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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. I asked if there were similarities, and you stated that there were similarities to an extent...
  2. Book information on Amazon.com IMDB entry Wikipedia entry It seems there are some similarities, as Darth Flatus pointed out... But isn't individualism the opposition to all forms of control, of authority, over the individual? My frame of mind is that my interests in society more often than not are different than my interests as an individual, if not somewhat opposed. I can't personally tell where I begin and society ends on several aspects. I find my interests are predominantly monopolized by a sense of obligation towards concepts such as family, or law; respect of structures which I find inherently flawed or self-serving as opposed to contributing to individuals or communities. Though as you say this doesn't preclude individualism; anyone in theory can live by an independent principle, and avoid society's interference with his belief, but what is the limit? It seems true, absolute individualism will always be very hard to attain. In theory mankind can also build societies which will always support and promote people's growth in a positive way, and this would ultimately be something like an utopia. But isn't this a double edged sword? Determining what is best for someone or something may not be necessarily the best. A society could allow humans to grow unmolested by radical environment, viruses, the chaos that would likely come from lack of structured, ruling hierarchy, etc.; and mankind could grow prosper and safe, but this would cost placing control in others' hands rather than our own. Note that I'm not arguing that absolute individualism is better than the positive aspects a given society can bring.
  3. Out of curiosity does it bare any similarities with Battle Royale?
  4. Well said It's like my brain's acquired this great amount of knowledge! But now I don't know what to do with it... >_>
  5. One kicks ass, the other chews ears... Hard to say.
  6. I have to finish reading that book sometime, but with my current backlog... But in what way? I suspect that the absence of a regulating authority that would keep human growth and advancement, when in the context of a society, in check would likely slow down, halt, and possibly regress humanity. Then again, we evolved before there were any forms of socialiatal societies - who's to say we can't do so again? In what ways do you think a lack of such authority would contribute to the deevolvement (I'm not even sure this word exists) to groups of individuals, or people trying to be truly individual?
  7. I think those elements make us unique individuals, but not necessarily examples of individualism. No one else is like me, but I am like everybody else: physically distinct, but socially and morally bound to what is written and considered the norm. My life is my own, but my own life falls into the cracks that others' lifes often do. I don't believe I am living for myself, and I doubt I ever will. I find myself doing things I do not want to get things I don't think I particularly need and to please people I don't like at all, hate or am afraid of letting down (if they haven't let me down in the first place, that is). Am I really that different from others? And how do you define yourself, the "I"? I'll drudge up more unfounded and ignorant opinions just for the sake of conversation, and submit that no one truly exists as an individual because we must conform to a reality that does not allow us to grow or become our true selfs, actual individuals. We are limited by self-regulations, barred by laws, we are tied by social, political and moral conventions which most of the time neuter our perceptions and desires, and confine our abilities. When we do not place regulating powers in others' hands, we are regulating ourselves. Am I a true individual considering I don't allow myself to be more? To be truly individual? Ah, wasted youth...
  8. Honestly I do not believe in the concept of soul, although I agree with your point (and the rest of what you wrote). However, would you agree ethics derived from exclusively personal interaction with oneself are always founded on external interaction first and foremost, it being a base for future interactions (even only with the self)? It is said that men does not become good or evil because of his interactions with others but because of interactions with himself (or something to that effect). But it seems before going through that he will need to have a base, an example or set of examples that will allow him to do so on his own, ie, he'll need to judge others and learn from interactions with them before he can stop judging them and rely solely on interactions with himself. Speaking of which - how does someone relying on interactions with no one but himself define his own morality? If I choose not to interact with others, how do I allow my own morality to grow, or even improve itself? I may rely on my morality but what if a more better shaped morality would suit me best how would I know of this if I did not interact with others?
