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Lord Wafflebum

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Everything posted by Lord Wafflebum

  1. I wholeheartedly disagree. That assumes that every game made is the best it can be for everyone that plays it. It's more like going to Chili's and ordering the fajitas. Some love them the way they are and wouldn't change a thing. Some think they lack something. Mods work like if one was able to go back into the kitchen, prepare other garnishments and ingredients that would then make the fajitas tremendous, then share said creations with people of similar tastes. It's all a matter of perspective. The fajitas might taste great for you, but there are plenty of us that think some salsa would make them taste a whole lot better.
  2. I heard cooldowns are how the devil gets into your heart.
  3. Was it a direwolf? Was the ranger's father beheaded by a sadistic boy king?
  4. Wish they would have tried something more unique than just a pet. Hopefully they do something else to make it more interesting. I do agree with the others who said it was disappointing that the ranger is pigeon holed as a class. Unless they give the ranger a pigeon companion. Then that would be the only class I ever played.
  5. I can understand not being too fond of BG1. My love of the game comes from being a teenager and playing that game at a friends house. It blew my mind that I could play a game like that- with a story no less!- on a computer. The only other games I ever played were Warcraft and Diablo. That game is the reason I harassed my mom for months to buy a PC for the house (back when computers only really existed at school/work/homes of people with disposable income). It's what made me a computer gamer. It opened me up to other games, like Fallout. I think that is true for a lot of folks that backed PoE. When BG1 came out it was the promised land for RPG gaming. I'm not sure if it still holds up on its own virtues, but RPG gaming now owes a lot to it. I think BG2 still holds up well, tho. It was one of those rare instances where the sequel blows your mind so hard you realize you've been playing the game for four straight days and are about to die of hunger. At least BG2 reminded you to eat during loading screens, tho
  6. I stand corrected. Regardless, take out NWN2 and my evolutionary chain still stands.
  7. @Azmodiuz First quarter 2015. Devs have announced through kickstarter, emails, and forum they would delay it until Q1 2015.
  8. Baldur's Gate -> Baldur's Gate 2 -> Neverwinter Nights -> Neverwinter Nights 2 -> Dragon Age Origins -> Dragon Age 2 -> Dragon Age: Inquisition. Bioware's evolution of fantasy games.
  9. Oh, I'm fully aware that my desire for backflips is not only stupid, but would make PoE stupid if included. One thing we can agree on is that I sometimes have stupid tastes in things. On the subject of progress and evolution, sometimes that gives you a platypus. I think it's fair to say that Baldur's Gate evolved into this age's Dragon Age: Inquisition. Not all evolution is good. I think it would be sexy to see some dodge animations, but focusing on adding much more than that I think detracts from what this is supposed to look/feel like.
  10. Viva la Easy! Easy is definitely necessary. It's become droll for us because we've had so much experience with the game already. For people new to IE-type games, I think many will need to play on easy to keep them from giving up on this game. Besides, I like easy difficulty to do completionist playthroughs where I can concentrate on doing everything, but not have to worry too much about getting destroyed during my putterings around.
  11. Too bad, You're now obligated to do everything we suggest here
  12. Ugh, I don't understand why you make it so hard to have a conversation with you. Why wouldn't it make sense for at least the paladin to also have engagement? Unless I'm missing something, the paladin does not have an ability to control combat flow otherwise. Why would it need to be only fighters other than to make them unique? And yes, I realize that a priest isn't what you would normally consider front line, but I'm fond of the battle priest idea. Even if engagement were an ability option for some classes that say the fighter and paladin had for free I think that would still work well.
  13. I'm of a mind with Sensuki that combat isn't necessarily fun. I have fun playing with class abilities and spells in combat, but the combat itself feels like a chore even when I'm challenging myself. The beta is short so when I make a character I'm not terribly committed to it, so once the appeal of a new race/class/build type wears off I haven't progressed through a meaningful story and become attached to who I've created. That won't be the case come full release. In fairness, there is not a lot of encounter variety. I may be getting bored because just because there's only one strategy I use to successfully get through almost every encounter, or the encounter is so stupidly hard the only option is death. That said, I think I'd be content with combat once balancing and bug fixes are done.
  14. He should do a backflip to move backwards.
  15. Great post. I agree with most of this, and anything I disagree with (I happen to like missile spells ) is very minor and not really worth mentioning.
  16. Echoed. I'm never fully confident of exactly what's going on, especially with items.
  17. I'd actually be less thrilled to see that. I think that would set up parties to almost NEED fighters to control melee combat effectively. I'd much rather my front line be a paladin, monk, and priest. Everyone participating in engagement still allows me to protect my backline ranged peeps with relative ease.
  18. I follow your simile, but I'm not sure its completely fair. A lot of folks used cheap exploits (myself included) to game the game, and I think OE is just trying to keep us from falling into old patterns, or the temptation to do so. I think it's their way of attempting to make the combat feel fresh, but similar. That said, I'm not a fan either. I'd like to be able to retreat to town when a battle goes south to regroup instead of being married to every encounter until one side is dead. It's a big reason why I need to play or Easy or Normal, and I imagine it's a much larger problem for folks that play on Hard or PotD. I'll probably never try Trial of Iron mode due to that as well. Also, +1 for use of the word frack. It's highly underutilized.
  19. I'm still having a hard time finding it enjoyable to even have a wizard in the party. I murder my BB Wizard outright and get myself a chanter and cipher, who each individually I find much more useful than the wizard in any encounter in the beta. I mostly consider having a wizard in the party as a liability. They're weak, slow and their spells tend to do as much harm to me as the enemy. By the time that dummy of a wizard casts a fireball the enemy in the AoE is already dead and I've wasted a spell or the only creatures in that AoE are my party members moving to their next targets.
  20. Speaking of meaningless derailment: I think the most likely of animals to engineer to fly would be a rat. Assuming after a few generations of gene splicing the musculature could be shifted enough to support wings which could then be grafted on (or be engineered to grow its own wings) my main concern is if would be mentally and emotionally capable of flying. Poor land-bound rats have no instinct on how to fly, so training would be necessary. They would likely experience considerable fear and/or anxiety about flying as well. So many obstacles...
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