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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Well, they can also charge valiantly towards certain death on their own. But it's better than ME1. Also, it's infinitely more stable than ME1. I haven't had a SINGLE crash, and I can't remember any bugs, either. BIO really got their act together in this respect.
  2. Actually I don't care either way. I've seen both approaches work, and it's going to depend on how encounters are designed and what the point of limited/unlimited ammo is... which doesn't make your points any more valid. Since your only apparent virtue is stamina, I'm not even going to bother arguing them piecemeal. But the fact remains that your baiting is losing both pungency and freshness, fast. Kinda like communism. BOR-ING.
  3. Interesting that the most solid arguments you've ever posted are made in ridicule. Quite telling, my friend, quite telling. But no, I doubt it has anything to do with the fat nerd army. The RAGE! about that cooled down quite some time ago, and people (fat nerds are people too) just accepted it. I wonder why they changed it back?
  4. Lame. Taking one person's stated opinion and assuming it represents a much larger group of people, as it conveniently suits your purposes? Yeah, that's really helpful when you're trying to have folks not automatically picture you as dishonest when you don't instantly jump into the "copyright infringement = theft" bandwagon. However, others seem to be investing your opinion of some special authority and weight. Not necessarily your fault, though.
  5. Beat it with a soldier. I really wish there was more to combat than just taking cover. It also sucks that unlike in ME1, a tank build no longer works, so extra damage upgrades are the way to go. Even with the -50% damage during adrenaline boost talent and , standing in the open will get you killed FAST.
  6. Got it on friday, could only start playing yesterday. I'm really liking the supporting cast this time around - I'd say it's the single biggest improvement from the first game. Aria is ace. The asari bartender on Illium, TIM, yeoman hottie, that quarian dude voiced by Adam Baldwin, etc. Talking to everyone no longer feels like a chore. Combat is passable, but I wish it wasn't such a rock-paper-scissors thing. And the game could do with a bit more of customization for characters. Otherwise, I'm having a blast. Except when I'm scanning for minerals, that is. I want a Blasto the hanar Spectre DLC. NAO
  7. No, it wouldn't be stealing because stealing is only superficially similar to what happens when somebody downloads and replicates code without the code author's consent. The concept of theft necessitates of an object whose original owner is deprived from. Ignoring the necessary condition for it but knowingly applying a wrong label anyway is intellectual dishonesty. The problem is that words like "theft" and "original" are obsolete when applied here, and unsurprisingly doing so leads to faulty conclusions. The only reason why these words keep being used in this context is because they drive home ideas of illegitimacy and the criminal quality of the perpetrator, much more effectively than "copyright infringement"... because they are associated to other, better settled and much older things. "Intellectual property" is a relatively new concept, and a new vernacular is needed. Regardless, it's not possible to argue that copyright infringement is the most correct definition. So why are some people still favoring other terms, if we are to assume good faith? Yes, using deadly force against an attacker, raping a woman and strangling her, and failing to follow proper security procedures are all examples of things that can result in a person killing another. But yeah, it's all murder. Those damn lawyers and their damn equivocations, why can't they understand something so simple! Those are just a bunch of silly examples... but they share a much closer resemblance to murder than copyright infringement does to theft, as they fulfill the fundamental condition defining the deed (a person killing another). The link you guys are trying to establish is purely emotional and much more feeble as a consequence. Freeloading is in fact a much better synonym for copyright infringement than "theft". Unfortunately, it doesn't quite have the same punch about it, so I'm guessing folks will stick to "theft". Also, if you think people are overthinking it, you are welcome to write a rebuttal. Should be easy enough, since you are a lawyer, IIRC. Otherwise you can take your holier-than-thou attitude and stick it where the sun don't shine. I'm sure you realize that nobody is just going to lower his head and accept defeat just because you say so. Just sayin'
  8. This. It's a completely irrational thing, but words convey more than just ideas.
  9. Not that I disagree with what you mean, but it's necessary to keep in mind that the current state of affairs in the ROC is the result of a civil war that never saw proper closure. It's difficult to establish what "people" want, when the fractures are so deep as to lead to civil war. I'm thinking "up yours, Mao", but then I realize the ridiculous scenario that would have resulted if the Spanish Republic had "relocated" to the Balearic Islands during the SCW, never formally surrendered, and the French had blocked any Nationalist attempts to invade ever since. It's a ****ed up situation, that's for sure.
  10. Besides, all you goody-two-shoes types are missing out the wonderful world of cracktros and keygen soundtracks. A whole different genre in its own right! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb4ytFpc24Y...laynext_from=PL *dances*
  11. Ignorance is bliss, huh.
  12. 213374U


    Non sequitur made art. WIN!
