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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Yeah, the good ol' "if you ain't with us, you're against us". Again, there was conscription in Germany since 1935; ~5M men in the 1939 Wehrmacht from a 100,000 men Reichswehr in 1933. I suppose you are suggesting that everyone should have dodged the draft at that time because, well, the Nazis were in power? Interestingly, draft dodgers often joined the SS, to avoid military service. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing... Because the army serves the state and the people and not the Party or the person of the Head of State? Your argument for passive support has some merit, but then, you can extend that to all Germans that didn't actively fight the Nazis. Were they, by your reasoning, Nazis by extension? Why don't we start digging into the reasons why Hitler's hate drivel found so much acceptance with the German people? Say, what have you done lately, putting your own life at risk, to fight tyranny and injustice? Because there's a lot of work for heroes out there.
  2. Being biased is inevitable. However, being proud of (or merely accepting) one's own recognized bias is bad, m'kay? Openly using that bias to justify bald-faced hate is childish, stupid and very dangerous. But we are supposed to smile paternally and let it go because it's a) a Jew doing it and b) a young Jew. Neither is an excuse, folks. Well, there's heroes, and then there's "Hero of the Soviet Union"-s. It's pretty cool how deeply you have mastered doublethink. So, because it's kotorchum doing it, German soldiers = NAZI. Everyone else must be very careful with the distinctions between Waffen-SS, Wehrmacht, Gestapo, SD, party officials, etc.
  3. That's because Carth is more like "an hero", though.
  4. That guy's channel is great!
  5. What would be an example of an unbiased news source? Sources that don't say things like the first statement in the aztlan link.Neat. One of the sources he posted is biased, so clearly all three are biased AND what they are reporting must be FALSE. Uncanny logic. But here, let me dig up a more "respectable" source for you: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/1...ape-claim-block Mythical myths and innuendo, no doubt.
  6. My bad. But you said: (emphasis mine) So you're either claiming he has a deeper knowledge of the facts that allows him to make more accurate judgements, or you're just defending his bias. A doubly unjustified bias too, because his connection to WWII isn't direct.
  7. You ARE being anal. Okay, let's assume I'm a Protestant. Does that give me a more informed perspective on French Catholics because they happened to murder a whole bunch of Huguenots? And so on and so forth with any number of massacres throughout history. Kotorguy has NO personal experience of the tragedies of WWII. I'm not even attacking the validity of the claims of his grampa or whatever. But those are, to us, secondary sources, and their value is not certified because they are being presented by a Jew - so his being a Jew has no bearing on this discussion. But the Wehrmacht as an organization was acquitted.
  8. No, you (or kotorperson) tell me how precisely it relates to the particular WWII subject being discussed. I thought that adding the IDF thing and Palestinians would better illustrate my point. No such luck. But anyway, please explain how the Holocaust is relevant when discussing, say, the Battle of the Bulge? How is it relevant to the development of alternative fuel sources from, for instance, potato alcohol? How is it relevant to war crimes committed by the IJA? How is it relevant to the Battle of Midway? EDIT: Thinking about it, it's not even the the Holocaust, itself. It's the relevance of someone belonging to a group that was targeted for extermination by one of the belligerents during WWII, but without direct connection to the Holocaust himself. So, um, unless prejudice is now somehow a valid form of argument, there isn't much to be said for "relevance".
  9. And I added the Scientology part as obvious nonsense, so he would understand that belonging to a certain group or other is irrelevant with regards to what's being discussed (possible heroism of WWII Germans, in case you got that mixed up with war crimes). You brain farted on that. I'd offer my congratulations, but the situation is already embarrassing enough.
  10. And I'm not sure where his being Jewish, Polish, Russian or French fits in with the unrelated issue of whether a WWII German soldier can be a hero or not. Oh wait, it doesn't fit anywhere. Not to mention the fact that kotorsomethingorother didn't experience the war himself, so he's about as qualified to make value judgements as you or me. His perspective isn't any more "real and human" than any Wikipedia article, but unlike wiki articles, his perspective has no citations attached. By the way, you may have all the college degrees in the world, but you are still failing basic reading comprehension. Lare didn't ask which ethnic or religious group anyone belongs to, which is what I was referring to.
