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Everything posted by tarna

  1. I carry a CD marked 'Porn' in all my vehicles for maggots like this. It actually has Darik's Nukem <something or another> on it. It is an self-executing ISO file that when dropped into a drive, sends an F-Disk command to all recognisable drives. When treated exeedingly poorly by some jerk-off, I wonder off. Said J-O finds the CD marked 'Porn' that was conveniently left behind and drops it into his system ( after looking over his shoulder of course! ) and then screams when all his company drives get reformatted. Slack-jawed, wingless, dung-eating offspring of flies deserve this sort of thing. All the more reason to make sure that he's eating out of a dumpster the next day for being a 'yutz'. I see more and more of these morons having a job simply because they have a pulse and, like any organ-grinding monkey, they can punch buttons. Employment standards have definitely taken a downward turn.
  2. It's a free ride! Anyone that objects can be stopped with a simple cry of "Racism!" ( kinda like this board at times. ) and the problem goes away like magic. Just ask Arnie The Testiculess of California. The simple fact that Mexicans and Americans are the same race need not interfere with such accusations. It's all about feeling good about your actions and not about facts. Crossing the boarder illegally need not make a criminal of you if your motives are good. Laws need not apply when the president has no interest in inforcing the laws of our own country when it benefits the presidential pals. We'll just send those pesky boarder police to prison if they have the timerity to enforce the immigration laws or even ( Heaven forbid! ) enforce our drug laws or even to protect their own lives. Sanctuary, my southern brother, sanctuary. Come on in! The door's wide open. Dinner's on the table and it's free. No questions asked.
  3. Oddly enough, I was going to suggest this very thing. Stop into Mexico on a vacation stop, pay $500 to one of the cyotes to bring you into the US. Adopt a Mexican surname. You will now get free healthcare that is not available to US citizens. You don't need a driver's licence to drive a car now. Hell, you don't even need insurance for your car if you hit someone. You can skate away scot-free from most anything if you live in California, Colorado or most any state in the US. Here in the US we like ( and even encourage! ) unskilled workers ( literacy not required either ) and we cannot even ask you if you are legal! Spend a little time under the sunlamps at your local tanning salon and practice your accent from listening to Richardo Montoban and you're set! If you are caught the worst you are likely to get charged with is misdermeanor misunderstanding or agricultural trespass ( in Colorado at least ). Stop into the local Mexican Consulate and pick up a Matricula card and you can even open up a bank account, credit cards from the Bank of America and even buy a house with financing. Life is good!
  4. She still lacks the proper killer instinct of a moderator.

    Don't f**k with Darque! I might have to send you something truely ugly if you do. trust me, you would like it.

  5. Which is more important? Cash or the health of a society through orderly and equitable rule of law?
  6. Guess again. Social Security for illegal aliens I'm glad someone else posted this.
  7. You might want to consider changing your bong water. Are you freaking high?!? I assume that you don't live in an area where your identity is being taken and used by illegals ( privately and nationally ). Call me a racist if you are so ( collectively ) stupid and cowardly but have your facts together before your get your testicles in an emotional uproar. If you ( collectively ) intend to do so, get your s**t together because we are gonna dance. Try living in an area of the US where you can't even order a freaking burger if your don't speak Espanol. We even have a 'construction dictionary' for those troublesome jobsites where you are stupid enough to assume that English isn't enough to communicate. The US has closed 80+ hospitals along the US/Mexico border because it cannot afford the 'economic boon' of 'Mexican workers' and while M13 and the Columbians are cruising in with Al Queda, you expect me to lick Mexico's backside and thank them for the cheap labor? To all...before replying, don't forget that I work with lots of interesting people. DEA and Customs are only a few of the depts. that I work with.
  8. We have a pool running...I've got my money on a vasectomy ( just teasing Lady. You know I'm a jerk, this is just for those few that don't know. :D ) Since I've chosen to spam this thread I should probably offer something related to the topic at hand... Been having a buddy record Miami Vice for me ( yes, I am an old turd! ). Planning to purchase X-Men III ( hoping the optional endings are better than the one in the theatre ). Going to 'repurchase' "the Punisher" since the frigging puppy just chewed the S**t out of the copy I had. Dammit! I liked that B-grade movie!
  9. I think it's implemented this way to create the effect that those emoticons are bursting out of the web page and I kinda like it ; or is it just a glitch and I need to be back on my medication? It's repair is being looked into and, Yes, we are looking into upping your medication to keep you mre pliant to our plans.
  10. Alright then. With that in mind, it's time to give this thread a proper burial ( Applies a C-4 suppository as indicated and lights 'fuse' ).
