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Everything posted by Ameorn

  1. Now that 'everyone' thinks it's Canderous, i hope it's not!! I hate it when i read something and then get it in my head and can't puch it out. Man, i'm gonna think it's canderous when i'm playing and when he's revealed as canderous there'll be no surprised whatsoever. sux!! <_<
  2. Why would you say that? I deserve it. But i think i deserve practically anything, so we can't go by that standard now can we?
  3. Well, yoda actually did say that giving in to your fear was the way to the dark side. So you are right about that i think. And someone else in the movies said that too. Or was it from a game? Or books? Anyway Yoda said s and i think he knows what he's talking about. And it makes sense that you give in to your fears and they in turn can fuel your anger, which makes you stronger (according to the sith).
  4. I agree, but when the movies were made at the time the bad guys never won. It was like a big no no in the movie business. All three movies should have been darker, so i don't agree with the 'topic poster dude'. But he has a point, when he's saying that it can be too dark. That would suck too.
  5. LOL... the sad thing is, that it's probably true for many people :cool: EDIT: Why do you feel the need to start a world/europe vs america? Jeez... we're all players here, no matter the nationality
  6. I doubt it's Carth. If he's in the game it's only a cameo appearance.
  7. I'mleaning more toward consular. if Obsidian did a good job, you should be able to go through the game with minimal or none lightsaber combat for the PC, just the force.
  8. I don't think it'll be coruscant either, it would be too obvious tto make the last planet one one the core worlds. But i'm probably wrong and it'll turn out to be coruscant
  9. That would be the best solution, because HK is one the most hillarious NPCs ever!! Thay can't just cut him loose. That would be a very sad day indeed...
  10. Jedi don't bow or kneel What Bastilla did was to show her respect for the council. But she didn't have to do it. Yes, i agree that would make it feel like you really are playing DS, unlike K1 where you just had the "bully-feeling" of it all.
  11. I don't know if he'll be more interactive, but he'll be more usefull in K2 than he was in K1. Btw, thanks Chris
  12. There are games that continue after the main story is complete and pull it off, like morrowind. But Kotor is not one of those games that would be any good if they did implement that. It would be pretty much useless i think. Yeah. Did not need to know that...
  13. I will play and play and play and play... ypu know the drill. I will play it untill i'm so sick of it, i'd just want to puke, and then some more... :D
  14. Agreed, kotor2 can't do what halo did and it can't beat the game either. Why? Chemix explanation is fine for explaining it.
  15. Hoth :ph34r: EDIT: When does kotor and kotor2 take place in the chronicles? i mean it says 4000 year before ep1, but that probably just mean about 4000 years ago. So if you put it in context with the chronicles, when are the both games taking place?
  16. Well, we've got a swed (me) a norwegian (Alyt) and a dane (Rosbjerg) Whatch out everyone, Scandinavia is invading and taking over everything!
  17. HAHA <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/679/679264/vids_1.html Look for those dated 11/18/04. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ok, thanks. And i agree that Kreias voice is perfect for her... almost wish i hadn't seen the videos... They showe too much, at least i think so. Wish i hadn't seen the videos. <_<
  18. You shouldn't be so upset that we say greece. It's just the way it has always been and will be probably. You say hellas we say greece (or grekland in sweden =). It's the same with sweden, the real name is Sverige (pronounced Sverje), but i don't care that everyone else says sweden.
  19. hmm do you know which? I always wondered if GL took inspiration from other Sci Fi series or just read ancient literature .. and then added some furturistic settings in! although it is a long long time ago .. and in another galaxy! good way to avoid plagiarism, "nope this happened even before ancient egypt, so they are ripping me off!!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think they should just make both versions if thry're so hot for DVD, but they won't make K2 for DVD, maybe K3 but not 2. It would too much of a surprise. And i doubt they want to lose money just because gates told them so.
  20. What about the whole Republic thing? The senate and all that. It is greek, roman and in some way todays u.s. Especially the romans. Thay had a senate and later emperors but the senate remained although with little power. That must be where GL got his inspiration for that atleast, don't you think? First of all, i really like GL. But can we trust him when it comes to naming his inspirations? I mean he said that when he filmed ep 4-6, the story for ep 1-3 was already written. And that is just bs. He didn't have plans for the "first episodes", it came after SW made such a success.
  21. I don't know how far they went with this, but i think that the choices will be harder and that it will be easier to be DS, like DSluke said. An interesting topic btw. That is the lure of the darkside... You think you can controle it, you don't want to be the "coucils puppet", you want to be your own master and that you don't want so much power. But once you go the dark path you will want more and more power and to be the strongest of them all! This is the way of the dark side, therefore the way of the Sith and dark jedi.
  22. Gyros plus tzatziki = great! We have a greek here that owns a restaurant, he has lots of different food inkluding some greek =) I've noticed one thing about greeks, you are very patriotic and proud. Swedes can be proud, but we're not very patriotic...
  23. Ok, now i get it why you wrote that... Too bad for you, but planar is right, it'll never happen man. So release the anger and go kill something!!
  24. I thought it was the same thing? Hellas means Greece right?
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