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Everything posted by Ameorn

  1. No, we 're actually talking about Hellenic Mythology. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aaah, now that is good. The real greek mythology is interesting.
  2. I hope you're not talking about that stupid hercules series which is like xena! don't remember what the actor was called. Oh yeah and he had a friend named iolaus. God that was a really bad series.
  3. LS, DS.. It's so hard!!! can't deside... the pull of the darkside is sooo great. have to say bad things about the xbox. can't stop it...
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA omg, that was f***ing funny!!! EDIT: oh, yeah... xbox s***s! Sorry, just had to give the "dispute" fuel! "
  5. Did the ladies here even vote on this, or did they come to the conclusion that they're both ugly, or what?
  6. The question is, was it Obsidians fault that they couldn't do the many changes or was it Lucasarts. And knowing LA, it was most probably them!! But i still think the game will be great, big changes or not.
  7. Hehe, yeah... but seriously if they do that, someone is going to get hurt! Probably me, knowing myself the way i do IGN has announced that it's supposed to be released feb 8th.
  8. Thats not going to happen. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would be very cool. And no it won't happen, but that's something we have to suggest for K3.
  9. This whas actually supposed to be a defence of you, sort of. And i stand by what i said. Forums are where people state their opinions and discuss them. It would be very boring if we all shared the same beliefs. So i think you took it the wrong way hades, because i meant what i wrote. It's good to have someone who you can 'sparr' with. (again; not being sarcastic). What i wrote above here, should explain your post too.
  10. Nice screens. 100 hours... yeah...
  11. I accidentaly chose the 3rd option, but it's actually the 4th option. I've played it though like 6 times. 2 of them DS,although it's actually 1.5 because a stupid human emotion called conscience made me feel extremely bad, so i started to collect DS points at some point of the game instead...
  12. These improvements are deffinetely good! You'll probably have to think it through more carefully which skills you upgrade and so on. Yes, i like this. Oh and somone wrote somewhere on this board (too lazy to look it up) that we should stop harrassing hades. I agree, we all have our own opinion. Besides, what fun would it be if we didn't have anyone to disagree with, huh? No fun at all right?
  13. Yes! Something out of the ordinairy at last!!
  14. What videos? man gotta find them... just in case, can someone post a link to them? HAHA
  15. Can't sya anythign about the novels that come happen after ROTJ, haven't read them. But have read almost everything from the clone wars period and i think it's most of it is very good so far. Trying to read everything chronologically, but it's getting harder and harder not to buy NJO series and other about the "future"... EDIT: Man there are a lot of spelling errors in this post...
  16. I do the same thing. I never count or think about it very much beforehand, i upgrade differently every time i play the game.
  17. umm.... who says the laws of science as we know them are correct from the prospective of the univerese? I mean for a species that only in the last 100 years managed to split the atom, whos to say that we aren't wrong on alot of things? I know there are going to be people out there who are going to say because science is infalable, well thats not exactly true because it was created by humans and as such is inhairently(sp?) flawed. Humans have a tendency to rule out or dissmiss entirely what they don't understand. While I am not saying that a lightsaber is possible right now but who says it couldn't be in another 1000 years? Another thing is the adverage human only uses between 3 and 10% of the full potental of their brain, meaning that its entirely possible that someplace in our brains lies the possibility to do such acts (move objects, crush thing, shoot lightning with our thoughts), just at the present time we are either haven't reached a highenough evolutionary level or have already lost the ability to access thoses parts of our brains. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's true that science isn't flawless. But the proven things are the 'truth' untill proven otherwise. So right now you really can't explain SW with science. BTW, i used to be a little against black lightssbers, but because of SilverSuns' post i'm starting to see the other way around
  18. Ya it totally sux how we get games first and we don't have to worry about upgrading until they just come out with a new system, oh ya and all the games we get that they just don't put out on pc. Oh ya and it also suck that we can mod them and never have to buy games just rent them and burn them to the hard drive. Plus when you have one you alway have to deal with people who don't have one saying how much it sux <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, yeah well you can't have as good grphics as we can Childish? Yes. Sometimes that feels good!
  19. The site is old news, but still fun to read and see old stuff again Eh?
  20. One can only hope. It would be a very cool implement though... But i doubt it.
  21. Blasphemy!! How can you say that? HK-47 was hilarious!! BTW, i din't read what it said on the screenshot and i won't! Some will power, eh? :D
  22. I'm not saying that your view of how you want the game is worng, i'm just saying that maybe we should wait for the game to come out, play it and then comment/burn/swear on the game... But that's just l'il ol' me
  23. Good, then this avatar stays I know... i'm just frustrated that us 'xboxers' get the game in a couple of weeks and the rest of us have to wait until februari. It's so not fair...
  24. You're way of! I agree with DSluke that Luke is probably the greatest force user ever. He made remarcable progress without any real training... not many (maybe none) could do succeed with such a thing as he did.
  25. No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good answer I just love when people explain their point of view
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