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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. Wouldn't wanting to change be somewhat different than desiring to change? I think to desire something is to crave something, whereas to want something is more in tune with fulfilling a requirement, a moderate or even modest wish to find or achieve something. Also, one could argue that all change carries a sense of loss, and in that perspective a suffering of sorts.
  2. But how good is the movie?
  3. It's like one of those Elseworlds (DC's version of Marvel's "What If?", which shows alternate situations and characters, like a medieval Batman or a commie Superman), and Batman just gone up and became a Viking.
  4. I already am a level 55 Goblin Assassin :cool:
  5. Nature of the social beast with a mind of its own. No one budges, no one cares, merry go round of idealism. My point is better than yours because morality is a bore as long as its not my own. As long as I can replace the impact and worth of death with side issues; replace the loss of life with hollow numbers, pointless statistics, abstract myself from victims so I can promote my own ideals; I can sleep better. Who cares for lives that never were, never became, dreams left unfulfilled, paths never taken, when its so much convenient to me to reduce it all to a number and conjure reasons that satisfy my ego? Its easier to keep killing than stop doing it; much easier to hate than to love. Welcome welcome hypocrits smiling. Your words are as murderous as bullets and bombs.
  6. Yeah, Rexitiumolinctitus aka G00k Fish went loco. And Killzig aka MacGuyver was funny, and he also went postal. But just the whole deal kickboxed my brain
  7. zomg my brain gains +10 INT!
  8. I'm looking at people like metadigital and alanschu. Tell me intelligent stuff. I need to recover from my earlier spamfest at the Codex... My mind feels like it warped to age 2 and refuses to leave that stage
  9. Or to just dehumanize humanity, to cull all ideas that might lead to war. To utterly remove the meaning of love, hate, society, difference, acceptance from our minds and societies. Of course, I'd rather we were all extinguished before my individuality was neutered and ripped away from me for the sake of the 'greater good' or peace. This, assuming the success of world peace is entirely and exclusively dependant on the extinction of the human race.
  10. The Clash - Up In Heaven (Not Only Here)
  11. Then again, the game wasn't meant to portray the events of World War II with one hundred percent acurateness. Much like, say, Lionheart used real events contrasted with fictional ones, so did Silent Storm. In my opinion it really works because it gives the story and gameplay a fun twist, B movie meets sci-fi. Although I can see why people wouldn't like this, it's how the game is made. And personally the fun still exists after it. The only real problem I had with that element was that the mech suits felt overpowered.
  12. The dame is right on the money.
  13. My cellphone: Although previously I had a Nokia cellphone, quite similar to the model used by Keanu Reeves in the first Matrix, the Nokia 8110:
  14. Victims are victims regardless of social status, gender, ethnicity or political beliefs. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth policies do not bridge the gap between intolerance and differences between countries, they only worsen it. If the real concern is to create a worldwide awareness surrounding underpriviliged countries and their inhabitants, there are ways to do this. Terrorism, bloodshed, intolerance and flat out extremism are not such ways.
  15. Why thank you, you dreamy stud, you. (this is great roleplaying considering i'm actually butt ugly and overweight ke ke ke hooray 4 teh intranets1!!!!)
  16. ^I don't think that's entirely true. Game development is increasingly becoming a very lucrative field, so it's not all that impossible to find cases of people who went for game development without liking games.
  17. I heard there were two confirmed victims. Also, the explosions seemed to have occured in six tube lines, along with three buses.
  18. Apparently the blasts were in four separate tube lines. Coupled with the reports of an exploding bus, it's looking less and less like power surges. Unless power surges are now sentient and able to move around.
  19. Not only does he beat anorexia, he likely eats pounds of it.
  20. Ready to kick ass and chew bananas. Unfortunately for us, they're fresh out of bananas.
  21. Them Frenchies will dread the day they messed with the UK for the champion of the oppressed rises to fight them! Or not. Seriously, hopefully this situation won't get any worse. I really wonder if it's due to power surges has authorities said.
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