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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. I also had a hard time with them on hard, but I was a lower level... are you using level scaling?
  2. I suspect it will still be a long time... When patches stop coming out regularly, then they can probably update the manual.
  3. As others have said: POE is set up so that there's no "dump stat". Everything has value for every character. From that perspective, I think it's a good, fresh idea. But, as Majestic has set, it feels wrong in written interactions (with your delicate mage always wanting to pick up or punch people). This is a writing problem that's a little difficult to solve. Perhaps different threat dialogue for wizard and fighter? Fighter: "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Wizard: "I'm gonna magic missile your ass!"
  4. I think Aloth has 3 endings. One if you kick him out of your party when he confesses to working for the Leaden Key, and an extra 2 (to either lead or dismantle the Leaden Key) based on what you tell him in the last dungeon. Since Thaos and Aloth are in quite different leagues power, experience, and personality-wise, I'm not sure that he'd be able to do either, but hey, he tries. His personal quest seems to make zero difference anywhere (a little sad...) Personally, I think his split personality was interesting enough. Really wish they didn't throw in the whole traitor / Leaden Key part. His one of my favorite characters, not to mention the only wizard you get, so I really didn't want him to be a backstabber...
  5. Since it's Aura of stealth, that makes sense. But I've found lots of bugs with effects that don't disappear after you de-equip them.
  6. Ha! You have a point actually. The Devil's story fits in perfectly, but Zahua's background relates to a completely place. And his reasons for visiting White March is pretty much a vague "I want to help people!" (I think?)
  7. If it didn't say backstab, then it wasn't a backstab... can you even get a backstab with a pistol? I'm not really wild about the ability because it's so hard to activate compared to sneak attack. You really have to walk up to the enemy and plunge the weapon directly into his flesh I think.
  8. Already a new patch! Wow, you guys work fast!
  9. How do you like the 2 news companions? Devil of Caroc: My new fav! Bad girl, plus I really love the metallic sound of her voice. Her back story is fits into the Waidwen's legacy plot and the overall game lore very well, and she seems to comment on a lot of things (Like when entering the Sanitorium, she looks at the statue and says "Wow, and I thought I had it bad") Finally, her love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with the mad scientist guy was interesting. Her quest (killing the woodcutter) was fun but... felt a little short. Also, murdering someone in broad daylight felt a bit meh. I kind of wanted a bit more cloak and dagger. But I guess it illustrates her "loose-cannon" personality. Zahua: In some ways, really stereotypical (he's looking for his ultimate kung-fu technique that his master didn't teach him) On the other hand, I thought the "do gross/uncomfortable things to fight vanity/pleasure" thing was interesting. Some of his philosophies really make sense you know? Like, when Durance talks about religion and life, it just sounds like waffle that uses a lot of fire adjectives and is meant to sound cool. But when Zahua speaks about life... it's deep man. His endless stoner comments are a bit cheesy but... hey... that's also character flavor. Haven't done his quest yet. What do you think? No doubts power-gamers will want to complain about their attributes...
  10. Ah, it was hidden. You have to go into search mode, and look around the area a bit. Till a purple block appears.
  11. I don't remember seeing anything like this in the expansion. Where is this campsite? In the bottom corner. They covered every inch of that map with quest relevant stuff... It would have felt more natural to have spread it over a couple of maps. But hey, time and money, right?
  12. Sure, but all they need is a single line of dialogue considering it: "That jerk Raedric is dead! Maybe we should restore the temple to Eothas instead of dedicating it to Berath?"
  13. Used the Gaun's share fail, then latter unequipped it, but the "gaun's share special effects" icon remains next to my character's potrait.
  14. Just came to this thread to vent: Today, playing as a priest of Wael, I wander into the temple of Wael in Defiance Bay, hoping for a unique dialogue. Just a "Hey fellow brother of Wael!" or something. Nothing. Nada. I understand they can't put unique dialogue everywhere without it becoming unnatural. But there are places where it actually seems stranger not to have unique dialogue.
  15. Yeah... that would be nice... that and more unique interactions based on class, race etc. For the next expansion, I kind of wish they would add more dialogue.
  16. I hate the very idea of level-scaling. Where can we kill and burn it turn it off?
  17. Why would you sat that? (T_T) They're not meant to be ultimate moves, they're more for adding variety to builds.
  18. The wizard ability gives a baby magic missile (I forget the correct name)
  19. Thanks Thessaly... but then shouldn't Gallant Aura stack? Unless it's broken?
  20. You have to pick up the new item in the chest in the stronghold... is it not there?
  21. Hey! Really loving the new "multi-class" abilities! Props to the Obsidian team! Only played a few hours so far, but made a new fighter-thief with high perception and apprentice's sneak. He was crit-ing left, right and center. That being said, these abilities also result in many new questions. Sneak attack doesn't seem to work with spells for those who were wondering (sort of makes sense, with all that chanting and hand waving, you can't really sneak a fireball into someone's face) I also tried Gallant Aura for the accuracy, but it seems to overlap with blessing (I was playing a priest at the time). It's always so hard to know which abilities / bonuses stack and which don't! Anything interesting / effective you've discovered with these abilities?
  22. Yeah, there were a couple of little inconveniences that put me off "expert" mode...
  23. I'm more interested in the trap limit. Wish priests could "summon" multiple traps...
  24. Lately I have to stay late at work... Yesterday until 12pm (it's that illegal without overtime pay or something?) Can't go till the damn company website is updated, but I'm not even in charge of it! I just want to get home to play White March. +my girlfriend is bitching at me to come home earlier. I'm between a rock and a hard place. Sorry for the whining... no other outlets...
  25. Yeah... I don't always use Ciphers, but when I do, I spam mental binding.
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