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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. Maybe because we are more accutely aware of our own abilities, ourselves as opposed to other beings? Or because hating and destroying is easier to us than loving and creating?
  2. Llyranor's post was already sarcasm itself. He's known to do that for ill-received games like Lionheart.
  3. Holy Love.
  4. I rest my case :D I appreciate the help nonetheless. I'll do some eyeometer translation. Wikipedia members can later correct it or improve it.
  5. Babelfish makes my skin crawl. Sometimes it makes badly translated Japanese console RPGs look like contenders for the Nobel literature prize.
  6. Is anyone able to translate some German text into English? Or preferably, direct me to a solid German to English online translator? I was looking to add an article to Wikipedia and am looking for information concerning it, but stumbled across some german pages and all my efforts went achtung bitte bitte nein nein.
  7. Great movie
  8. Seems trendy. Making promises for a game, coming up short, then 'fixing' it all with a sequel.
  9. And how much of it influences someone's growth?
  10. Theoreatically, I was considering expressions of individualism based on any kind of controlling society. Just the desire to be free of any boundaries, moral or social. Yes, I know, I sound like an ignorant, wide-eyed, hippie detached from reality. Though as you said, different expressions would exist. I assume there would be less motivation to firmly achieve or express a modicum of individualism depending on that kind of society.
  11. Fair enough. By individual I mean either the condition of being an individual as a distinct entity (as distinct as one can be); or a form of distinction based on opposing any form of authoritary control and promoting independant liberty. I may have been using the terms interchangeably; if so that was a clear error on my part. A better distinction was perhaps needed. As such my theme of discussion has been primarily focused on the second meaning rather than the first. To answer your question I feel egotistic and selfish may be wrong depictions of the concept, while contrary and anarchist might seem better... Though I still maintain that I believe there is some measure of differences between individualism and anarchism.
  12. If I'm elected I promise to keep fighting the tyranny of gookery everywhere it rears its ugly head and crappy Pepsi jackets! Well, Avant Browser is more of a frontend to IE, and does a good job as it is. I've been tempted to change before, but for now it's fine.
  13. "More information"? Exitium is a douchebag, that's all the information we need to know. I sent Saint a PM from these boards, as I don't have his email stored in my email account. Just told him about the situation, and showed him the same picture. In all honesty I'm not concerned if the ban is lifted or not. That I have been banned from there by "Rexexitumolinvictus" just proves I was doing something right - just as right when he changed my forum rank to some insulting title. If the ban is lifted I will keep giving hell to that overbloated attention whore. If it isn't, I don't care. All the same to me. The only downfall is that several of the board members are fun people to talk with, but hey, them's the breaks.
  14. I feel all warm and fuzzy just knowing that I managed to aggravate that drama queen BAN THE G00KS LOL
  15. Anarchy could be seen as a sort of individualism, I guess. though I think (*) there are some differences. Well, as before, anarchism could be considered an aspect of individualism... Both seem to share similarities when it comes to the belief that rulership is unecessary. Except while anarchy is focused on a desire to have a stateless society, it's still based on the concept of voluntary social interaction and harmony. Individualism, however, seems to be focused more individual expression and self-reliance, even outside the concept of any kind of social hierarchy (truth be told, I may be confusing it with solipsism?). In all honesty I'm not arguing for either anarchism or individualism, just trying to grasp the concept of individualism and why I feel we aren't absolutely individualistic. As you said, there is a degree of individualism that is possible to attain even when one is inset into society, confident that all my choices are my own but knowing they may be influenced by state, laws, or morals (even if personally one would not directly subscribe to them). The gist of this isn't even trying to claim which would be better - relative or absolute individualism - just discussing how each differs. Because much as absolute individualism is an attractive option, I think I've become such a whore that I'm not sure I'd be able to pursue such a change... I can always be a resignated whore though. The problem is not that I can't find worth in relative individualism, it's just that I can't find enough worth in it.
  16. Evil babies rule.
  17. I am smitten.
  18. Less known, more crude and crass, for some reason I feel myself compelled to read Morning Glory >_>
  19. Needs more spam.
  20. By reading that you "used to", I assume you no longer do it? If so, that's a shame. In all honesty and somewhat off point, I'm surprsed at the number of people I find to be intelligent and with sharp wit in here but that don't communicate (at least not enough in my opinion). If I had a tenth of your, metadigital's, alanschu's, or gromnir's intelligence I'd have already setup a global network of sites pertaining to dozens of subjects, instead of sticking with my campy attempts at poetry and short fiction :/
  21. Interesting viewpoint. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter, good sir!
  22. I've been told German gamers have a tendency to exagerate the value of German games due to the lack of overall good games; anything they get they cling on to. So it might have been just hype and a desire to like the game as opposed to the game's own merits. The Fall was apparently as bad as other Silver Style games, even buggier on release, but fans kept dismissing that. All these patches are supposed to make the game much more playable... But from what I've heard of the game I'm not sure I'd want to play it in any case. That whole Fall/Fallout 3 whoring left a bitter aftertaste to boot.
  23. It can't be more graphic than a lesbian spanking inferno.
  24. At first glance that seems more like the inner workings of civilization... Then again culture can be different things though they all seem to gravitate around human activity of sorts, including (but not limited to) civilization and its aspects.
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