  11. What do you think all those witch burnings were for? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not so much. Being a Witch, I've obviously looked into this just a bit. 'The Burning Times' or 'The Terror Times' ( depending on who you talk to ) were most a mob action that got out of control largely because the Mother Church had it's thumbs conveniently up it's ass at the time. Besides the obvious benefit of 'spontaneous conversions' that the church is always so pleased with, it also offered the benefit of a chance to purge local goverment position of heretics that would not further the Church's goals. Mostly a political action on the Church's part. While a witch-finder might decry a Witch for the Greater Glory of God!!, he also got 1/4 of the 'witch's' property ( the Church got 1/2 ). He also got to partake in the 'questioning' of said 'witch'. 'Questioning' often involved rape. If a man was refused in suiting an attractive woman, an accusation of Witchcraft would gain him the 'piece of ass' that she wouldn't give him because he was simply a cretin. A widow without a son to claim the land/posessions of her husband was particularly vulnerable. A man could court her simply to gain her holdings and if she refused him he could accuse her of Witchcraft and would gain 1/4 of the property. Not so much as 'For The Greater Glory of God' as much as "Now what can I take that I didn't earn?" If not taken to extremes, this is a goal worthy of any faith as long as the individual is not forgotten. A small cost to the 'Many' that saves the life of the 'Few' should also fall in line with a faith based on the emotional/spiritual improvement of it's followers.
  12. Ever since we tried making the neutron bomb so we could keep peoples' real estate and everyone bitched, we've had to play nice nice. :angry:
  13. Only because I have a POS internet rig and I fiddle with it more than you had too to keep it running . I am 'so' looking forward to replacing the last item ( motherboard et al ) and applying my own special blend of thermite and aerosoled propane to give it a decent burial. Been thinking that ammonium tri-iodide and a bullet might be fun. Tannerite is looking good too. I really hate this drag-ass motherboard and it's 256 Mb RAM limitations. The processor fan squeals at me on a regular basis. Puting it out of it's misery would only be a courtesy. Throwing it in the bottom of a public outhouse and defecating it myself would probably much more appropriate but not nearly as satisfying as sending it in the fast bus to Heaven.
  14. Oh golly. More BS on the part of someone reporting the story. It seems that millimeter waves will penetrate walls... http://www.rmc.ca/academic/gradrech/military6_e.html And at the low level rate emitted by a person's body at that. Can you smell the bulls**t folks? If someone lies to you once, would you ever trust their word again?
  15. The body feels hot when it has more heat than it is able to dissipate. It feels cold if it is dissipating it's heat too rapidly. Water on the body as well as air movement to remove that heat will make the body feel cooler even though it is still generating the same amount of heat. This thing would be closer to standing in front of a heat lamp with a blindfold. A direct feed of energy bypassing all the body's means of assimilating it.
  16. I thought this reeked of bulls**t. Penetration of radiation is not just a function of frequency but also of intensity. You can safely talk on your cell phone with it's minimal power output but stand in front of a high powered repeater that runs at the same frequency and you won't be having any children. Some of the sites I work around require us to wear a gizmo that constantly monitors how much wattage we are being exposed to and will alarm at a set 'danger level'. Penetrate skin to 1/64th of an inch at what range and what power level and over what period of time? Stand on top of that antenna for 10 minutes and let me know how you feel. Do you guys know what Rocky Mountain Oysters are? My guess without looking around yet is that Yes, they will travel through glass with little or no deflection because of their frequency. Millimeter waves are between radios waves and microwaves and glass is radio transparent to both. The millimeter-wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum is usually considered to be the range of wavelengths from 10 millimeters (0.4 inches) to 1 millimeter (0.04 inches). This means they are larger than infrared waves or x-rays, for example, but smaller than radio waves or microwaves. The millimeter-wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to radio band frequencies of 30 GHz to 300 GHz and is sometimes called the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) range. The high frequency of millimeters waves as well as their propagation characteristics (that is, the ways they change or interact with the atmosphere as they travel) make them useful for a variety of applications including transmitting large amounts of computer data, cellular communications, and radar. I think @140 deg F is the threshold of pain for most people. If I suddenly felt like I was at 130 deg F, I'd be in full panic mode looking for a lake to dive into until ( if ) I realised what was happening. 130 deg air is one thing ( minimal heat transfer to the body ). Feeling that temperature being fed directly into you via a broadcasting antenna would be quite another situation. Take a pot of water and a thermometer and raise it's temp to 130 deg and stick your hand in it. You won't leave it in there very long. And in this case you know what's happening. Try having your entire body subjected to this without warning. The nice thing about this sort of wave is that it would be blocked by most any metal. Make sure to wear your foil hats and skivies next time you plan to attend a riot. Hang a small chain from it that drags the ground to disappate whatever conversion of radio waves to electricity ( as occurs in a microwave oven with gold, tin, iron ). Could be quite hair-raising otherwise. EDIT - BTW...my guess from it's frequency is that high humidity as well as rain would severely damage the effectiveness of this device.
