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Everything posted by drithius

  1. Regarding spells, I wish they'd implement a BG'esque hotkey bar. Properly ordering my hotkeyed spells in PoE 1 was a nightmare, especially if I wanted to remove one.
  2. It's at times like these that I truly bemoan the loss of City of Heroes, one of the only games to truly obliterate the ingrained concepts of Tank, CC, Heal, DPS party roles.
  3. Once upon a time, I pledged towards PoE (1). Eagerly awaiting its release, my experience was completely soured by bugs - especially the notorious stat-stacking bug that saw my Eder w/ 100+ in all defenses at level 5. And so I shelved the game for two years. Nevertheless, I recently returned to it and am glad I did; PoE (with a multitude of patches) was a lovely game overflowing with content. However, some things were especially irritating and I felt I should jot these down as I played through the game. A request: Things to improve upon in PoE 2 Long duration consumables usable from inventory please. Doesn't affect combat balance but eliminates the absolute tedium of juggling food into and out of quickslots. Please include zooming for map screens; the Caed Nua minimap was unnecessarily cumbersome to use. Please include map annotations. Why was this basic feature left out of PoE 1? Make UI icons clearly readable; ie., don't shrink buff and debuff icons down to the point that they're no longer functional. Implement additional selection circle customization. Why do party members in PoE always have a selection circle even when not selected? This doesn't help clarity in battle whatsoever. I have not been following PoE 2 too closely (see comment about soured PoE 1 experience due to bugs), so this may be getting addressed... but please for the love of God improve upon pathfinding. The Infinity Engine "pushed" people out of the way if those people weren't set to 'guard'; the PoE 1 equivalent seems to have the characters simply run around continuously at the perimeter of battle. Cue exasperated sigh. Better difficulty progression. It's no secret that the latter half of PoE is far easier than the beginning. I think a large part of this is because the enemy types never evolve after a certain point. I was still fighting spectres and trolls in my last hour! Tying stronghold turns to quests completed was a mistake in my opinion. Please, less RNG tied to loot. Whether it be Azzuro that took 147 game days to show up in my playthrough or the Gloves of Manipulation that I only found (very late) in White March after consulting the wikipedia, please don't randomize sources of unique or otherwise important items. Do not list limited crafting ingredients within enchantment recipes until they've been attained (or through some other mechanism of discovery). Who thought that having the player know most of the antagonists five minutes into the game would be a good thing? Don't lock spells behind late game enemies. Having fought Llengrath near the end of my playthrough (as most other people would I assume), finding four completely new spells was a bit of a letdown. For instance, I wound up using Llengrath's Blunting Wisdom all of one time. Disappointing. In conclusion, while I hope some of these are addressed in the sequel, I would, above all, implore Obsidian to release a more bug-free game for a change. That was my #1 gripe with PoE 1: just how broken it was at release and how it completely turned me off from not just the game but the studio as well.
  4. Found it, thank you. So many hidden branch points!
  5. How the heck do you start Zahua's companion quest? I've had him in my party since the start of WM... and I've just wrapped up WM II. Still nothing. I Even gave him some Snowcap!
  6. I'm guessing no - that each weapon rolls separately for damage? I'm simply trying to confirm since it's been nagging at me for a while now and I can't isolate the information in-game.
  7. Right, but you need to go hunting around for each spell every time you need it because they're scattered throughout multiple levels (unless you've played the game a for helluva long time already and have everything memorized). And it's difficult to remember which protects against what. Anyway, I wrote this up in wordpad for a quick reference. Blind - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) Charmed - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) Confused - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.4[P] - Prayer Against Bewilderment (AoE) Dazed - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.4[P] - Prayer Against Bewilderment (AoE) Disease - Lvl.3[D] - Purge of Toxins (Single) Distracted - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) Dominated - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) Frightened - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.1[P] - Prayer Against Fear (AoE) Hobbled - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.3[P] - Prayer Against Restraint (AoE) Paralyze - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.5[P] - Prayer Against Imprisonment (AoE) Petrified - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) Poison - Lvl.3[D] - Purge of Toxins (Single) Prone - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) Sickened - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.2[P] - Prayer Against Infirmity (AoE) Stuck - Lvl.4[P] - Litany Against Minor Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.3[P] - Prayer Against Restraint (AoE) - Lvl.4[D] - Form of the Delemgam (AoE) Stunned - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) Terrified - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.1[P] - Prayer Against Fear (AoE) Weakened - Lvl.6[P] - Litany Against Major Afflictions (Single) - Lvl.2[P] - Prayer Against Infirmity (AoE)
  8. I'm trying to figure out the intricacies of counterspells in PoE but it's difficult to learn what's available as a cure (to paralyze for example) without any guide sorted by said effects. The closest thing I've found is the wiki debuff guide (http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Status_Effects), but this is sorted by the ailments and I am looking for the second half of that information: a quickly available means by which I can see what provides immunity (or cures) to said effects. A resource on spells sorted by defensive stat (fortitude, reflex, will, deflection) would be lovely as well… As it stands right now, I'm playing in more of a "kill them before they kill you" playstyle - rather than a reactive/proactive, tactical one. I've started on a personal "cheat sheet" reference for affliction cures, but if there's something already out there, please do tell!
  9. Hey there, Boeroer. Thank you for your work in writing up your various build posts. I was curious about how you would compare the Fulmineo against the Witch Doctor? They both appeal to me since they're not the typical Torment-spam builds. I like the sheer mobility of the Fulmineo but making use of The Long Pain is also enticing. Do you typically find yourself short on wounds with the Witch Doctor (since he's so stationary)? This would be for party-play.
  10. Just ran into my first taste of WTF stats: Even after dismissing/re-recruiting him, he was still up at 82 deflection. <---- sour taste
  11. Am I crazy or is the person to voice Aloth the same guy that voiced Virgil of Arcanum, Rino Romano?
  12. Triying to decide on talents for Durance and the wording on this weapon style talent has me thinking... So, do I merely need to have a two handed weapon equipped to do more damage (1.15x) overall?
  13. Sigh. Original Sin all over again. No more physical reward pledge tiers for me.
  14. I'm looking move the NPC portraits from down below to the side - is it possible? Not seeing how.
  15. I'm obviously missing something... the Expert Mode option is greyed out and unselectable. ...nevermind; I assumed you could select it at the start screen.
  16. Give us a dungeon comparable to the depth (in scope and story) of Durlag's Tower! All these years later, and BG: Tales of the Sword Coast still sparks so many fond and poignant memories; even moreso than most of the base game.
  17. Give us auras, buffs, dispelling, AoE DD, AoE dispelling, etc, etc. Dragon Age's magic system was woefully shallow when compared to Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale systems. Give us something that Jon Irenicus could have a field day with! And if you can somehow fit in a smashing wave clone that obliterates your enemies into dozens of chunks, I'll love you forever and ever.
  18. Hear Hear! I was mildly disappointed that Obsidian was going the traditional fantasy w/ magic route, but we can at least hope that it will strive to be more original with world's inhabitants.
  19. After having recently (re)played Wizardry 8, I really adore how some older games allowed you to pose questions to NPCs using keywords. It really got you thinking about the game's world and its characters!
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