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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Well... I don't know about the rest of male geeks around here, but being "not authorized" isn't exactly what I would call a "wet dream". Perhaps I'm not enough of a geek?
  2. Oh, right. I thought you were referring to the OF: Source mod. Because there is such a mod, right? ...RIGHT? :ph34r:
  3. Well, I don't doubt it, but... has this been released already?
  4. Strong words from somebody that hasn't played the game. Again, it's not so bad as critics say. But then again, I stopped paying people to form opinions for me a long time ago, so what do I know.
  5. Yeah, but I had much more fun with the same concept in JKII. Not to mention I didn't have to go through the whole process of leveling and then getting all the ph4t 1007 needed to be an efficient pk. And it was much easier to change identities... "
  6. He can delete their posts so he's safe... "
  7. Come again? This one is great. Unfortunately, it's the only community module that's come to fruition that I know of. And while long (for a fanmade mod), it's nowhere near the length of DX, so it's finished really quick.
  8. Well, we can't lock it. But you could prune it... "
  9. Yup. The PT I'm supposed to pass to be accepted into the academy involves running a kilometer in less than 4 minutes. It also involves doing 20 pushups, but you have to do them in a row. I believe those 50 pushups need to be done in some 2 minutes or something, so you could theoretically rest a while. Not too taxing anyway.
  10. Because accuracy isn't a top concern of the modern crusader. And still smoking is bad for sex, even if it depends on other factors to cause ED.
  11. What are you talking about? The gameplay of RotS is WAY better than that of the JK series (and I'm a vet of the JO/JA community). Saber duels are handled in a way that resembles the movies much more closely, and the Force is better balanced too. The game's faults are the awful camera and its shortness, but not the gameplay. The game shines in that aspect.
  12. That's a different issue altogether. I'm not going to debate the anti-tobacco lobbies blowing it out of proportion, as that is obvious. AFAIK, stress is much worse for your sex life than tobacco. Alcohol is known to be actually good for sex in small to moderate amounts, and devastating in large amounts (too much booze and you won't be able to, even if you want). But alcohol it isn't the target of a "holier-than-thou" social crusade, so that's beside the point. However, the original statement was "Smoking is bad for your sex life", which holds true. Nicotin is a vasoconstrictor, which if combined with other vasoconstrictors, stress or other unfavorable circumstances can result in erectile dysfunction. Granted, tobacco will hardly make you impotent by itself, but it's bad anyway.
  13. Yes, funny how anything is a "xRPG" these days.
  14. Considering that's Holo-Bastila we're talking about here, I'd say that's a given.
  15. Not really. I was simply amused at your apparent threatening us with doing something stupid for a stupid reason. You go, Volo. Do a Google search for "smoking and impotence" and watch the results. While I'm not a physician, I have a feeling that if it was "categorically untrue", it wouldn't be so widespread a notion. Yes, yes. I know that flat Earth was a widespread notion too, but the scientific method was applied for this one.
  16. I agree that playing characters like Obi-Wan and whatnot in a CRPG severely limits the RP'ing options. But that is not the usual level of character predefinition used in CRPGs (In fact I can't think of a single game that has you play a character of Vader's scope). I assumed your comment was aimed at games that have you play characters like Revan or TNO. My bad for assuming. So, yes. While you general statement about CRPGs is valid, it's a moot point, as such game would hardly be a RPG.
  17. HA! You say that now because somebody noticed it while you didn't!
  18. Please, don't let us stop you.
  19. It didn't look like you were addressing the original post, more like making a general statement about CRPGs. I already explained that. Vader leaves no room for [creative] roleplaying, while a character with a defined background (but whose motives and personality aren't specified) can be whatever you want them to be.
  20. That is not a valid comparison. Vader is a known character with very well defined demeanor and motives. In CRPGs where you don't start as "Mr. Nobody", your character is already defined, but you know nothing about him, effectively allowing you to roleplay him however you wish.
  21. That's the version I got. The one that runs with the XvsT engine, right? Still no music.
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