  11. ROFLASDASFASDKHJ And I'm a scientologist. Who asked you and, more pertinently, who the **** cares? In all seriousness though, I suppose we're required to take a Palestinian's opinion at face value on whether an IDF member can be a hero as well, then, if your opinion as a Jew is somehow especially relevant. To be fair to the good Generalfeldmarschall, he wasn't one of the most ardent detractors of the Nazis within the military establishment - only after the tide turned did many of them begin to think that perhaps uncle Adolf and his gang of cranks wasn't the best for Germany. That's not to say there weren't any such cases, but people like von Hammerstein-Equord, von Fritsch, von Witzleben or von Leeb are much better examples. And even so, the reasons needn't be that they all thought the Nazis were "evil". Some resented a Bavarian corporal's growing influence and meddling in what was considered an elite circle, heir of the proud military traditions of Prussia. Some feared the de facto parallel, Nazi-fostered, army in the form of the SA and later SS. Some thought that going to war with the Allies and the Soviet Union was suicide, and some others truly despised the way the Nazis had done away with civil liberties and freedom in Germany. At any rate, these people were professional soldiers in the purest sense, and actively moving against the regime would have been treacherous and demeaning in their eyes. Fedor von Bock exemplifies this thinking: a military man through and through, who remained at his post despite his personal feelings towards the Nazis. As for Wehrmacht members "fighting for the Nazis", this is simply ridiculous. Germany had, since 1935, re-instituted conscription. The Waffen-SS are a different story though. But even in the Waffen-SS there were many non-volunteers and some others that weren't so much fighting "for the Nazis", as they were against communism. See 1, 2.
  12. Yeah. You haven't seen Fight Club? Anyway, I think it's kinda funny that the same people that shell out the big bucks for that crap are in many cases dying to lose a few pounds of lard. \o/
  13. You're just jealous he has a different rig for each game!
  14. Hit a nerve? You must be new here. That's just how I am, what with my chronic allergy to bull**** and all. Now, for the "substance" in your post. The key measures Hitler took to dismantle the Weimar Republic are precisely what I mentioned: the Reichstag Fire Decree and the 1933 Enabling Act, nullifying popular, media and communist opposition, and investing Hitler with legislative power, respectively. The "closest" Dubya ever went to that is USAPATRIOT which, while controversial, was passed by an overwhelming majority (and reauthorized in 2005 and 2006). Further, parts of it were found to be unconstitutional, and had to be struck from the law - which indicates that the system is working as intended, and safe from from turning into an Orwellian nightmare. Care to explain where those obvious parallels are? The fall of the Roman Republic was the result of a centuries-long power struggle between the optimates and the populares, which culminated in a civil war due to the Senate's fear of Julius Caesar and their (and Pompeius') inability to deal with him or find a solution otherwise. Again, I fail to see where the parallels are. The bottom line is, the only slippery slope present here is the fallacy in your arguments. You're right, I'm probably not as knowledgeable on the matter as I think, but at least I'm basing my arguments on real historical events, as opposed to pop culture and new age religioun claptrap. I don't know man, but if anyone's posting fluff and squirming when presented with concrete details, it sure as **** ain't me.
  15. Faceless bureaucrats? You know this is the candidate endorsed by Sarkozy and Merkel, right?
  16. Battle Pope is the only Pope I respect. "When he's not leading mass, he's out kicking ass" You said it's a slippery slope, but failed repeatedly to show how it is actually so. And then, for extra comedy, you accuse me of not having a grasp of history, when in fact it's you who, clearly, has no idea what he's talking about. Read up on how Hitler turned the Weimar Republic into a totalitarian state, and then show me where the analogies lie between W's policies and Hitler's Enabling Act and Reichstag Decree. And the RSHA and the dept of Homeland Security. And the FBI and the Gestapo. Or perhaps you'd like to substantiate your frankly mad theories using the good ol' Soviet Union as a starting point? Because, you see, that's the stuff we're talking about when discussing where that slippery slope of yours would lead. Your lame e-psychiatry doesn't work on me, bub. Next time try an actual argument instead of an appeal to emotion based on prefabricated tags and fearmongering. Funny, because that's exactly what you accuse others of. Much like with that Pope business. Guess it isn't me who's in need of some e-psychiatry. Nobody asked you anything. You felt like rubbing your wiccan/neo-pagan/druidic beliefs (you're so cool!) in our faces, and used the chance to deflect a valid point (yes, sometimes even Hades makes those). Care to try again?