  13. Not really. If a significant amount of JSDs said that copyright infringement is theft, I'd be more inclined to agree. But that's not likely to happen, since they are in fact different legal types... as far as I know. IANAL If anything, being involved with the game industry makes him less reliable to make such judgements fairly since, well, it's his livelihood that's at stake. Well... time for me to come clean. I admit it. I downloaded Mass Effect. But only after I got a hard copy from the bargain bin, which I didn't even bother tearing the plastic cover from. And I did it only because, mad as it may seem, the scene release contained less malware than retail packages. Less hoops to jump through, less potential trouble to deal with, in short, less headaches for me. Also, I don't appreciate companies illegally curtailing my right to resell games. Is that "theft" or even "piracy"? Now that EA has seen it fit to drop that ridiculous "protection" scheme, chances are I'll happily pay full price for ME2. But yeah, I'm also weird as **** so...
  14. Cool, thanks!
  15. So you managed to get the broad drunk... and you're asking for advice on what to do next?! You're losing your touch, jags. Didn't think I'd see the day. The one thing I want to know about this game is, does it use the same limited-activation scheme of ME1? I may get it otherwise. I have a lv50 fascist pig philanthropist that's itching to rid the galaxy of some filthy alien scum threats to humanity.
  16. Remind me again of the advantages of being a law-abiding citizen?
  17. You know, this comment triggered some sort of knee-jerk reaction inside me. But after thinking about it for a while and considering the huge success of things like Big Whorehouse, America's Next Retard, and The Cutthroat Brown-noser, I can only point out that old CRPGs weren't especially unaccessible... they merely lacked a strong marketing drive supporting them. That and, um, I don't remember being raped in Shattered Lands. *dons monocle*
  18. This is a recipe for disaster, unless you are talking about "world socialism" or some other fantastic scenario. It's also a straw man in the sense that non-socialist regimes aren't slaves to market forces as you seem to be implying. Case in point, the US manipulated the markets effectively enough to bring about the collapse of the Soviet economy. Didn't we go over this already?
  19. He was usually in deep ****. Not the most conducive environment for development of his startling personality, and xenomorphs aren't exactly famous for their conversational skills. I liked him, though. Or at least the way he was integrated into the story to make him look like the guy with the worst luck in the whole USMC. I remember that one time he tries to hit on Dunya... As for the marine in this game... they are probably just continuing with the formula from the original AvP, where you're constantly referred to as "private". That game had NO story whatsoever, though, so I'm not expecting much from this one's plot.
  20. So it doesn't work, but then you provide an example that shows that it does in fact work? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. It's a shame that Cold War era propaganda still has such a grasp of the collective mind that it prevents folks from examining facts with an impartial mentality. And when faced with evidence that contradicts one's preconceptions, it's cognitive dissonance time! "Anti-American surge of testosterone", lol. The thing is, Russia went from an eminently agrarian economy at the end of WWI to possessing an industrial base that rivalled or in some cases outstripped that of the world's major powers by the 1940's. Thanks to, or despite central planning, depends on who you ask. But the fact remains that Soviet industrialization policies achieved their intended goals, and this wasn't an accident.
  21. What predefined jumping points? Looks to me like the player is simply aiming where he wants to jump and a 'jump target' appears when he holds a button (left trigger I think). It didn't seem there was much of a choice where you can place your marker to. Why not just doing it the good old fashioned way and jump to whereever you see fit. Yeah, there's a tooltip about "highlighting jump markers"; tree-hopping has been seemingly made semi-automatic, but you can still teleport-jump around freely with the marker being just for reference. Yeah, I guess people are too busy nowadays to learn the intricacies of action games, such as jumping. And obviously the frustration of missing a jump and falling to death is too much to handle for gamers today! Heeell-ooo, another perfectly good shooter bastardized to appeal to the control-impaired Halo crowd. And the huge ass wristblades look retarded as ****. Nice touch that they seem to have made them both bigger and less effective.
  22. Among other things, that ideology is just a fa
  23. Pro Evolution Soccer, I'm guessing. AKA Winning Eleven.
  24. Again you have missed the point. It's getting ridiculous. Okay, nobody said capitalism is flawless, and I even point that out in my post. But we aren't discussing capitalism, as this is the "Ask me about Communism" thread. But even if we were, communism isn't more justified or less of an unattainable utopy because capitalism is flawed. Two wrongs don't make one right and stuff. "Attempting to solve world poverty"... that's a good one, only you weren't joking. Did you ask Santa for that too, or just world peace?
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