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Everything posted by Ameorn

  1. It is a little concerning, but i think that it also gives more replay value. Think of it, next time you play you'll choose other areas of expertise and see the stuff you missed your first time through. Besides, i really don't think that they haven't thought of that so it'll be alright i think.
  2. Yeah, it would kinda suck when everybody talksaxcept Revan... They'd have to make Revan ONE char like in FF-series, you can't choose, you just get what square desides (stupid Tidus!! whinervoice "!
  3. He wanted a vacation, so he left it in 3 sith lords hands... but they screwe up! And when he comes back he'll kick everybody f***** ***es!!!
  4. Hahaa, LOL Hmm... could be, could be... never thought of that
  5. I agree that the info we already have is enough... sure i want to know more, but not about characters or the story. I'm just waiting for the next update in the chronicles
  6. A conspiracy!!?? Yeeeesssss... my preciousssss....
  7. Hades. Did you like KotOR? I'm really curious. Not picking a fight i'm just curious. Because if you liked it, i'm thinking that you will like K2 as well, even though it has all the flaws that you feel it has.
  8. This is the Star Wars universe. Georges world. He made up the rules and Obsidian are just following them. Jedi use the force and lightsabers. It is what makes them what thay are. This is why they are so extremely popular.
  9. Well, that is because this is Star Wars. It'
  10. LOL I have never seen anything like that... maybe a mutated rancor or terentatec?? dunno..
  11. You mean like when Vader took away Han's blaster? Yeah that would actually be cool if you could "pull" away someones guns. :D
  12. Please don't start a stupid fight about that again on another topic... We already have the "Death topic" for that. It's pointless to continue, you have to see that.
  13. There was probably another academy on Coruscant. I doubt that they only had one academy overall. Same with the council, there was the "main council" on Coruscant. The council we met in the game were not the real bosses. So maybe the same goes for the academy, like there being a jedi academy on coruscant too. Just like in the movies...
  14. Yeah, i mean this is an RPG, so it wouldn't be very much of a challenge if you could cut through your oponent in 1 swing of the blade...
  15. Very cool. I love it when conversations can get deeper and deeper and more complicated and so on. You're all doing a great job guys!!
  16. Maybe because he didn't become famous. Just in the game, and not inthe Stars Wars "official" universe like you said. Just my guess. Or it's just too hard to make a character that won't upset everybody but a few. I mean, everybody has his/her own Revan made up in their minds. So they chose not to make Revan official like thay did with Malak. Personally, i wouldn't mind how they made Revan as long as he gets a site just like Malak, he deserves it much more than Malak does.
  17. Hmm, it's a cool thing in alot of games. But personally i think that the saberaction should be quick and flashy. That what makes the lightsaber duels cool. But i'm for it if they'd do something like that for the killing-blow alone...
  18. The guy with long brown hair. I actually used him for both DS and LS.
  19. Well, here's an idea. Titaly out of the blue... you can always not check out imdb for news about KOTOR2 ya know "
  20. I find this topic amusing. Everybody says they're right and none will surrender... Hah, tis' funny it is You can go on untill you all die and you still won't change your minds about it. And i just want to be a speculator to this most fierce "word-battle", so i won't write a word what i think about the use of force.
  21. Yeah, something for Kotor 3 maybe? I doubt they can do tis now even if they wanted to...
  22. I trust Obsidian to make a really good story of Revans fate, dead or alive... :cool:
  23. Yea!! This is deffinetely the best theory i have heard yet!! I agree wholeheartedly (spelling?). Yeah, i wouldn't want it to be Canderous neither... too obvious and as you said; a cliche.
  24. Yeah, i think im gonna go with lotr: 3rd age and battle for middle-earth. And to you all out there: Good Luck with the hunt for whatever game or other distractions, in order to forget (for a little while) about kotor2 :cool:
  25. Yeah... i guess, just hoped there would be something out there. Although i am jogging and going to the gym 3-4 times a week, but that still gives me way too much time on my hands. And i'm studying, but that doesn't take up too much of my time though
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