  17. The only thing you'll inherit are headaches.
  18. Alts are boring*. What's the point of putting a mask on top of another mask?
  19. Blame my lack of knowledge of the details of these matters. Still, both the FBI and CIA directors are directly appointed by the President, which links both agencies politically to the government. You said it yourself, all it takes is for either agency to "suspect" that there is illegal activity going on, but now they could do it without judicial warrant. If there's the smallest legal loophole that allows that, the loophole will eventually be found and exploited. The press would have a field day as you say... or not. We're talking legal methods this time around, and the folks that caused the Watergate ****storm had an inside source. State agencies are much more difficult to investigate, and unless I'm mistaken there are legal mechanisms in place to prevent it. That's why you have Senate hearings for that sort of thing, right? But what really bothers me is that the State already has the means to do that sort of thing, with a reasonable degree of accountability. The chief argument adduced to support these initiatives is one of efficiency. So what I can't help but wonder is, the only way to improve efficiency is giving the State carte blanche to spy on people? Really? Er, it's a movie (an overly pretentious one at that), not a BBC documentary. Everything is exaggerated for dramatic effect. You still have to concrete exactly which of these implemented or proposed measures will inevitably lead to a collapse of the rule of law and a totalitarian State, and precisely how will this happen. Of course that may require that you step down from the moral high ground you are so fond of and actually look at issues and people as they are instead of placing tags on everything and everyone and working from prejudice and mantras. I seriously doubt that everyone but you and yours is such a coward. And no, it's not your (or anyone else's) beliefs I'm dismissive about. It's attempts to use arguments from Faith to justify or condemn this or that policy that rile me. Because, you know, that's exactly what that infallible douche in Rome does.
  20. The problem with that isn't that they are going to eavesdrop on the average joe - there's a lot you can do to take advantage from a surveillance system, politically, for example. Think Watergate... only it would have been as legal as Nixon needed it to be. Union leaders, businesspeople and small time politicians more or less unable to maintain their independence, you name it. Better not open that can of worms. Black and white thinking much? A few reforms here and there isn't the same as abolishing the rule of law and adopting INGSOC. Especially considering that the republic you so love was designed in a time where the enemy within and asymmetric warfare weren't real issues. Everything is rendered obsolete eventually. Do you think your republic is somehow timeless? Indeed. Look, I have this nice bridge in London you may be interested in...
  21. Learn to write in complete paragraphs instead of dissecting every single sentence and typing a lame one-liner as reply. Just because English isn't your first language it doesn't mean you can butcher people's posts at your leisure - text cohesion isn't a characteristic of English exclusively, but inability to master it is probably a good indication of serious mental handicap. BTW, I'm not a native English speaker myself either, but I don't hide behind that when I'm being called on my BS. Be more creative, or get a refund on your IQ tests.
  22. That's called mouse acceleration and it ****ing sucks. It makes pinpoint aiming so much harder. You can probably find a .ini tweak or somesuch to activate it if you really want to... but I can't see why you would want to make the controls less responsive.
  23. In your head. No, I think he means it will be, literally, awe-some: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/awe
  24. Cry me a river. You are also grammar impaired, it would seem. A most perplexing occurrence, especially given your self-proclaimed overwhelming mental superiority. As for "insulting" the Ottoman Empire, you should be aware that such a thing is impossible, for two reasons:
  25. There goes the next six months of your life. Check out some of the mods for it. Yeah, without mods the game is a bit... soulless. Or maybe I'm just spoiled. Don't forget to set "unit size" to the max, for increased awesomeness. Downside is you need to start a new game for the changes to take effect.
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