  17. :D You probably had a IDE ( otherwise now known as PATA (parallel ATA as opposed to serial ATA )) drive. You had the one with a wide, grey ribbon cable. You had it hooked up right or it wouldn't have worked at all. SATA is much better so you noticed an immediate performance improvement. SATA 2 is supposed to be even better but since my motherboard wouldn't run at those speeds ( I don't think. Now I'm gonna have to check. ), I had to back my new drive's speed down to a SATA 1. Something that also might have been a factor is that I've been told that as a drive becomes full of junk, programs, et cet, performance suffers since your computer uses part of the hard drive as it's virtual memory. If your drive is packed full of stuff, it's virtual memory becomes less and less ( it has less of a 'scribble sheet' to keep track of it's computations ) and therefore bogs down.
  18. I forgot about that. Western Digital comes with "Data Lifeguard Tools". I'd used it to wipe drives ( writes zeros to all sectors ) but had not used any of the other features. Did you make the boot disc to transfer the drives or were you able to do in Windows? I wonder if it will work with other brands of drives...
  19. tarna


  20. Ouch! Sounds like the drive bearing is going out. If that's the case, it'll only get worse. One way of diagnosing if it is truely bearing drag would be to read the current draw on the yellow wire of your power plug for the hard-drive. That is the 12 volt supply that spins the drive motor. You should be able to get a very cheap ammeter from Radio Shack or a car parts store ( about $20 USD ). Make sure it will read DC current! Compare what your meter shows to what the drive is rated at @12 volts. My Seagate drive is rated 0.34 amperes @ 12 VDC. Your drive should have it's voltage/amperage ( or current ) ratings printed on the label with the model/serial numbers. If your meter will not read a value less than 1 reliably, coil the yellow wire a few times and read it again. Each additional wire being read will add that same value. It's called a 'multiplier coil' BTW. 3 wraps = 3X actual current. 7 wraps = 7X actual...you get the drill. Take your reading and divide it by the number of wraps and that will give you your actual current draw. Sometimes you have to do this to get a usable reading if your meter will not read discrete signals. Anyway, the jist of this is that if your drive is reading at or above the rated current for the 12 volts section, your drive motor is on it's way out. Transfer the info ASAP. Does it do it at startup or only after it has been running a while and has had a chance to heat up? If it's heating up and causing the motor drag then I have another suggestion. The drive is still toast but I have a way for you to get the info off the drive before it completely locks up on you. I don't think you can transfer Windows or any other application from drive to drive like that. Maybe someone here knows something about drive cloning. I think drive cloning has to be done on a seperate computer though with the 'source' drive and the 'receiving' drive plugged into it. Never done it myself though so I'm just talking out my ass here.
  21. That being the case, you could probably get away with using a fairly simple rig with a fat HD and lots of RAM so that the data transfer doesn't bog the system. Probably a fast single core would do but I'll leave that up to brighter minds than mine.
  22. I had to figure out what this meant in terms of power... Joules = watts x seconds, therefore watts = joules/seconds. This gizmo has to move it's projectile 'very' fast in the shortest amount of time or it will run out of rail. So, at a guess, a 1/4 second would draw a modest 2 million watts. Probably closer to 1/10th of a second. It would be helpfull if they had told us the length of the rail being used so that the time value could be considered. The more I look at this article, the more this looks like a toy. A Tomahawk has a guidance system with feedback and corrective systems. A kinetic slug would not. A kinetic projectile would be little more than an inert bullet. A guided missile would have the ability to 'correct' it's aim that a bullet would not ( and we wouldn't get to see those neat videos as the missile homed in on it's target ).
  23. I guy at the computer store that I buy most of my peices/parts at has been running WinXP 64 for over a year. He said that finding drivers for his printer and other periferals ( sp? ) was a monstrous pain in the ass. If you decide that a 64 bit OS looks like the way you want to go, check for the drivers for all your stuff first.
  24. Same thing happened to me. 4 Gb ( Corsair DDR ) was kinda pricey although it looks like you probably paid more for yours being two 2Gb sticks as opposed to my four 1 Gb sticks. WinXp doesn't seem to recognise the entire 4Gb. When ( if ) Vista gets all the kinks worked out and becomes a decent product, your system will be able to take full advantage of it.
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