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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Yet another delightfully bad translation work, apparently. Even the summary features awkward grammar that's a staple of the genre. The game looks fun, though.
  2. Oh, I agree. Where would we be without the great tinkerers? Case in point. Pretty much. Gravity was enunciated by Newton in the 1600s. Not only have we NOT found a way around gravity (despite our discovery of flight)... science has been further reinforcing and expanding Newton's postulates. You can only sidestep the fundamental barriers of nature so much.
  3. Actually, it was not only conceivable... it was predicted.
  4. Yeah, big IF. Especially considering that the distortion of space-time (gravitational wave) does NOT travel faster than light.
  5. Yeah, I just had been assuming that when you said "3x 'A' exercise max" it meant working to failure. As for working to your measured max with a minute and a half rest between sets...
  6. From what I've read, photon entanglement-based communications still requires that you send packets over a distance. It isn't FTL, as mentioned in p.37 of the ESA doc you linked to. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_teleportation "Effects" aren't delivered magically across space. In the case of gravity, it's a field that transfers energy (they are trying to find the particle responsible for that). Gravitational waves (effectively the equivalent of sudden changes like "moving the sun") don't travel faster than light -- they preserve causality.
  7. Okay, I don't understand what you're doing. This formally tested total is the 39 pushups you did in the first page? And are you seriously shooting for 3 sets of your tested max with 30-90 secs rest in between sets? I'm confused.
  8. Semantics. AND misrepresentation. The choice to reload imposes a penalty: you get to repeat the segment where you screwed up, until you perform adequately. The choice not to reload has a penalty as well: the game becomes harder from that point on, due to the loss of a companion. Saving at any point doesn't nullify those, but a lack of that feature would undoubtedly make the game less forgiving (if not necessarily more difficult). However, the lack of permadeath doesn't mean there's no penalty for failure. It doesn't mean it's impossible to fail, either. The overall difficulty is lowered, though.
  9. Get out of my head!
  10. You are mad. When it says "3x pushups max", it means you do each set until you cannot perform any more reps. Not to your theoretical max. That is with a given rest time. On the other hand, if you are shooting for a given number of reps in each set, you should rest as much as you need to (reasonably) hit your target. Rest days are for resting. Stick to your plan and don't be greedy!
  11. I see. So, then the answer is "yes".
  12. Feeling a bit cranky today, are we?
  13. No, I mean the speed at which one processor does one calculation doesn't depend on how many processors you have sitting next to each other.
  14. And if you read further down, you can find a rebuttal. In the end, you are still sending data packets across a given distance. The time required for that packet to reach its destination cannot be infinitely small. Using colours means working with photons, which like the rest of EM radiation, travels at the speed of light. As Krez says, that is the true limit, and there's no way around it, that we know of. From a theoretical perspective, "instantaneous" makes sense only if time itself is assumed to be continuous. edit: and even so, I'm not too sure... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_time Parallel processing makes computers faster the same way more bandwidth gives your connection a lower latency... that is, not at all.
  15. I see your giant wyrm and raise you some cheese. IIRC, Aimo used to post here. She had quite a few KotOR (I/II) romance drawings too. What's "hard" for you may be plain impossible for a "casual player". If you have a degree of veterancy (apparently that's not a word, heh) in games that require tactical thinking, you have an important head start, and the difficulty curve is completely different for you. Once you have learned the particularities of the game, you're good to go. How does the difficulty slider change the game? Does it prevent enemies from using special abilities? Does it simplify their tactics somehow? Or does it just decrease the damage they deal and increase damage dealt by the player?
  16. This. All hail the democratisation of games. Customers have a RIGHT to snore their way through epic fights, you know!
  17. When they can't even stand each other, it's difficult to imagine that they would agree to stand together against something other than Israel. And even then...
  18. Yeah, that's the way I think as well. What bothers me is that there's lots and lots of people going on about how serious this is and stuff -- it's another fad for them. And when you start questioning why do they believe that, they either can't answer or recite some pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo that doesn't stand up to closer scrutiny. Most people don't have the scientific background needed to understand the arguments being put forth either for or against it. I am one of those people, but I have enough scientific formation to understand that consensus doesn't equal rigour when science is being discussed. It's not just neocon nutjobs raising doubts about this. And then I can only wonder why we are accepting models that are admittedly inaccurate to dictate the policies we should follow. It's a sad state of affairs when science is used just as another political weapon.
  19. That's the only debate that matters.
  20. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  21. Ya, the first two melted due to global warming.
  22. Er, not quite. It says "protein shake" in that website, but in the paper it uses for reference it doesn't say it has to be a "protein shake", at all. They used essential aminoacids for the study. Which, for the purposes of our discussion, I'm assuming it means pharmacy-grade. And since the protein you get from commercial shakes is mostly whey, which you can get from the cottage cheese I mentioned earlier, I reaffirm my earlier statement that commercial shakes don't offer significant advantages over regular food. Homebrew shakes are a different story. Clicky What we were discussing is the need to replenish your glycogen reserves RIGHT AFTER the workout. The myth page shows evidence against that AND the existence of a brief "post-workout window", which you appeared to be mixing. My Google-fu is second to none, grasshopper.
  23. Yeah, I've seen this post-workout window thing before. Never seen it adequately supported, tbh. More like the opposite, actually. But hey, as I said to mkreku, whatever works for you, man.
  24. You aren't talking about "different economies". You are talking about an imaginary economy that has no resemblance to anything in the real world, as the data abundantly proves. Review the last five pages. Funny, as the chart you posted shows that, despite all your claims, the US isn't the most "free economy". Nor is it the one that has grown the most in any given period you have specified. Then why don't you, gee, I don't know... follow the links? Oh, right. You have had very bad experiences with links in this thread, in the past.
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