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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. I think KoTOR 3 should have these, whatever console its made for.
  2. I agree. I'm sure Dunst would be much better suited to play Stacy, as she seems to have the right kind of personality and demeanor. She doesn't have the "hot, busty supermodel" look of MJ, anyway.
  3. I'd like to thank Fionavar for solving the mystery of this thread's removal. It's back up now, and will be updated when I find the time and additional info. It will definetely be updated when more Neverwinter Nights 2 info comes out. Cheers
  4. Mysterio?
  5. Topher Grace as a villain... With his frame I can only picture him playing the Vulture. Venom would be a great enemy if a decent amount of special effects made him look as cool and menacing in the movies as he did in the comics, but his original story would be too long to tell. I suspect an alternate, condensed origin would have to be created and used.
  6. Suma? Wasn't it Magna c_um Laude?
  7. I'd tell myself to be weary of dark rooms and suspicious holes in my 17th birthday party. And when all else fails, x=8.
  8. Movie rights on the way. Tom Cruise will play Daniel M'Mburugu, Ben Affleck will play the dropped machete, and the leopard will be played by Elton John - who will use no stunts whatsoever.
  9. The only feminine power I'd like to have are PMS Blast and Radial PMS. Men would freaking cower in fear.
  10. I suspect this thread is going to sink faster than Dungeon Lords. If that's possible, anyway.
  11. More to the point, is he conscious or has he been whacked in the head and is happilly dreaming of his owners while water starts filling his lungs?
  12. A drowning newborn pup trapped in a garbage bag dumped in a cold river at night isn't as sad as imagining that some gamers would salivate over this kind of thing.
  13. I'd be the biggest slu7 in town.
  14. I have to get San Andreas as soon as possible. Times are hard, so I guess I'll have to mug a few old people off the street. Probably steal their dentures and ask for a ransom or something. Just anything to get the game.
  15. System Shock 2 could very well be considered a survival horror game. I think even moreso due to its ability to stress and frighten players much more than any console survival horror I've ever played did, with the possible exception of the original Silent Hill. I never got the same feeling out of the Resident Evil series, for instance, and I find it surprising they're considered by many to be the highest expression of the genre.
  16. That so much sounds like an 80's band.
  17. It's TORN. You all know you want it.
  18. Fair enough, sorry.
  19. Careful, your Visceris is showing.
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