Burger and eat it too, but that is a matter of difference of oppinion. Sure, it is peoples own decision to kill themselves with cholesterol and kilojoules, but some people are weaker willed than others and more likely to succumb to temptation and/or advertising. Heck, the large menus are something that could keep a Tour de France team going for a full day, not meant for casual eating. I consider such persons to belong to the same category as pathological gamblers, they need help to fight their condition not ridicule or "It's your own fault" fingerpointing. Getting rid of the aggressive marketing of oversized meals was a start. Now hand me the ketchup, I am late for a date with the reaper...
  24. Germany [1] - Turkey [0] Spain [2] - Russia [3]
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