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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. The krogans are dying because of the genophage and the wanderlust which is a result of it; but the warlike mindset predates it by far. Wrex is simply trying to find a way to prevent the extinction of the krogan around the genophage. The reason societies progress forward is because their advances give them a decisive edge over competitors. That it takes player intervention (made flesh in Wrex) for a krogan to even propose these changes is exactly what I'm complaining about. How many other krogan share his views? Have you tried importing a save where Wrex died on Virmire? As for what the writers may have been thinking... irrelevant speculation. Only meaningful discussion can be about what is in the game, no? The blood rage thing was already present when the krogan were uplifted. The codex (just checked) says their planet was destroyed in nuclear war four thousand years ago, roughly two or three thousand years before the salarians made contact. The blood rage is explained as an overwhelmingly advantageous trait from a natural selection perspective, which is crazy-silly. In a post-gunpowder society, physical toughness and blind aggression aren't decisive. Psycho gangs in post-apoc scenarios aren't alone: they prey on settlements. Who do these barbarian krogan prey upon? Each other? How long would it take for such a society to collapse or evolve? One-dimensional.
  2. The woes of a free market economy. Adapt, survive, thrive.
  3. Fixed. The krogan and the asari thing isn't representative of anything - you don't even get to talk to him. If there was a krogan doing somersaults, it wouldn't lend much more support to what you are trying (and failing) to show. And the fish-obsessed krogan talks about going to the presidium and killing all turians there. How was that you said... Oh yeah: So, where can I get Bizarro Effect? I'm not going to get dragged into a discussion about ST with you. Suffice to say that even the writers disagree with you about that enough to add another facet to the race in ENT. Klingon lawyer?! OMFG N0z That they are in ME? Seriously, chances are you are just drawing another imaginary connection, that doesn't actually exist anywhere else... IIRC, the blood rage thing is "promoted" to survive in the post-nuclear environment and had nothing to do with the salarians. Which is pretty stupid by itself and another excellent example of what I'm saying, as it's not uber macho bull**** that can rebuild a society but initiative, intelligence and, yeah, you guessed it: production. Looks like somebody in the writing team isn't familiar with the concept of diminishing returns. Can't argue with their popularity. Can't argue with Paulina Rubio's popularity, either.
  4. Perhaps that we are critically short of Sir Charles Napiers? Sometimes I wonder...
  5. I know it's true, I gathered that much from your post. The message they are trying to get across with the ad, though, needn't be. But the point is that when you're being mugged (or, especially when otherwise attacked), you aren't in control at all. So the idea that just giving up everything you're carrying will protect you is as much a mental paper armor as carrying a weapon.
  6. Good points. But they could do it when they imagined the Thorian, the rachni, the Reapers, the geth... As for the more anthropomorphic species, the krogan are the only race lacking individual distinctiveness past the cultural stereotyping. Quarians, turians, asari, you meet a lot of different characters. Krogan... not so much. Even the "scientists" have a warlike mindset. Didn't work for Klingons, doesn't work for krogan. And no, a culture like that couldn't have discovered fission. It would have been destroyed while trying to attack cultures with a more utilitarian approach to war. War isn't about who has the toughest warriors - it's about who has the biggest production and the most manpower. It's debatable whether the krogan culture in Mass Effect is a product of the defeatism and irredentism brought about by the genophage... but that doesn't do anything about the lack of depth of krogan NPCs. You must have been playing the Director's Cut.
  7. Which are, eh, perfectly legal.
  8. Doesn't. Apart from being the most WTF?-moment in the game that I can remember, isn't really worth it. And no, she don't put out either. :/ edit: actually, I just remembered that she does.
  9. It's not hypocritical to focus on one issue over another, and whether the effort is worth it depends on your point of view. I was perhaps not as clear as I should have been. What I mean is that it's hypocritical to focus on (read: bash others over the head with) one relatively minor issue, when one is actively or passively involved in other, bigger issues. You guys heard of antibiotic misuse? Hella scary...
