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Everything posted by Ameorn

  1. :cool: I never pre-ordered a game before either, but then again i don't know many people in Europe that do. (and i know alot of people outside of sweden) That's right!
  2. Yeah, i would like to see him, but like MASTER said, i wouldn't die either if we just end up hearing alot about him but he never show's up. You sort of answered your question when you asked bastilla why she posted so many topics (no offense Bastilla, just making a lousy joke is all :D )
  3. Maybe it'll be like that movie with those guys you know, and when they showed the trailers the movie was totally different you know. you know?
  4. I'd be "just a guy with a lightsaber and some force power" :D
  5. Since a dev confirmed that it's MSG, this debate is useless. Unless there is a conspiracy and nothing is as it seems, per my sig :ph34r:
  6. None?
  7. Man, i'm like the only one with radeon taht didn't have a problem... atleast it seems like that. Wonder if i should buy nvidias 6800 series or ati's xt800 series...
  8. Hah, that would be fun to whatch
  9. im sick and tired of people saying that because people play on the xbox that we are children! and hades you can hardly complain at some people moaning when you've done enough moaning for everyone on the forum! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He just said why the game will be slower, inferior graphics and so on. What he says is the truth. you'll enjoy the game, but it will go smoother on a PC.
  10. Well, there is always on who i smore powerful. Wether we will see someone more powerful in the game, i atleast won't find out for quite some time. :cool:
  11. I think he was as hard as Diablo. Not hard at all. But it probably depends on how you played it. I thought for example that BGs bosses were harder than malak I agree
  12. I still have a feeling there is some other sith we yet don't know about who might turn out to be the main bad guy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, maybe but between MSG and Sion i think MSG is the badguy. There is more mystery about MSG. But maybe Sion will try to usrup the Master position or something like that.
  13. I've had many frustrated experiences with their "ign insider only stuff". <_<
  14. Most people thouht so. It was an easy batlle, easier than most other RPGs. But the difference wasn't that big.
  15. Well, duh. PC games always get patches, no matter if the console versions of themdo not.
  16. Yeah, the review for the PC will be very different i think. although this review gave a good score i think.
  17. I have no fears actually. Huh, surprised myself there There will be cloaks, i'm almost positive that a dev said so.
  18. Ah. Yes, they will have to learn the folly of their ways through the game that is KotOR2 for PC
  19. You will learn young one, that on this forum nothing stays the course it should... :D And welcome to the boards fellow swed EDIT: Swed <-- that's a really ugly sounding word.
  20. Was there any doubt? :cool:
  21. Meh. Don't listen to reviewers... get the game and play it with an open mind. Or you'll just concentrate on every negative thing and the gamingexperience will suck for you.
  22. MSG. Because he is the coolest and is the one that can draw more new players to the game
  23. Can't this topic just fade away into oblivion? As usual such topics cause civil war on the forums, and we've already heard the same arguments from both side. Xbox user: Congratulations, have fun playing the game PC-users: we get bugfixes and better greaphics and so on. 2 months is worth the wait. :cool: There, it's a peace offering to all, take it or leave it
  24. Ok, who wants to give me his/her xbox? i'll mod it then and play the game " Hey, wraith you're back
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