  9. Baley as a god would be interesting. THE POWER OF SPAM COMPELS YOU!!
  10. Police in Birmingham are evacuating large parts of the city centre. Earlier they issued a warning they had received intelligence suggesting a threat to the area. "Our response needs to be proportionate in the action we're taking and in informing the public," a spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said. Police are now closing down the Birmingham Broad street entertainment zone and asking people to go home. A statement will be released shortly. "It's quite tense," said BBC journalist Toby Brown. "An air of urgency has been injected into the proceedings. Many people obviously don't know where to go." No vehicles were being allowed to be moved, he added, while helicopters had been hovering overhead since around 2000 BST. Birmingham resident Kenneth Kelsall told the BBC: "There is a lot of confusion, there appears to be no chance of anyone moving back into the city - but people are remaining quiet." Source Uh oh....
  11. Well, sometimes I do that as well. Other times I have some Ritalin near me >_>
  12. But assuming what we will do has been scripted, why does it conflict with freedom? If you know you will make a decision in the future... Doesn't this mean you had the freedom to make such a decision, the free will to make it in the first place? Knowing what the future holds doesn't necessarily interfere with your choice and freedom unless you or anyone else plans to interfere with it.
  13. ...I don't think what I wrote was particularly insightful. Or great. I think I'm rather prone to ramble on, but lack the necessary coherence, intelligence and articulate speech to make it something interesting :/
  14. I'd dumb. :ph34r:
  15. I think that may vary. It's more of a parallel of real societies. Virtual societies don't have from the onset a goal based around, as you say, necessity or immediate gain but they may have. A group may form to produce something - a community-based hub, all of them with certain aspects, built around one or other function. Gaming clans are an example of a society which entails a gathering of likeminded individuals who carry out virtual activities based around fun or competition (or both). Hierarchies can also be created, even, as well as rules. And it seems they are similar to real societies with the exception that they are built around systems and ideas as virtual as themselves (though you can no doubt attribute, or derive real ideas and values to/from them). Survival gains a faux meaning there, in terms of physical, real survival that is. People here follow the rules (well, most anyway) because I think they want to belong to this particular society, or group. Same applies to other virtual groups they may belong to. Is it to gain relevancy, or some shred of individuality trough collectivism, making yourself present/useful/validated and therefore trying to outline your individualism? People who do not succumb, obey to, or follow social standards or laws that would be considered as oppressive or regulating probably would not bother to register here and suffer scrutiny from other members as well as moderators. But isn't it said there's something in the human race that appreciates control? Man wants to be judged; if God did not exist, then there would need to be something else created to keep him in check. Without control and observation, what defines men? Or their exploits, or lives? If there is no one to judge you, or to label your deeds, then how do we find self-worth in ourselves? If we feel this need, doesn't that make a search for true individualism a contradiction? I think I'm getting a fever from typing the above.
  16. Well one day I woke up and these people told me to be nice to the government. If I kept quiet they'd give me candy... And I've whored myself out ever since. Seriously I can't tell you why I am a part of it. That position was expected of me long before I was born and handed down to me before I could even think. Currently I am a part of society because I don't know why I am a part of it. It's suggested that something like survival is considerably greater when man manages to belong to a group or organization (though I think the aspect of subsistence is changed... it remains the same at its core, but the survival achieved trough hunting in large groups has been replaced by survival trough association with large groups which can bring social prestige, status, etc.). But I'm missing one important thing, the reason as to why its believed this is required rather than optional.
  17. I'm ignorant of the teachings of Buddhism, but escaping the 'same entity' idea for a minute, what makes us individuals? Supposedly individuality maintains the ideas of individual freedom, and the importance of the self. But can we truly be individuals under those aspects? It always seems to be true individualism is a rare (if not impossible) thing to achieve when in the context of man as a social animal, 'condemend' to accept or at least live with social conventions and rules. In fact, importance of the self seems to suggest that it is the opposing end of the concept of society, or collectivism... Is true individualism only achieved by purging society and more importantly society's control over the self? Help a poor retard understand life!
  18. .Nevermind then. I vote MacGuyver and retreat to my hell hole.
  19. Me or you, for that matter. Or anyone else.
  20. And what precisely makes me an individual?
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