  10. He was fine... except he's a krogan. I mean, the whole "KILL! MAIM! MURDER!" thing applied to an entire culture is quite silly. I remember than in ME1, Ash and Wrex have an Elevator Convo, and Wrex specifically mocks this krogan stereotyping. Sounded promising, but Bio chose to take the easy path and reduce krogan to multi-gonad Klingons. And since Grunt is the UBER krogan, he ends up being uber silly. So... what you're saying is that she's exactly the kind of person you'd expect TIM to choose to watch his multi-billion cred investment? I liked her precisely for that. And her cameltoe. Whoa, you can actually fail that mission? I must have got lucky then. Didn't have to backtrack once.
  11. Yeah, because cops are always there to protect and to serve, and 99 out of 100 times, carrying a weapon will result in the weapon being used against you. Because it was on the telly, right? It must therefore be true.
  12. Er, wasted effort? Diminishing returns? Hypocrisy? The point isn't that this gets attention, it's the disproportionate amount of attention it gets, compared to its real importance. Its importance is in turn established by comparison with the impact that this and other problems have. Because it's pretty silly to focus on the effect that smear on the walls can have on children if those children won't live long enough to develop a tumor because the unhealthy living habits they learned from their parents causes a stroke before 40 (yup, smoking doesn't help with this, either). Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in developed countries. Just sayin' I'm in neither camp myself. I don't smoke, but the biggest problem smokers cause me is the foul smell that clothes get when people around smoke heavily. But I'll have to get around to washing my clothes all the same...
  13. Gotta agree with Wals... there are much bigger health concerns than this. "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training... what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates Used to have some bad asthma episodes myself, for the record.
  14. Well, she's supposed to be bat****, so... WAD
  15. You said it man. And to add insult to injury he won't share whatever he's on, even after you put up with all his crap! No fair. ;C
  16. ^Yeah well, it's the over-the-top dark and edgy wannabe, which amounts to about 75% of her persona. The other 25% are emo scenes that fit badly and feel forced. Nobody said that fleshing out a superpowered victim of child abuse should be easy...
  17. I'm simply not impressed with Samara's concept... a glorified Space Paladin. That and, ahem, I hear she don't put out. On the other hand, I really like the idea behind SuZe but she's badly written. A shame, because her VO is pretty good. Hopefully ME3 will make her a more credible character. Not having her loyalty means she dies, not some other random chump. Yeah, that looks real fun, until you have some idiot fly over a ledge, and survive. You can't kill it, you can't save, and sometimes you can't progress. And don't get me started on singularity having enemies clip through the floor and walls.
  18. "Mr. Bush! Welcome back, we missed you."
  19. And yet it's perfectly possible to complete the suicide mission with ZERO casualties... and it's not even that hard to pull. TIM: "No need to recruit so many lunatics, Shepard. This isn't really Mission Impossible. More like Mission Difficult, actually" But then again, it's TIM you get the dossiers from. For such a control freak, he sure likes to introduce unpredictable elements into his ops. I think the designers tried a bit too hard to create a "dark and edgy" feel. Aria is dark and edgy done just right, SuZe is dark and edgy overboard. Wish I could have recruited Aria in place of Samara. Yes, the villain aspect is a step back from ME1. But I'm getting the impression that Bio was simply setting the stage for the "grand finale" in ME3, hence the big focus on personal stories in 2. Which kinda makes it even worse that these stories aren't all that good, and is of course no excuse for having a mediocre central plot. Whoever wrote Mordin needs to be made lead writer for ME3.
  20. Can't help you with the others, but take a look: http://www.annakie.com/me/mods.htm ^doesn't do away with thermal clips, but makes them into, well, actual functional heatsinks (what they are supposed to be), that dissipate heat and only need to be ejected if you shoot too much too fast. That Cerberus assault armor is truly fugly... just like the other DLC armors. Bravo, Bioware.
  21. You guys mean that thread is actually worth checking? 0_o
  22. Is this from a mag or you have a link? Hardcore sounds sweet.
  23. I proved nothing save selective reading on your part. L0L r00fles etc
  24. *screams in denial*Search your feelings... you know it to be true. I remembered there's more to ST than DS 9, so yeah, it's true.Particularly, if Shep saved the Council, the similarities are much more obvious. Which is another reason to go full Jerk in ME1 and let them burn. The police state-power vacuum feeling in ME2 that way is more satisfying, I think, but worse for explaining the Alliance (and by extension, the Council's) apparent inaction in the face of ULTIMATE THREATS OF DOOM.
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