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Everything posted by tarna

  1. I got the name from an old animated movie called "Heavy Metal". For being 20-25 year old animation, the babe at the end of the movie looked pretty hot. She had the nasty habit of killing people with a sword though.
  2. We have a winner!
  3. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  4. Let's get it back on track folks. This thread is to harass the new mod, not Gabrielle.
  5. She thinks we're people.........get this........with feelings (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's get this out of the way right now...I'm a guy. The reason I use this avatar is because it looks a lot like my daughter. http://www.mistresslair.net/photopost/show...&cat=500&page=1
  6. Now that's just plain mean!
  7. Shush you, you're only encouraging him.
  8. Don't you have your own forum to spam? <_<
  9. Damn! I was looking forward to the Pay-Per-View money to see me through 'til these guys get me a paycheck for this gig.
  10. We aim to please. *Goes in search of 'bookie' to place wager*
  11. Well if that's all it takes to make you happy... *Now where's that damned button?* Would you like that 'Super-Sized'?
  12. Whhhhhhaaaa? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He called me a newb in an earlier conversation. I recommended he 'bite me'. I guess it carried over to here.
  13. Well since the rest of the mods thought it would be funny to drop me here without my +10 Modstick, I have little else to use. <_<
  14. Thanks Lady. Now I've got to convince these guys that I'm not here to crap in their playhouse. I probably won't post any more than I usually do though. Just annoy people by PM spamming them. And yes folks, I am Eldar's alt. " ( not really )
  15. Just a local lurker. I've modded before and Fionavar asked me to lend a hand watching the forum. This is a pretty busy part of the board and there's a lot to read. I get along fairly well with people ( even those I disagree with ) and will tend to take a member's side if there's a dispute that needs settling. Pathetic huh? I have no life. That's what you get for putting your faith in a big, green dragon. That has always been my take on moderation, that's why I tend to leave things alone and just stay in my little mod corner until needed. I don't mind topics drifting since they do that in real life. As long as stuff stays reasonable where it needs to be as well as reasonably polite, I just kick back.
  16. ...Let's kick the new mod! Since Fionavar, in his infinitely warped sense of humour, decided to mod me to this forum, I figured it would be a good time to introduce myself to those here who don't know me. I've modded a few boards such as Interplay but usually stick to the YoP/Political type areas of the boards. Since you guys don't have the same structured board, they dumped me on you guys here in WoT :ph34r: . I tend to be pretty laid back so don't be concerned about me being a hard-ass. If I do make a mistake, feel free to yell at me for it. I answer all PMs if you choose that route. I tend to close threads rather than delete them because, if I've made a mistake, I can reopen the thread. Very little of what I do is written in stone so if you guys don't agree with something I do, I'm always open to discussion. Anyway, if you guys have any questions for me or just want to blame for for the sins of the other mods , now's the time.
  17. Bowling for Cats.
  18. http://www.club300.ru/public/content/media...new/cat_new.swf Give it a little time to download.
  19. I thought I was your alt. Dammit, I keep forgetting . I stop in and lurk from time to time and this thread looked too fun to pass up.
  20. I drank waaayyy too much in those days .
  21. I wasn't talking about you Eldar. I have seen the situations that I described though ( no I'm not telling who or where ). These are some of the things I think about when I see an alt's actions when compared to the 'regular' account.
  22. Evil and geeky eh? Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on. There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ). Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day. Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. " Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.
  23. The use of alts to influence a poll result would be one obvious problem. How about this... Suppose a member has 2 or 3 alts. Each alt has a very different persona along with a personal history. Different country of origin and possibly a different gender. Which alt more accurately represents the actual person IRL and what do the other, very different alts say about the person's emotional make-up? Are the other alt personae a means to vent or are they showing latent instability? Another possibility... A person has two accounts. One is a moderator. The other account is a 'problem member' that screams obscenities whenever the views and opinions of that persona are challenged. Obviously, if this account was known to belong to a mod, there would be a problem but what does it say about the individual in question's ethics? I'm not sure the question should be simply about the existence of alternate accounts but how those accounts are used and how it reflects on the user.
  24. A Wiccan correspondence course with not a single course on ethics. That crowd is going down the toilet fast! Jesus!
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